I give her 3½ to 4 mL evey other day. If so, a trip to the vet is the only way to resolve the problem. Find out what causes your gecko to stop eating and how to treat it. They may lose appetite because they’re living things, every animal does. Leo’s breeding season lasts all the way from February to November. Here’s the common reason: A Leopard Gecko can refuse food if it has a respiratory infection. Perhaps your heat bulb burned out, the heat mat stopped working, perhaps there's a draft going into the cage, or maybe you never had a heat source for your leopard gecko and now it's just gotten too cold. It's fine! If you suspect an illness is a reason for your gecko to not be eating, visit your exotics vet for assistance. At some point, the geckos – especially males – can get so preoccupied with their reproductive instincts that they will stop eating. However, I would still offer them food regularly and try to stimulate feeding. You should know that leopard geckos do not like fruit taste and will only take it when starving or needs more moisture. Her 2 lovely leos, Sonya and Mia are 15 and 14 years old. He still has a nice sized tail, so im not worried about him starving or anything. Offer your leo whatever he likes to eat most to pull him out of the anorexic state. I brought them home and waited for dusk, I put some calcium on them and let them free. Here are the most common reasons behind leopard gecko hunger strikes. Offering a special formula with a syringe. Thank you so much for this informative site! Some females will stop feeding during this period. However, leos may still quit their food from time to time during the season. If your question is urgent, please contact your veterinarian or use a 24/7 vet online service! Weighing your gecko is the best way to know if there is a problem. As you can see, there are many reasons your leopard gecko might not want to eat, and while some of them require a trip to the veterinarian or medicine, other reasons are easy fixes. Gecko stomachs have a hard time digesting sand, and I really believe calcium sand should be avoided. Fasting can be a normal thing for leos and should be approached calmly, but – it should never be taken lightly. I have been hand-feeding her a mixture of chicken, turkey baby food with a pinch each of Rep-Cal Phosphorus Free Calcium with Vitamin D, Herptivite, Spirulina, Leopard Gecko Dust, and three to four drops of Electrodize from ExoTerra. I surely hope so. Don't feed insects from your backyard, and make sure to buy insects from an online source, pet store, or even bait shop. Why Is Your Baby Leopard Gecko Not Eating? This situation simply requires patience. Most can be resolved with appropriate care or a quick trip to the exotic vet. The best course of action is to explore all the possibilities and then consult a reptile vet if any uncertainties linger. Offering a varied diet is a good way to ensure that your picky leo will always find something that suits him. The number one reason why leopard geckos stop eating is that they are too cold. Source(s): https://shrink.im/a9vKY. Constipation can happen with leopard geckos on occasion. Others love hornworms. Some will recommend force-feeding as a last resort. By noting other symptoms (if there are any) you will be able to find a reason behind the event and find an efficient solution. My daughter is new to keeping leopard geckos and after moving the gecko to a new room, it seems not to be interested in eating crickets. Your email address will not be published. This way you can properly monitor the basking temperature and make sure it isn't getting too cold in your leopard gecko's cage at night.Â. If you see signs that your leopard gecko is not well, bring it to the vet earlier rather than later. How did you solve it? Can you feed your Leopard Gecko just mealworms? They can ovulate even without a male present. The skin on the head will flake and come off first. Reasons Why Your Leopard Gecko Is Not Eating. Lack of appetite in a leopard gecko is a common problem – and one of the most frustrating ones. To make things more tricky, the reason for appetite suppression can vary greatly. Unfortunately, a number of illnesses and health issues can cause a lack of appetite. This agonizing experience causes great stress and worry in both novice and experienced leo owners. One may dislike mealworms. You can read a full post on reasons for leopard geckos not eating here. If your gecko is having these problems, try soaking it in a warm water bath twice a day. The change of seasons from fall to winter often brings a lot of anorexic geckos into the animal clinic but more often than not, a simple fix to their environmental temperature will make them start eating … You can’t stop ovulation from happening, but you can keep your leos are in top condition at all times to ensure their bodies won’t suffer during a breeding season fast. If your leopard gecko won't eat any insects and begins losing weight, it's important to try and find the source of the issue and fix it as soon as possible. Maybe you're just not feeding it the right diet. A healthy leopard gecko who doesn’t want to eat for some reason can actually go months without eating (I have one who used to go 6 months in the winter without eating). Active 7 months ago. Margaret A. Wissman, DVM, DABVP, I own three leopard geckos that have never have given me trouble and now two of them that have been in their cage for a while now are not eating. The vet will check your pet for parasites, which is important. It can help you and your gecko to feed them and make them remain fit and healthy. If not, try the hip bath and massage approach described; if you're not able to resolve the problem, check with your vet. After he stabilizes, you can continue to feed a variety of food as usual. A leopard gecko that won’t eat for days is of the owner’s worst nightmares. These include low temperatures, parasites, impaction, stress and more. Could my pet be cold? Also, you can use a home-made liquid supplement called “slurry” to get some nutrition into your leo, but more on that later. Most lizards are crazy about waxworms, which are an insect equivalent of bacon. Well, no one knows exactly. Leopard gecko not eating and acting strange. It drinks a lot of water, but won't eat crickets, meal worms or wax worms. The proper daytime temperature in your leo’s tank should be 75° to 85°F (~ 24-29 °C), with the basking area going up to 90°F (~ 32 °C). Leopard Gecko Pinterest Pin. Our leopard gecko has not been eating, and seems very bloated. Another one won’t touch crickets. Prolapse. Hi all, I have an about 9 month old leopard gecko named Roman. It has miss in a cave that we keep moist, and a … This is a serious health problem. Also, it can cause a lizard to regurgitate partially digested – or undigested – food items. Weight loss of less than a few grams (depending on the size of a gecko) is not usually a concern. Hes relatively healthy overall, but has not eaten the past 2 times ive tried to feed him. If you keep two or several leos together, the weaker one(s) can get bullied. If a completely healthy leo stops eating in late autumn or early winter and spends much time hiding, there is a high possibility that he’s trying to brumate. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. Refrigerate the insects before cutting, as cooling has an anesthetic effect. Are there issues with my gecko's vision? Abnormal Or No Droppings If your leopard gecko has suddenly stopped eating but is still active there are things you can do at home before rushing him into your vet's office. There are two main reasons your baby leopard gecko is not eating: They are getting used to their surroundings. Dr. Dan Adrienne Kruzer, RVT, has worked with a variety of animals for over 15 years, including birds of prey, reptiles, and small mammals. Reptiles can stop eating for a variety of reasons. Your lizard will lick it off instinctively from the syringe or from the tip of his nose. Also, try feeding your gecko some of its favorite foods to increase its appetite, like live crickets or mealworms. 116 116. Common reasons why leopard geckos will stop eating include environmental or temperature changes, the beginning of a shed cycle, stress, illness, previously overeating, and husbandry issues. While it's not possible to absolutely prevent loss of appetite, these measures can help. Is my pet defecating properly? When the time is due, your leo may start rubbing off of rocks to initiate the shedding. Learn how to create a happy, healthy home for your pet. If you suspect your leopard gecko has impaction, and your gecko still isn’t eating or pooping after some baths and belly rubs, then consider taking them to an exotic vet. Thanks again for the information it was very helpful! Then, I will put them into the normal routine. If the weather is chilly and you haven't installed a heat lamp, now is the time to do that. The number one reason why leopard geckos stop eating is that they are too cold. Your email address will not be published. A leopard gecko that won’t eat for days is of the owner’s worst nightmares. Offer him a mealworm or a superworm cut in half with feeding tweezers. Also a little bowl of calcium, food bowl, and water bowl. Your exotics vet can diagnose growths that affect or block the intestinal tract, mouth ulcerations, and other ailments. If your leopard gecko is sick in some other way, there may be a different reason for their inappetence. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet. The problem is she will not eat now. Leopard gecko will not eat its dubias!!! If you suspect your leopard gecko is impacted, switch to a different substrate immediately and try giving the gecko a warm bath and belly massage to loosen the impaction. Refusal of food can indicate some blockage in the GI tract of a leopard gecko. Required fields are marked *. The best course of action is to go along with it. How to Tell If Your Gecko Is Male or Female. This is normal. By JubileePlayz, 1 year ago on Amphibians & Reptiles. Leopard Gecko Care. Chicago Exotics Animal Hospital, 2020. This usually occurs after an incomplete shed and is often due to a lack of humidity in the cage. The only way to resolve the issue is to house your leopard geckos separately. If you’re not sure of the reason, visit the reptile’s vet. Ovulation is a process of egg formation in female leopard geckos and occurs from January through June or July. I recommend that you try to additionally stimulate feeding if the reluctance to eat goes beyond a couple of weeks. Lower your leo’s temps according to recommendations and make sure to gradually shorten the lighting period. How Do I Know If My Leopard Gecko Is Overweight? If your pet is sluggish or has other symptoms, a trip to the vet is a good idea. Ask: Of course, your gecko may have stopped eating for a different reason than is listed so if you've tried all the tips above with no improvement make sure you schedule a visit to your exotics vet so they can help you figure it out. The change of seasons from fall to winter often brings a lot of anorexic geckos into the animal clinic but more often than not, a simple fix to their environmental temperature will make them start eating again. However, you should avoid feeding your leopard gecko with fruit because fruits comprise high sugar and acid. It provides important nutrients such as amino acids, proteins and fats to sick exotic carnivores, but can be used in cases of anorexia as well. 7 Reasons Your Leopard Gecko May Be on a Hunger Strike Rest assured, if your leopard gecko is not eating… there’s a reason! If your leopard gecko's metabolic rate is decreased due to temperatures dropping below 70 degrees Fahrenheit then it will most likely stop eating. This is the first and the easiest thing to check when your leopard gecko acts lethargic and weird is the temperature. This agonizing experience causes great stress and worry in both novice and experienced leo owners. Other eye problems include corneal ulcers and retrobulbar abscesses that would cause your gecko to stop eating.Â. I have a leopard gecko who's a little over a year old. Be sure your pet's enclosure is warm and free of items that could be accidentally ingested. Read our, How to Prevent Lack of Appetite in Leopard Geckos. Leopard gecko will not eat its dubias!!! The bad news is that if a leo is not keen on a certain type of food, there is a slim chance you will be able to change his mind. Note that it may take a gecko over a month to start eating once in a new environment. Viewed 2k times 3. Abscesses, eye injuries, tail and toe problems can all be pretty uncomfortable and make your gecko not want to eat. A tank that is too cool can result in refusal to eat, as well as a general lack of activity. That is the reason why responsible reptile experts are always against cohabitation. While your gecko is submerged you should gently massage its belly. These include: Thanks to fatty deposits that make their tails so plump, leos can go without a meal for a long time. My personal procedure on receiving a new gecko is put them in their lightly misted and heated tub in a rack, feed them after about 2-4 days, and leave them be for at least a week. In this article, you’ll find all the common reasons why a leo would quit feeding, and what you can to bring his appetite back. Breeding season fast can last even longer. Most parasites cause lethargy, diarrhea, runny stools and poor appetite. Check out Section five for info on how to do that. Your leopard gecko won’t eat because it is infected with parasites If your leopard gecko is infected with parasites, there is a big chance that it will be refusing to eat. A gecko who is not eating because it’s sick, may lose weight rapidly if it doesn’t eat, but, as I mention in the article, not eating is usually a symptom, not the original problem. Reason #1: Stress. Leopard geckos can go quite some time without food, but when it comes to water, they need that in their systems a lot more frequently or else they will, in fact, become dehydrated. The stress can cause them to stop eating. If you are not comfortable with making your own for any reason, there is a product called Emeraid Intensive Care Carnivore that is suitable for leos. Not eating. Consider the following 7 reasons below. Days of refusing to eat turn into weeks, and it is perfectly normal for a new leo owner to become heavily worried at this point. Not eating is something you cannot ignore, so make sure when you feed the animal, they are at least eating some of the food you provide. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 4 months ago. Leopard geckos are insectivores, which means that they eat insects. Fasting is different for juvenile leos and adult leos. Did you ever have any issues with your leo’s appetite? The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. The next section will teach you more about how long can a leo last without food. Leopard Gecko Not Eating. I only feed my leopard geckos mealworms, and know professional breeders that do the same. One of the most common stories of leo’s lost appetite has one central event – leo just got into a new home. They need some time to adjust to their environment (and the fact they’re a lizard). In these situations, the most common scenario is that, after weeks have passed, a healthy leo will start eating. Leah. This happens when leopard geckos eat their substrate. Although chances are small, some serious housing and health issues could be the real reasons behind your leo’s lack of appetite. Katarina is an environmental analyst and she has been involved with herpetology researches. If your leopard gecko recently got a chill from a draft or had a decrease in their environmental temperature, it could have a respiratory infection that has caused them to stop eating. Some leos will react with an appetite to their prey’s bodily fluids. It would be extremely cruel to create experiments to determine that, but anecdotal evidence obtained thanks to gecko escapees and poorly kept animals tell us that they can last for a month or even more without food. The main ones include being too cold, suffering from fecal impaction, illness, injury, or experiencing vision problems. Handle your gecko carefully to avoid injury. They Still Will Not Eat - Hand Feeding The Easy Way He may also lack an appetite for up to a week before shedding. As long as you gut load the mealworms before offering them to your leo, they will supply all the nutrients he needs. This could be minor, resulting in a simple feeling of “fullness“ in the gecko, or this could be major, preventing movement of waste out of the body and causing serious issues, even death. Hopefully by sharing my experiences and how I’ve dealt with these problems, it can point you in the right direction for getting your herp back to a normal feeding schedule. The water should be deep enough to cover your gecko's hips. 8 years ago. I've had her for about a month now. Once they start eating, ween them away from the wax worms as soon as possible. Leopard Geckos can go months without food and weeks without water so this is not the a major concern. However, if your leopard gecko is refusing to eat, don’t get desperate. Is my gecko behaving normally or might it have an infection, injury, or illness? Respiratory infections are the most common medical reasons for reptiles not wanting to eat. It still is eating mealworms, but my daughter was getting very worried. A good staple diet can consist of crickets, mealworms, or silkworms. It can also stop eating before the geckos’ shed for a few days. Leopard Gecko Mealworms – Can they Eat Just This? December 1, 2011. If your leopard gecko hasn't defecated recently it may be impacted with fecal matter. Supplemental heat is necessary if you don't keep the room where your gecko is located around 80 degrees Fahrenheit and not many people keep their homes this warm. A heat mat works well but it will not warm the air as well as it does the cage flooring so it is hard to monitor what temperature it is where your gecko is sitting. Avoid foods like super worms that have the potential to cause digestive issues. That is because there can be other reasons that might cause your leopard gecko to stop eating. I am not convinced of it yet because your gecko has been not eating only for a short time and has it's eyes closed. Personally, I would never do this on my own without consulting a vet first, as it can lead to grave injuries if not done right. I JUST found a store that sold dubias so I was overjoyed,in short i bought 24 dubias for about $6. This is especially common for newly acquired leopard geckos. There are several common reasons why a baby leo won’t eat. A good temperature gun will enable you to quickly check the temperature on both sides of the tank. If that doesn't help your gecko pass their stool and urates you should take your gecko to a vet. If your gecko will not eat anything and continue skipping its food, then it can lead it to severe illness and makes them s weak. New leopard geckos can go over a week without accepting food. Copyright 2018-2020 © All rights Reserved. In cases of digestive distress (e.g., mild impaction), a swim in lukewarm water will help your leo pass the stool and get his metabolism going in general. Terrarium Quest is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. During the process, leopard geckos will sway their body, and pull and tug at the old skin using their mouth. Leopard Gecko Lizards Not Eating. Urate plugs can also cause a blockage of fecal matter. For how long? I have reptile carpet, a warm hideout, a cool hideout and a humid hideout. Not much, as wax worms are high in fat. It is much better and more cost-effective to have a simple heat light on the enclosure. A seemingly healthy animal won’t even look at the insects it used to chomp down on happily at his previous location. Your leopard gecko might not be eating due to stress, because something is wrong with their environment, a dislike for their food, or due to an illness. No, it is not advisable. Some, however, are tougher to handle. This was the question in my head, and the reason why I will explain why this is not correct. Perhaps your heat bulb burned out, the heat mat stopped working, perhaps there's a draft going into the cage, or maybe you never had a heat source for your leopard gecko and now it's just gotten too cold. A leopard gecko may not eat due to several reasons. They are docile natured and are happy being handled by adults and children. While we do our best to answer your comments as soon as possible, we can’t answer them daily. It's been over a week, and the tail has really thinned out. Your vet may need to administer an enema to your leopard gecko or they may discover it has intestinal parasites or needs other medical attention. If there are no underlying conditions, some leos will regain their appetite by licking the slurry. Basically, an organ is trapped outside of their body. Baby leopard geckos are easy to care for, they are not fussy eaters and will eat a variety of foods. Some leos will “insist” on entering winter rest – called brumation – even if you don’t change the tank temperature. Let us know in the comments. 0 0. Fortunately, due to their metabolism and fatty deposits, leos can live normally for a surprisingly long time without any food. It is completely normal for your baby leopard gecko to not eat for a couple of days after hatching. The best approach to treating lack of appetite in a leopard gecko is to examine your pet's environment, behavior, and physical appearance and make your best guess as to the problem. Also, your leopard gecko can get impacted by eating food that is too big. Make a “gecko slurry”, which will provide a quick dose of the essential nutrients and vitamins to a starving leo. Many sources say that it’s completely acceptable for leos to fast throughout the entire season. Retained skin on the eyes can block your gecko's ability to see it's food, especially if it's trying to catch a cricket. Leopard geckos can lose their appetites for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it's due to something we've done or fed them previously and other times it's because of an illness. If your leopard gecko has a wound or is in pain because of an injury, it may stop eating. This may resolve the problem in just a few hours. If you have a possibility, have him checked out by a vet if the food refusal lasts for more than a month. How Long Can Leopard Geckos Go Without Food? To take care of a leopard gecko that won't eat, make sure it has a cool area in its enclosure that's around 74 degrees Fahrenheit and a warm area that's around 90 degrees Fahrenheit since geckos might not eat if they're too hot or cold. If geckos are not eating correctly, then try to provide them with some best food for leopard gecko. Is your mind a bit more at ease in relation to the leo hunger strike now? This fecal impaction could be due to a recent large or hard meal your leopard gecko ate, such as super worms, or from bedding material that was accidentally ingested. Some leos are simply picky eaters. Even a captive leo will most certainly feel the changing of the seasons. Thankfully, Leopard geckos can go for months without food and weeks without water so there is no immediate cause for concern. Although leopard geckos do not eat fruit, some geckos can eat fruits. Crepuscular is a common leopard gecko. She's been keeping reptiles for 15 years, mostly different species of turtles and leopard geckos. This is nasty, common in geckos and has not treatment. Many Leopard Gecko owners are told to fed their Leo’s just mealworms or crickets, but is this best practice? A couple of days to ago I tried to use mealworms for the first time and they hardly ate them. Check the temperature regularly. Here are a few strategies to help your leo eat again. If your leopard gecko still isn’t eating after checking on these things, it is time to contact the veterinarian. To make things more tricky, the reason for appetite suppression can vary greatly. If you know your gecko has an injury be prepared that it may not want to eat until its pain is controlled and it is feeling better. Make sure that your leopard gecko is not eating only because of shedding. However, if your leopard gecko is refusing to eat, don’t get desperate. Because of their high energy and nutrient demands, young leos can get more damaged by a prolonged period of not eating. They are pretty geckos and have long life spans, they are known to live for up to 20 years or more, making them long term commitments. If your gecko acts normally with normal open eyes and continues to not eat and lose weight then cryptosporidium (parasite) is a much higher possibility. If your leopard gecko doesn’t seem to eat the crickets or mealworms right away (and this is rarer that you would think), here is a TIP ALERT- try a wax worm or two. However, after a month, you are entering the uncharted and possibly unsafe territory. Get desperate daughter was getting very worried take a gecko ) is not eating only of! Unfortunately, a cool hideout and a humid hideout by JubileePlayz, year! Re living things, it is completely normal for your pet 's enclosure warm! Out what causes your gecko is not correct hes relatively healthy overall, –... The only way to resolve the problem believe calcium sand should be avoided only feed leopard! The mealworms before offering them to your leo whatever he likes to eat goes a! A normal thing for leos and adult leos, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the within! Gecko may not eat fruit, some serious housing and health issues could be accidentally ingested may. 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