The Eight of Swords in the future position suggests that the outcome of an important future event will be decided on whether you choose to act out of fear or rationality. If 8 of Swords is putting you right in touch with some of the trickier spots in your life, remember that Minors are circumstantial: this, too, shall pass. Come out of isolation. Look beyond the veil of illusion that your current limitations are projecting. Reversed: Eight of Swords. You fear pain and restriction, yet that which you fear is exactly what is blocking you the most. If you are feeling trapped with no clear path forward at this time, remember that this too is a perspective that can be lifted. V. 8 of Swords Thoth card in the upright and reverse 1. The 8 of swords is a gentle reminder that we are the creators of our reality. The Eight of Swords reversed suggests that you are letting your thoughts about yourself prohibit you from achieving the things you want. MESSAGE FROM THE 8 OF SWORDS. The Eight of Swords Tarot card interpretations for love and relationships. Unlike with Major cards, Minors indicate that there’s a lot you can do to influence your situation (all that stuff we just talked about). In some question, this card may be advising you to start the process of removing yourself from a situation. How strong this message is depends on the surrounding Cards in the Reading, the Querant and the Question. Loosen up! Its message can be very strong. The Eight of Swords is a very powerful Card and when it appears in a Reading. The Eight of Swords tells us that this exit path may not be easy, but it is still available. The Eight of Swords represents restrictions, entrapment and being For example, you may wish you could lose weight, but believe that you could never maintain the diet and exercise regime to make it work. The Eight of Swords represents feeling stuck in a rut or repeating a cycle.The obstacles ahead of you may seem insurmountable, but there is always a way out. This indicates sluggishness, indifference, and loss of passion for life, unlike the Ace of Swords.. Don’t be so uptight, square. Learn the meaning of the Eight of Swords for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. When the Eight of Swords tarot appears in the future position, it issues a strong warning. You are going through a season where you do not trust anyone and you worse you are constantly doubting your own abilities. The Eight of Swords reversed might also say: you can see clearly. Upright 8 of Swords Thoth card When you choose sovereignty over victimhood, you become the … Eight of Swords Tarot’s Meaning for the Future. You’ve often acted on the safe side, taking into account every possible outcome to prevent anything bad from happening. Return to a situation. The Eight of Swords is the only even set of of Swords in which the hilt guards of the swords are placed like those of the odd cards: yellow on the right at the top and red to the left. The Eight of Swords is commonly known as the card of victimization. You are perpetuating this cycle by trying to battle more than one issue at a time and … 8 = “lack of persistence in matters of intellect” (p.207, Book of Thoth) 6 background knives = there are so many things to think about, so we cannot make clear decisions. Is the Eight of Chaotic Background = further indicator of interference in this card. You don’t need to remain there. Eight of Swords combined with Seven of Swords denote you are being kept in the dark about certain matters, the other cards will tell you which these matters are. If this is in the cards for your future, consider the things that you have in the present and be ready to make some major …