How Much Pool Shock To Make Bleach The following information is presented as a result of my own testing. Common chlorine sanitizing products are great for maintaining chlorine levels, but not necessarily eliminating new waste, bacteria and algae. This is a popular option for larger, commercial pools because it can be quickly added in large quantities. Olympic 2 Gallons of Shock-It -Liquid Chlorine Pool Shock - Commercial Grade 12.5% Concentrated Strength - 1 Gallon 4.6 out of 5 stars 45 $45.95 $ 45. The liquid chlorine – Use 1 gallon of liquid chlorine per 10,000 gallons of pool water. Pour the mixture into the water, around the edges of the pool. Go [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], Using an automatic chlorinator means you’re getting the best of both worlds. You’ll definitely enjoy the ease and simplicity behind its design, allowing you to “set and forget” the system after placing your chlorine tablets and initiating the correct settings. By remembering to place your automatic chlorinator in your pool system before the filtered water re-enters the pool, you’ll make sure the water in your pool is properly cleaned and chlorinated.Â, Out of the three option, this one will require the largest initial investment, however for the convenience and ease of use it’s definitely one you’ll want to consider. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]That is everything you need to know about pool chlorine and shocking your pool. This is what is needed to break into the algae cell nucleus so that it’s DNA structure, so, its replication will become much impossible thereby killing it. In that case, never add more than half a litre per 50,000 litres. Liquid pool shock (liquid chlorine) can degrade over time, so make sure your stock is fairly fresh. A. Pre-mix the pool shock in a five-gallon bucket. Many people may be asking what might happen in case a less dosage for this is added, for this, a more combined chlorine can be created and thereby exacerbating the problem at large. It's stronger, but chemically identical, to regular grocery store bleach. When the chlorine in your pool is not doing the trick, you may need to shock your pool. Do not enter the pool until the chlorine levels are below 3 ppm! In case the pool is dark green in color, or there are heavy black or yellow algae spots, there is a need for triple shocking the pool. To raise it to 10 ppm, you need 5 gallons. It is in essence, not intended to be presented as absolute fact. of nonchlorine shock to the water. The minimum chlorine amount required for this is 30 ppm. As a pool owner, you need to know that chlorine sanitizers are usually with varying strengths, so, different dosages are required to bring about desired results for different pools. The average amount of chlorine required for pool shocking is 3 1/2 quarts per 10,000 gallons of water. An easy why to factor the necessary amount of chlorine to shock to hit break point is to increase chlorine ppm ten times the total combined chlorine. Superchlorination, also known as shocking or chlorine shocking, is the process of adding several times more chlorine to the pool than is normally needed so that the chlorine can “burn” through […] Pool Certificates In the market, you will find out that most pool shock packages state addition of 1 lb. Liquid chlorine is one of the safest means of sanitizing your swimming pool, without worrying about putting excess (since each gallon contains a measured quantity) in your pool. In the market, you will find out that most pool shock packages state addition of 1 lb. The minimum chlorine amount required for this is 30 ppm. As a pool owner, you need to know that chlorine sanitizers are usually with varying strengths, so, different dosages are required to bring about desired results for different pools. If that happens, then the problem would have been resolved well. To prevent the problem from developing again, you need to keep brushing and always maintain a close eye on the chemical levels to ensure it doesn’t return some other time again. For the case the pool has been infested with black and yellow algae, quadruple shocking is the option to go with, for every 10,000 gallons of pool water, you are required to use 4 pounds of it. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], Avoid skin and eye irritation by waiting the recommended period of time before going for a dip! Ensure the pool pump is running. Many pool owners are left wondering what the best way is to shock their pools. Though I am confident in my own results. The handle of a pool net works well to mix the water and the shock. Go to step 6Â. If you shock your pool during the day, the sun’s UV rays will dissolve the chlorine. The water is spread amongst the pool by the return jets, leading to a far more effective spread of the chlorine amongst your pool. Step 3: Begin in the deep end of the pool and start pouring your chlorine in as you walk around the perimeter of the deep end of the pool. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], Walk around the pool and evenly pour the water-shock concoction for a more even distribution. To others, 30 ppm, seem to be such an excessive amount but then, this is truly the minimum required amount to resolve the problem. If you need to mildly shock a 30,000-gallon pool by raising the free chlorine concentration to 5 ppm, you need 2.5 gallons of bleach. Here’s What Happens Next. shock in every 10,000 pool water gallons. This type comes in tabs (or pucks) or in granular form and can be distributed in a variety of ways. Water testing strips or liquid reagent testing kitÂ, Simply subtract the FC from the TC to find the CCÂ, The result will determine the amount of shock required by your poolÂ, Subtract the FC from the product to find DifferenceÂ, Find out how many grams of shock (MS) will affect a chemical change of 1ppm chlorine in 10,000L of waterÂ, Divide your Total Water Volume by 10,000 to calculate the Divided Water VolumeÂ, Multiply the divided water volume by the mass of shock needed for chemical change by the DifferenceÂ, You now have the required amount of shock in grams, simply divide by 1000 to find it in kilogramsÂ. Shock treatments bring free available chlorine levels to 8 to 10 ppm, which is outside of the safe range for swimming. So, how much liquid chlorine to shock a pool with algae? And of course, there is liquid chlorine. Wait until chlorine levels decrease to 5 ppm before swimming. This usually requires adding 10 times the amount of combined chlorine present in (ppm). ABN 81 639 948 459, Shocking your swimming pool is an integral part of owning a pool, and admittedly can seem like quite the daunting task.Â, Having to handle such a large quantity of chemicals is enough to make anyone feel intimidated, however it really doesn’t need to be!Â, Adequate protective clothing (long pants, long sleeve shirt, gloves)Â. Walk around the pool and evenly pour the water-shock concoction for a more even distribution. To prevent the problem from developing again, you need to keep brushing and always maintain a close eye on the chemical levels to ensure it doesn’t return some other time again. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], Now add the shock to the bucket carefully, and slowly stir it in so that as mn with your stick, so that as much of it dissolves as possible. With the filtration (circulation) on slowly add the solution directly in front of your return line. – What to Know. Most floating chlorinators can hold anywhere from two to eight weeks worth of chlorine, depending on conditions suc… In case we assume that pH adjustment has been done and the water in the pool is clean, you should consider resolving your problem by simply adding granular chlorine to the pool. You should be patient for a couple of days to see if the problem completely disappears. The best weapon to eliminate this problem is the use of chlorine. Sodium hypochlorite (liquid pool chlorine/swimming pool shock) has a nice yellowish color. Add the correct amount of pool chlorine into the bucket. It is best only to use liquid chlorine by hand to carry out chlorine shock treatment. Add super shock chlorine Next you’ll need to give your pool a shock dosing of chlorine. For this case, you are required to use a shock of 2 pounds for every 10,000 gallons of pool water. fill the bucket up two-thirds of the way with water. Add 1 lb. Factors that lead to algae outbreak in a pool are many bather load, high temperature levels and more sunny days. As simply as that, you can keep your pool fresh, clean and ready for a swim just by following this 7-step pool shocking process.Â, Make sure you share this handy guide with someone you know is about to shock their pool. Â, Which is why the main differences you’ll be looking out for is the concentration of chlorine per bottle and the different methods of application for each specific type.Â, They can be found between 10mm – 35mm and are a very simple yet effective choice for the everyday pool owner.Â, Moving away from the more essential capabilities of the basic chlorinating tablets, you will find many manufacturers provide multifunctional chlorinating tablets too.Â, These range from products such as 2-in-1 sanitiser and shock treatments, as an example, whilst others might soften water or remove contaminants from the water.Â, Similar to your average household bleach formula, only 2 – 3 times stronger, it is very simple to apply and use.Â, However, despite being such an effective and easy to use chlorine choice, you will need to be mindful that the shelf-life is generally much shorter; usually only a few weeks at most!Â, Due to the extreme potency of liquid chlorine you will need to exercise great care when handling the product.Â, Make sure to wear appropriate clothing (enclosed shoes, eye protection, long pants and gloves) when handling the chlorine.Â, If you do happen to get any chlorine on your skin, make sure to wash it off immediately and thoroughly.Â, 7) The following morning check that your chlorine reading is now in or above the normal range of 1 – 3 ppmÂ, Granular chlorine, as the name suggests, is chlorine as in granular form which provides exceptional value by being very multifunctional.Â, The chlorine granules will effectively sanitise, shock and kill algae with single daily applications.Â, As always remember to take care when handling and storing your chlorine and speak to your local pool shop for any assistance.Â, The first method is using a floating dispenser to distribute the chlorine amongst your pool water as it dissolves.Â, If you have a pool liner you may want to steer clear though; if the dispenser unevenly distributes the chlorine you may discolour or damage your liner!Â, They are a very convenient and low-maintenance option, allowing you to “set and forget” as it spreads the chlorine throughout your pool water.Â, One great and convenient method of applying your chlorine tablets is to place them in your skimmer basket and let them dissolve as the water flows over them.Â. Here, for every 10,000 gallons of pool water, you are required to use 3 pounds. Feel Leave the pump running overnight in order to keep the chlorine circulating in the pool. To achieve better results in case the pool is very infested with algae, repetitive shocking is required to completely destroy the cells. Do not pour granules of shock into the bucket and then add water. You will have to make sure your pool pump is constantly running as it dissolves to avoid a super concentrated chlorine solution that could potentially damage your pool equipment. If you want to save a few dollars on your electricity bill, look into purchasing a variable speed pool pump to make sure your pool system is running efficiently. 95 FREE Shipping Only 8 left in stock - order soon. Avoid skin and eye irritation by waiting the recommended period of time before going for a dip! In case the pool is dark green in color, or there are heavy black or yellow algae spots, there is a need for triple shocking the pool. For this reason, non-chlorine shock is a popular choice for pool owners during the cooler months – it won’t stain or damage vinyl and plaster. Using an automatic chlorinator means you’re getting the best of both worlds.Â, You’ll definitely enjoy the ease and simplicity behind its design, allowing you to “set and forget” the system after placing your chlorine tablets and initiating the correct settings.Â, By remembering to place your automatic chlorinator in your pool system before the filtered water re-enters the pool, you’ll make sure the water in your pool is properly cleaned and chlorinated.Â, Out of the three option, this one will require the largest initial investment, however for the convenience and ease of use it’s definitely one you’ll want to consider.Â, December Is National Check Your Pool Gate Month, The 2020 National Drowning Report Is In – And The Data Proves Pool Compliance Works, Got A Letter From Council? to shock a pool with algae? Make sure to fully dissolve any clumps that are at the bottom of your bucket before emptying it into your pool. If you add more, this will not have a more positive influence on the water quality. Add 1 pound (0.45 kg) of pool shock to the water, then stir it to mix it in. A minimum amount of 30 ppm is what needs to be considered to resolve the problem. You also need to shock your pool with chlorine. How Often Do You Need to Replaster a Pool – How do I know when to Replaster my pool? Some shock treatments work quickly, and swimming is safe after just 15 to 20 minutes. The common term for this is called breakpoint chlorination. Let the pump run for about six hours or more. DIY Pool Safety Evaluation, Copyright © 2016-2021 Pool Safety Solutions So, how much. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text], [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], Conduct a Free Chlorine (FC) and Total Chlorine (TC) test to calculate your Combined Chlorine (CC) levels. Â, Read and follow the manufacturer provided instructions to correctly measure the amount of shock required.Â, If you weren’t provided instructions or you need to do a self-calculation use the following as a rule of thumb:Â, You now have the required amount of shock in grams, simply divide by 1000 to find it in kilograms [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], If your chosen shock treatment needs to be dissolved first (otherwise go straight to step 5), do so by filling up your bucket three quarters of the way full with warm water. Go to step 6 [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], If you do not need to dissolve your shock treatment, then add the required amount of shock you will need, one at a time, until you reach the breakpoint. In case we assume that. Chlorine shock can come in granular form. There are different methods of Superchlorination, depending on the type of pool and how dirty it is. For more information about pool cleaning and maintenance read our post about How To Clean Your Pool. Make sure to fully dissolve any clumps that are at the bottom of your bucket before emptying it into your pool. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]That’s it! As simply as that, you can keep your pool fresh, clean and ready for a swim just by following this 7-step pool shocking process. Make sure you share this handy guide with someone you know is about to shock their pool.  [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], The first step to keeping your pool water hygienic and sanitised is to choose the right chlorine for you and your pool.Â, Chlorine is an essential part of your pool set-up which kills algae, bacteria and other micro-organisms.Â, You can purchase chlorine in liquid, tablet and granular form, with most common supermarkets stocking one form or another.Â, Despite all the flashy marketing and packaging, they are all the same thing; chlorine!Â, Which is why the main differences you’ll be looking out for is the concentration of chlorine per bottle and the different methods of application for each specific type. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], This tablet form of chlorine usually contains a stabiliser to protect against excessive chlorine breakdown from sunlight.Â, Chlorinating tablets are also generally slow dissolving and keep your water clear when used in conjunction with your floating chlorine dispenser, skimmer or automatic chlorinator.Â, They can be found between 10mm – 35mm and are a very simple yet effective choice for the everyday pool owner. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text], Moving away from the more essential capabilities of the basic chlorinating tablets, you will find many manufacturers provide multifunctional chlorinating tablets too. These range from products such as 2-in-1 sanitiser and shock treatments, as an example, whilst others might soften water or remove contaminants from the water. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], Similar to your average household bleach formula, only 2 – 3 times stronger, it is very simple to apply and use. However, despite being such an effective and easy to use chlorine choice, you will need to be mindful that the shelf-life is generally much shorter; usually only a few weeks at most!Â, Liquid chlorine is administered directly into the pool water and left to circulate through the pump system overnight for full effect.Â, Due to the extreme potency of liquid chlorine you will need to exercise great care when handling the product. Make sure to wear appropriate clothing (enclosed shoes, eye protection, long pants and gloves) when handling the chlorine. If you do happen to get any chlorine on your skin, make sure to wash it off immediately and thoroughly.Â, Also, as liquid chlorine does not contain a stabiliser you will need to make sure you add the chlorine after sunset to ensure the sun’s UV rays don’t break down all that new chlorine!Â, 1) Fill up a jug with the manufacturer recommended quantity of the liquid chlorineÂ, 2) Go to the deep end of your pool, and hold the jug out as far as is comfortable and safe for you to do soÂ, 3) Carefully pour the chlorine into the waterÂ, 4) Avoid splashing the water or chlorine as you pourÂ, 5) Brush your pool floor and wall, ensuring that any algae growth on the sides is eliminated and the chlorine is stirred well through the waterÂ, 6) Leave the pool cover open and the pump circulating over nightÂ, 7) The following morning check that your chlorine reading is now in or above the normal range of 1 – 3 ppm [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], Granular chlorine, as the name suggests, is chlorine as in granular form which provides exceptional value by being very multifunctional. The chlorine granules will effectively sanitise, shock and kill algae with single daily applications.Â, As always remember to take care when handling and storing your chlorine and speak to your local pool shop for any assistance. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text], The first method is using a floating dispenser to distribute the chlorine amongst your pool water as it dissolves. If you have a pool liner you may want to steer clear though; if the dispenser unevenly distributes the chlorine you may discolour or damage your liner!Â, They are a very convenient and low-maintenance option, allowing you to “set and forget” as it spreads the chlorine throughout your pool water. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]. Without the help of a pool pump or a brush to distribute the shock, damage can be caused by concentrated chlorine settling in one area of the pool, such as the steps or floor. The amount of chlorine shock always depend on how much you want to raise your cholrine level for and the total amount of water in your pool. If that happens, then the problem would have been resolved well. To achieve better results in case the pool is very infested with algae, repetitive shocking is required to completely destroy the cells. Unfortunately, you can’t shock your pool using your regular 3-inch chlorine tablets. Now add the shock to the bucket carefully, and slowly stir it in so that as mn with your stick, so that as much of it dissolves as possible. [vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text], Shocking your swimming pool is an integral part of owning a pool, and admittedly can seem like quite the daunting task. Having to handle such a large quantity of chemicals is enough to make anyone feel intimidated, however it really doesn’t need to be!Â, It’s the part of caring for your pool that ensures your pool is ALWAYS fresh and ready for swimming…Â, … And you can do it 7 simple steps. Over the winter or during times of disuse, algae have a tendency to grow. Non-chlorine can come in a salt form. To raise it to 10 ppm, you need 5 gallons. Now you’re all protected, let’s get that pool shocked. Liquid chlorine is typically the cheapest option and is poured directly into the pool, but with pH level of around 13 it does require careful balancing of your pool water which can increase costs. Shock can come in various forms, including liquid and powdered. Chlorine's concentration is 10 – 15% available chlorine while [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row bg_type=”bg_color” bg_color_value=”#efefef”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text], Always remember to wear all your protective clothing and equipment.Â, Now you’re all protected, let’s get that pool shocked. When it comes to pool chlorine vs shock as a method for keeping your pool clean, the main difference is in their strength. For other products, you’ll need to wait 4 to 24 hours. Pre-Mix* Always add the chemical to the water, not the water to the chemical.Always add the chemical to the water, not the water to the chemical. Pool owners should never worry about this since it’s little education that is required to resolve such a problem. has been done and the water in the pool is clean, you should consider resolving your problem by simply adding granular chlorine to the pool. How much liquid chlorine to shock a pool with algae? You should shock your hot tub once a week. Pool shock refers to a granular oxidizer, a powdered form of chlorine that's used for pool water therapy. It’s a non-inflammable liquid, thus extremely safe to A minimum amount of 30 ppm is what needs to be considered to resolve the problem. You will have to make sure your pool pump is constantly running as it dissolves to avoid a super concentrated chlorine solution that could potentially damage your pool equipment. If you want to save a few dollars on your electricity bill, look into purchasing a variable speed pool pump to make sure your pool system is running efficiently. shock in every 10,000 pool water gallons. Algae spore may turn sparkling pool waters into green color murky mess if there is no any apparent warning for this. A while later, I tested the levels and came up with almost no available chlorine detected. nucleus so that it’s DNA structure, so, its replication will become much impossible thereby killing it. Stabilized chlorine is used as a disinfectant in automatic chlorinators. To others, 30 ppm, seem to be such an excessive amount but then, this is truly the minimum required amount to resolve the problem. Floating chlorinators use tabs and distribute chemicals over time. Liquid chlorine, which is the same chemically as bleach, but has a higher concentration of chlorine, also can be used in a pool. Add 2 cups (400 grams) of granulated chlorine (not stabilised) or 3 tubs of 15L chlorine (as it's actually only 20% chlorine and the rest is water). Fill the bucket up about 1/2 full of water. This is what is needed to break into the. Keep in mind that the, You should be patient for a couple of days to see if the problem completely disappears. Liquid Chlorine Versus Powdered Shock The "Shocking" Story Sanitization is the one of the major components of ensuring that your pool is swimmable for you and your family. Since the chlorine content is lower than other shock in every 10,000 pool water gallons. However, but some people believe it is not a good value. Make sure that your granular shock is of a high percentage. One great and convenient method of applying your chlorine tablets is to place them in your skimmer basket and let them dissolve as the water flows over them. The water is spread amongst the pool by the return jets, leading to a far more effective spread of the chlorine amongst your pool. Most of the time, you'll just pour the directed amount into your skimmer, and keep the pump running to distribute it. The stronger levels of a super shock product will quickly kill or neutralise any organic substances in your pool. The Effect of Water Temperature on Swimmers. Fill up a jug with the manufacturer recommended quantity of the liquid chlorine There normally exist three types of algae namely; the standard green algae, the dreaded black one, and the stubborn yellow type. Pool owners should never worry about this since it’s little education that is required to resolve such a problem. They’re meant to be used together, and if done correctly, you’ll quickly find out why they’re a great one-two punch for restoring your water to a pristine state. Clean Pool and Spa recommends raising the chlorine levels 10 times for every part per million of free chlorine when shocking a pool. Or if you have any questions, send an email to[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row], Privacy Policy Many people may be asking what might happen in case a less dosage for this is added, for this, a more combined chlorine can be created and thereby exacerbating the problem at large. A pool brush – This will allow you to distribute the chlorine effectively. If you do not need to dissolve your shock treatment, then add the required amount of shock you will need, one at a time, until you reach the breakpoint. It is best for daily sanitizing because it lasts longer. How Long Should Pool Tile Last? But when it comes to shocking your pool, there are choices. Â. How do I Superchlorinate? Here, for every 10,000 gallons of pool water, you are required to use 3 pounds. Stir the granules into the water with a mixing stick. To resolve this problem, there is need first an individual to determine the type of algae a pool has developed. Granular shock products vary in strength. It's 1 gallon of liquid chlorine per 10,000 gallons of pool water. If your chosen shock treatment needs to be dissolved first (otherwise go straight to step 5), do so by filling up your bucket three quarters of the way full with warm water. The term shocking means to add enough chlorine to pool or spa water to destroy all combined chlorine present in the water. This is my first opening. The only thing you want soaking up your good pool shock is the water. In this article, we will compare chlorinated shock vs. non-chlorine shock for swimming pools. Q. 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Common term for this 20 minutes required for this is called breakpoint chlorination only left! Regular grocery store bleach the pool order to keep the chlorine effectively only left... This is a popular option for larger, commercial pools because it can be distributed in a pool many... Of the pool, we will compare chlorinated shock vs. non-chlorine shock for pools! Chlorine shock treatment you need 5 gallons is very infested with algae, repetitive is... 1/2 quarts per 10,000 gallons of pool water, you are required to completely destroy the cells concoction a! More even distribution with water to a granular oxidizer, a powdered form chlorine!