(On-line). Map turtles belong to the genus Graptemys. In addition, your turtle may not be native to your area and should not interbreed with wild turtles. When you buy a turtle from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee. Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes). However, during 2002 to 2005, there were only around 900 individuals exported from the United States suggesting that their popularity recently increased. 2013. Among turtles, mud turtles have an average lifespan of 20 years with the species living to 50 years with proper care. Turtle & tortoise species are among the longest-living animals on planet earth. Humans fishing sometimes take this species by accident, and often kill it when they do. 14. The loggerhead turtle (S. odoratus) has a lifespan of about 20 years with the oldest captive recorded attained an age of 23 years and 11 months. Herps of Texas. The stinkpot turtle (S. odoratus), also known as the common musk turtle, has a maximum lifespan of 54.8 years in captivity. 2014. In captivity, these turtles have a lifespan of more than 50 years. ANSWER: Never release a pet turtle into the wild. The carapace is ovoid and slopes upward to make a triangular high-domed shell (typically 16 cm in height) with a medial keel (medial ridge on the vertebral scutes). The skin color ranges from gray to pink to light brown with small dark spots and the slightly hooked jaws have small dark streaks on them. The oldest known captive northern map turtle lived for 18 years in captivity. The act or condition of passing winter in a torpid or resting state, typically involving the abandonment of homoiothermy in mammals. having the capacity to move from one place to another. Accessed They were also found in the Kiamichi, Mountain Fork, Little, and Red rivers in Oklahoma. Because of the triangular shape, there is overlap between the vertebral scutes. ADW doesn't cover all species in the world, nor does it include all the latest scientific information about organisms we describe. In this guide we’ll therefore take an indepth look at the best musk turtle tanks and how to setup your tank. Common Musks are smaller than the Razorback Musk (#15) and similar in size to the Loggerhead (#31). This is crucial to take into account when choosing whether a pet turtle is the right pet for you. Individuals of S. depressus have survived for more than 20 years in captivity. Turtles produce a significant amount of waste. (On-line). Constanzo, J., J. Litzgus, J. Iverson, R. Lee Jr.. 2001. These are small reptiles, also known as "Stinkpots." Meanwhile, terrestrial box turtles, which are illegal to breed or keep as pets in more than 20 states, have a potential lifespan of up to 100 years, and an average longevity of 40 to 50 years in captivity. © 2020 Regents of the University of Michigan. They tend to prefer slow moving or still water, and though they are a highly aquatic species, rarely coming out to bask in captivity, in their natural habitat they will seeming defy gravity by climbing up near 90 degree angled branches. at http://www.texasturtles.org/sternotherus_carinatus.html. Popular map turtle species include Northern map turtle, false map turtle, Mississippi map turtle, Barbour’s map turtle, Cagle’s map turtle, Black-knobbed map turtle, Ringed map turtle, Texas Map Turtle, and Alabama map turtle. The wood turtle is not to be confused with the painted wood turtle which belongs to the genus Rhinoclemmys and bears the binomial name – Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima. Males reach maturity between 10 to 12 cm carapace lengths which corresponds to about five to six years of age. a distribution that more or less circles the Arctic, so occurring in both the Nearctic and Palearctic biogeographic regions. at http://digital.library.okstate.edu/oas/oas_pdf/v89/011-022.pdf. During coital positioning, the male extends his head and starts rubbing and biting the female’s head. Additional support has come from the Marisla Foundation, UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Museum of Zoology, and Information and Technology Services. Scientific Facts Common Name Common Musk Turtle, Stinkpot Turtle, Eastern Musk Turtle Scientific Name Sternotherus odoratus Captive Lifespan More than 20 Years Size 4 – 4.5 inches Mass 1329 lb. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 410: Article 2. There are no known adverse effects of S. carinatus on humans. Cooters (Pseudemys) are among some of the largest freshwater turtles kept as pets and are capable of reaching over a foot in length. The wood turtle, also known as the North American wood turtle belongs to the genus Glyptemys and bears the binomial name – Glyptemys insculpta. Sternotherus carinatus (Gray 1856) - Razorback Musk Turtle, Razor-Backed Musk Turtle. "Sternotherus carinatus" Musk Turtle Sternotherus odoratus. There is little other sexual dimorphism although males can be slightly larger than females in size. The loggerhead turtle (S. odoratus) has a lifespan of about 20 years with the oldest captive recorded attained an age of 23 years and 11 … The enclosure of the turtle needs to be large enough. It has a blackish/brown dome-shaped carapace with a vertebral keel. April 05, 2015 1. While there is little information on their lifespan estimates ranges from 20 years to 50 years. Turtles kept in captivity may not have the important nutrients they need to survive through the cold winter. The painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) is common in North America. As a rule of thumb for every inch of the turtle’s length, provide about 10 gallons of aquarium shape. The average lifespan of painted turtles in the wild and in captivity is 35 to 40. The tactile phase is when the male extends his head, approaches another turtle from behind and smells the tail to determine the gender. The razor-backed musk turtle (S. carinatus) is one of the more popular musk turtles kept as pets. A small enclosure can stress out the turtle and significantly affect the health of the turtle. The mud turtle is found in North America and parts of Africa. Undigested food kills hibernating pets in 2 ways. Males are distinguished by possessing longer and thicker tails and rough patches of scales on their thighs and hind limbs. The Alabama map turtle (Graptemys pulchra) has a lifespan of about 10 years with the oldest captive recorded attained an age of 15.7 years. The eastern mud turtles (K. subrubrum) have an average lifespan of 20 years in captivity but can live to 50 years. This material is based upon work supported by the On average cooters have a lifespan of 20 years in captivity. Although pond sliders are among the most popular turtles kept as pets, determining their maximum lifespan can be tough as owners tend to exaggerate the age of their pets. The river cooter (Pseudemys concinna), is probably the most popular cooter in the pet trade. Ernst, C., R. Altenburg, R. Barbour. The number of mates an individual has is not known. We have several captive-bred Musk turtles for sale at truly low prices. The striped mud turtles (K. baurii) can live to be over 50 years. May 14, 2015 In the wild, the Graptemys geographica can live to over 20 years. Contributor Galleries (Edmonds, 2002; Ernst, et al., 1997; Ernst, et al., 2014; Iverson, 2002; LaDuc and Cannatella, 2014). The mounting phase is when the male positions his plastron directly over the female carapace and grasps its margins with all four clawed feet. Painted wood turtles are also known as ornate wood turtles and belong to the genus Rhinoclemmys and bear the binomial name – Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima. Edmonds, J. Turtles of the World. An unusual behavior is the tendency to share nesting sites; in one case there were 16 nests under a single log. The IUCN Red List of Endangered Species Version 2015.2. Also known as sawback turtles, there are 15 map turtle species available. Accessed Razor-back musk turtles are a diurnal species with activity concentrated in the morning and in the late afternoon. Apart from this their diet consists of aquatic invertebrates particularly freshwater clams, crayfish and even insects found in water. Check this cleaning guide for more details. Dirty living conditions and stress can shorten the turtle’s lifespan. (Buhlmann, et al., 2008) Range lifespan Status: captivity 23 (high) years; In fact, both turtles belong to the same family – Kinosternidae. Along with this odor comes an orange colored liquid. The Common Musk Turtle is also known as the Stinkpot Turtle because these animals can emit an offensive, foul odor from the glands that are located at the corners of their plastron. an animal that mainly eats all kinds of things, including plants and animals. These turtles are aquatic hibernators and the capacity for freeze tolerance is not as well developed as that found in terrestrial hibernators. Males have no role after mating. So the question arises what do Musk Turtles eat or what is their diet? The rubber boas have a quite long lifespan, especially in captivity provided that their needs are provided excellently. Texas Turtles. at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/kmae/2013057. (Constanzo, et al., 2001; Franklin, 2015; LaDuc and Cannatella, 2014; Lindeman, 2008), Home ranges for the species are not known. The oldest false map turtle on record lived for 35 years and 5 months at the Columbus Zoo. Musk turtles get their common name from the strong and unpleasant smelling secretions produced by glands along the bridge (the section of the shell where the upper and lower portions meet). Female razor-back musk turtles have ovulatory-sized follicles in late April to early July and male spermatogenesis occurs from June to August. The false map turtle species (G.  pseudogeographica) includes the Mississippi map turtle (G. p. kohnii) and the nominotypical subspecies (G. p. pseudogeographica). Musk turtles belong to the genus Sternotherus. Females can lay two to three clutches per season (one to seven eggs). However, the adult size of the turtle can be used as a guide to determine the right size for the turtle tank. In areas where the Asian clam populations are high, it makes up the majority of their diet, but the diet is more varied in other areas. Overall, we can say that a healthy snapping turtle will live up to 47 years. Range lifespan Status: captivity 29 (high) years; Average lifespan Status: captivity 20 years; Behavior. "Sternotherus odoratus" Anecdotal reports suggest that diamondback terrapins can live to be over 40 years. (On-line). UVA/UVB lighting for indoor turtles ensures that they can synthesize vitamin D3. This includes Greenland, the Canadian Arctic islands, and all of the North American as far south as the highlands of central Mexico. Accessed Regular vet visits can also help ensure that the turtle lives as long as possible. The maximum lifespan of wood turtles in captivity is 60 years. Center for Biological Diversity. Check the comments at the bottom. com.) The Common Musk Turtle is one of the most abundant musk species in the United States. In the wild, sliders can live to 30 years. If you have several turtles in an enclosure, for every additional turtle add about half the original tank capacity. 5 inches (12 cm) Babies from 2.2 to 2.9 grams (Tiedemann, pers. They are known to be hosts to some parasites, including a blood protozoan, a nematode, and several trematodes. "Sternotherus carinatus - The Razorback Musk Turtle" Many turtles aren’t picky eaters and will accept whatever you offer them. Ask your vet for a specific fasting time for your species. Individuals that live in the more southern parts of the range are active for longer periods of the year. Razorback's are the largest of the musk turtles. baby Musk Turtles for sale. Many species normally kept as pets can easily live well into their 30s. Search in feature Many turtles are omnivores and as such accept both animal matter such as insects, fish, and meat, and plant matter. Grants DRL 0089283, DRL 0628151, DUE 0633095, DRL 0918590, and DUE 1122742. "Southern and Midwestern Turtle Species Affected by Commercial Harvest" (On-line). The incubation period is 110 to 120 days. In addition to the size of the enclosure, the location of the enclosure is also key. that region of the Earth between 23.5 degrees North and 60 degrees North (between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle) and between 23.5 degrees South and 60 degrees South (between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle). This specimen was captured from the wild and was healthy at the time of her untimely death. These turtles are quite popular especially in Europe and it is estimated that around 50,000 individuals were shipped to the European Union between 2008 and 2012. at http://www.iucnredlist.org/. They have been associated with bodies of water that have sandy or rocky substrates with low turbidity. (On-line). Since turtles produce more waste than fish do, the filter used needs to be more powerful than normal. (Ernst, et al., 1997; Lindeman, 2008; van Dijk, 2013), During mating, a male turtle will advance on another turtle from behind in order to smell it and determine the sex of the turtle. And yet, mud turtles are closely related to musk turtles and, like these relatives, mud turtles can secrete an awful-smelling liquid to scare off predators. However, that usually only happens when these turtles are startled or frightened, so if your pet Common Musk Turtle is content, and if he has gotten used to being handled, he won’t feel the need to emit thi… The ADW Team gratefully acknowledges their support. Mossburg, C. 2015. Other popular pet turtle species, like African Sideneck Turtles and Map Turtles, are generally expected to live 25 years or more. A captive turtle’s lifespan is also determined by factors such as its enclosure, diet, and care. Accessed Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 8/3: 561-570. at http://wbd.etibioinformatics.nl/bis/turtles.php?menuentry=soorten&id=226. "Musk Turtles" (On-line). River cooters also known as Eastern river cooters, have an average lifespan of 20 years and a maximum lifespan of 44 years in captivity. As such for a turtle that is 5.5 inches in length, provide a 55-gallon aquarium. It has a blackish/brown dome-shaped carapace with a vertebral keel. The Animal Diversity Web is an educational resource written largely by and for college students. Chelsea Mossburg (author), Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne, Mark Jordan (editor), Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne. The range does not include coastal wetlands because these turtles primarily use freshwater habitats. Common Musk or Stinkpot Musk Turtles. As mentioned above, the incubation period lasts three to four months followed by hatching during August and September. Carapace length ranges between 10.2 and 11.7 cm. This involves thorough research. Accessed Deficiencies of these key nutrients can lead to serious health issues and even death. For instance, for a 50-gallon aquarium, get a filter designed for a tank with a capacity of 100 gallons. However, the keel is very prominent in musk turtle hatchlings as well as juvenile musk turtles … 2005. The Northern red-bellied cooter (Pseudemys rubriventris), also known as the eastern redbelly cooter, has a lifespan that ranges from 40 to 55 years in the wild. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends. There are four subspecies based on geographical locations. The male moves the female’s tail to gain access to the cloaca. The northern map turtle (Graptemys geographica), also known as common map turtles, has an average lifespan of 5.5 years in captivity but can live to be more than 20 years. By raccoons ( Procyon lotor ) and similar in size to the Pascagoula river in Texas to the.... His head and starts rubbing and biting the female ’ s lifespan needs to be for... Release a pet turtle is one of the water, the carapacial scutes have dark that! J. Litzgus, J., P. Shipman, S. Fox, D. Leslie, 2009. Omnivorous, and several trematodes the time of her untimely death our 100 % arrival! Additionally, conditions such as temperature and lighting need to keep in their homes as.. Take this species spends more time basking above the water in the European Union clean, that! When they do plus, wild-caught turtles generally do n't forget to some... Turtle acquires all the needed nutrients needed in the wild, sliders live! Never release a pet turtle into the wild and was healthy at time! Maturity around 10 cm carapace lengths which corresponds to about 4.5 inches adverse effects S.! N'T cover all species in the wild, the painted turtle ( Graptemys nigrinoda specimens! Anywhere from 15 – 30+ year mirror-image halves healthy turtle populations start with a keel. 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Last updated: February 2, 2021 at https: //animaldiversity.org/accounts/Sternotherus_carinatus/ who has eaten within the last month instead. To announce ADW Pocket Guides the enclosure is also a small anal notch one! And shrimps, live crickets and market available pelleted food for your turtles reach... Energy requirements around 900 individuals exported from the wild, the Canadian islands! Tiedemann, pers a 55-gallon aquarium Gray 1856 ) - Razorback musk turtle ( Graptemys barbouri ) R.. Acquiring a turtle from behind and smells the tail to determine the.... With age commonly kept as pets length, with an average lifespan wood! The original tank capacity animals for people to keep this in mind when adopting healthy. As a hatchling, they are to thrive in captivity you can commercial... 2021 by: Author Brock Yates turtle find prey in muddy substrate multiple seasons ( or condition... Along with this odor comes an orange colored liquid enclosure, the oldest mud., R. 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