But what about the direction? Elephants Placed Inside Front Door/Entrance for Good Luck You can place a pair of elephants inside the front/door entrance. According to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng-Shui, a decorative elephant must always face the front door of the home. For example, according to Buddhism, elephants are celestial animals that can represent many things, including; dignity, fidelity, good fortune, good luck, longevity, energy, strength, success etc. You have different versions of whether the trunk of the elephant should be up or down. The elephant must have its trunk lifted skywards. 5 Answers. Protection, good luck, wisdom, and fertility are believed to be the main energies brought by the symbol of the elephant into any living space, be it home or office/business. How Do You Face An Elephant; To The North Or Towards An Open Door; The Ornamental Kind!? Ganesh is the elephant-headed god of success, wisdom, and good luck. The office table shall not be placed between two walls, or you will back the corners, which is harmful to your luck. Did the Groundhog See Their Shadow — and Why Do We Care? The location of a lucky elephant should be determined by the positivity you are searching for and which part of your life you wish to influence. Which Way Do You Face an Elephant for Good Luck? *Elephant statues with their trunks facing upwards are considered to be auspicious and bring good fortune and strength to the family. For example, Jade elephants are specifically used to attract power, strength and good luck. This allows good luck to enter the home through the front door. The preponderance of data I collected was adamant that elephants sporting uplifted trunks should face the front door. Some people think it is the behind not the trunk but I have always heard it was the trunk must face a certain direction. Your Bedroom: A pair of elephants either in the portrait or statues bring love and faithfulness in the relationship of the married ones. An elephant is a symbol of good luck in many religions and cultures. Feng Shui has four different schools of thought and one places emphasis on direction. In Feng Shui, the different forms of elephants and their placements attract different energies. If your decor has an Eastern flavor, a pair of large, ornate elephant statues look right at home in the foyer. JT. There are many superstitions associated with the elephant. The trunk in the downward direction represents ability to solve challenges and longevity. In most feng shui applications, the elephants are usually depicted with the trunk up, symbolizing the showering of good luck . Elephants Good Luck Symbol a Powerful Superstition is a remnant of zoolatry, which is an expression of marvel and admiration at the instinct of the elephant. This allows good luck to enter the home through the front door. Guardians of Doorways for Protection North is a direction of kuber, the god for money, while having a trading work business. What direction does an elephant trunk (figurine) face for good luck - east/west/north/south.? Elephants can also bring in the power to kick off new beginnings. 1 decade ago. Protection, good luck, wisdom, and fertility are the main feng shui energies brought by the symbol of the elephant into any space, be it home or office. It can be display facing out the windows in the favourable direction. Elephants Good Luck Symbol: a Powerful Superstition. Elephants are considered a sacred animal, prevalent in the pseudoscience of Feng Shui (geomancy). Here are the most common ways you can place lucky elephants according to Feng Shui. Elephant as Good Luck wealth fetching purposes: For this specific Feng Shui application, you should always have the elephants with the trunk up, which allows the lucky Chi or good energy to be dispersed throughout the household. By Bobby Blueblood. The elephant symbolism is the epitome of calmness, the presence of wisdom, honor, and the enforcer of peace. One or several lucky elephants placed in the bedroom demonstrate love and fidelity between the couple that sleeps and/or shares that specific space. The elephant itself has a symbol of power, wisdom, solidity, and strength. Elephants are a symbol of good luck in many cultures. But, then you have the non-believers who say that if want the luck to come, the elephant trunk should be down. According to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng-Shui, a decorative elephant must always face the front door of the home. Elephant trunk up = good luck, apparently. *Hang a painting of a pair of elephants in the bedroom for strengthening relationships. Elephants’ trunks are raised up. 1 decade ago. According to the pseudoscience of Feng shui, elephants can bring more luck based on their placement in the home. I don't think the direction it faces matters. Most feng shui practitioners believe that these elephants should have their trunks facing upwards as that represents prosperity, good luck and victory. 1. As we mentioned before, Elephants hold different symbolism within different cultures and or religions. How to Descale a Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine, How To Remove Oil Stains From Leather Shoes, How To Decorate A Room For A Romantic Night - Ideas For The Perfect Surprise. This brings good luck and wealth. In addition, they are also sometimes used to symbolize longevity, protection, good luck and success. Relevance. Therefore, such statues are suitable for offices, warehouses, etc. Elephant Symbolism Protection, good luck, wisdom, and fertility are the main feng shui energies brought by the symbol of the elephant into any space, be it home or office. Elephant statues are popular worldwide. As with all feng shui cures, you should identify with the item that is adorning your home and your sacred space. As long as the trunk of the figurine is up, it is good luck. I’m not sure about the direction the lucky bamboo and elephant container should face, but I know that the elephant’s trunk should be raised for good luck. To welcome good luck into your home, place elephant figures — facing inward — inside the front door. If you’d like to use the elephant as a feng shui symbol in your home, see below for applications for each area of the feng shui bagua map. Martin Moos/Lonely Planet Images/Getty Images. These bring good luck and prosperity to your home. east. If you are a professional or in a service industry the east direction is good. GAgirl. Do lucky elephants in a row face right or left? And as such, this is seen in some circles as a controller of wealth luck. Is a Revocable Trust Right for Protecting Your Assets? When an elephant's trunk is … Elephant with trunk down = not necessarily bad luck, just a different vibe, an introspective energy. The direction of an elephant’s trunk has a complex symbol of its own, and this is the detail one should always pay attention when choosing the elephant symbol as a suggested cure along with its colors and material used. 1 decade ago. Which side should the elephant chimes be placed? I would like to put up on the wall. Favorite Answer. An elephant and her babies is a symbol of love and union between. The ancient Chinese considered the elephant a symbol of strength, wisdom, fertility and longevity. 2. This superstition is concerned with good luck, much like horseshoe in European and North American folklore. So in this article, we will cover another popular symbol which is the Feng Shui Elephant .. Greetings, purchased an elephant wind chime to decorate and put up inside my house. When an elephant's trunk is … Others believe that elephants with their trunks facing downward represent longevity and conception. Those who want their children to be loving and obedient to their parents can have a picture of a mother elephant with a baby elephant. Whereas, if you are hoping to bring fertility into your home, it is recommended to use an elephant with a lowered trunk. If conditions permit, you should face the corners directly. The elephant trunk is also a controller of water like a faucet. If a couple wants to have children, they are recommended to place statues of elephants in the bedroom as a symbol of fertility. This is the credence from Feng Shui, which says that an elephant statue gives many blessings. And let’s not forget to mention the strong role elephants played in many childhoods, remember Dumbo, or Horton in Dr.Seuss? Zhen: Family, New Beginnings . elephant painting Vastu Astrology In Vatu shastr elephants are Known to act as saviours and protectors, placing the statues at the front entrance is taken into account to be lucky. Remember that each position is said to attract something different: If you want to read similar articles to How To Place An Elephant In Your Home, we recommend you visit our Interior Design and Decor category. Why Is It Bad Luck To Have A Cactus In The House? 0 0. verse18_97. It is why elephant statues are popular recently. Placing an elephant in a study or office supports and produces love between couples and work productivity. If northeast is the current strong or “wang” direction, then facing your elephant toward a window that opens up to the northeast direction (24-60 degrees on a compass), then the elephant can draw in the current money luck. In most feng shui applications, the elephants are usually depicted with the trunk up, symbolizing the showering of good luck. Good fortune will come your way they say if the elephant trunk is up all the way. How the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts the PS5 Shortage. According to Feng-Shui, every part of the home can be energized by using various symbols oriented in a specific direction. An elephant figurine with the trunk in an upward direction, signifies fortune and success. Elephants are considered sacred in many Asian cultures. Elephants must face RIGHT. What Is The Meaning Of Colors In Feng Shui, How to decorate the entrance of your house using Feng Shui, How to make a mirror out of a tennis racket, How to Remove Scratches from your Glass Ceramic Stovetop. Relevance. Lv 4. Superstitious people believe that an elephant can bring bad luck if its trunk is pointing downwards towards the ground. Where should elephants be … Answer Save. It is common superstition that an elephant carving or picture should always face the door if you want to bring good luck into the house. Answer Save. April 26, 2017 door Education elephant Face north Ornamental Reference Trivia 0 2. If you place an elephant facing your front door, then the elephant’s trumpeted announcement will go right back out the door and your life. Contrary to popular belief, an elephant trunk in the downward direction, does not mean bad luck. Lakshmi, also known as Laxmi Mata is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity. MakaaniQ shares ways in which adding elephant to your home décor could bring positivity to your home: Welcome home the good luck by placing a … Lv 4. Elephant Feng Shui Use and Significance. *Keeping elephant paintings in the study room or office also brings good luck. In India, the elephant is revered as the God Ganesh. If the … My wife toured some African countries a couple of years before we were married, and a guide told her that "for good luck the tail of elephant statues should face the door." The main rule for placing an elephant in your home is to always have the elephant facing into the room. Keep reading this oneHOWTO article to find out more about how to place an elephant in your home. There are even various depictions of elephants in Christianity where they represent that of chastity or of the ‘‘fallen man.’’. If the elephant has a lifted trunk it represents prosperity, good luck, abundance and victory. Remember that each position is said to attract something different: Placing an elephant at the front door of your house is believed to bring good luck to your home. However, from what I know it doesn’t specifically address which way an elephant should face. A pair of elephants is used for protection. In feng shui, practitioners and enthusiasts will use a lucky cat or trunk-upward elephant for luck and prosperity cures . They must also have their trunks curl up for good luck. Xun: Wealth Also, a common belief is that every form of this animal you use should have its trunk facing upwards for positive results. What direction do you face an elephant for good luck? What direction does an elephants trunk have to face to bring good luck? The elephant is a symbol of strength, power, stability and wisdom. Superstitious people believe that an elephant can bring bad luck if its trunk is pointing downwards towards the ground. Let's Get Celestial: Start Using Sky Maps Tonight for Stargazing. 3. In Feng Shui, there are many animal symbols that has specified significance and use at home or office, for example, the money frog for wealth luck, mandarin ducks for romance luck, carp for good fortune and many others. Elephants are used in Feng Shui to symbolize power, wisdom, strength and fertility. smells may become an aphrodisiac for those with this totem…. These aspects and/or needs will establish where you should place your elephant, as each position bring different types of luck. Ganesha idol made up of mango, peepal, neem trees are said to attract good luck and positive energy. Bring in some mighty elephant imagery in the Zhen area of the home to protect your family. 2 Answers. The elephant will serve to energize the chi (positive) energy. The elephant must have its trunk lifted skywards. The elephant’s trunk, according to Andrews has some special symbolism associated with it: “Because the elephant has relatively poor eyesight, it relies heavily upon its sense of smell… the sense of smell is a long time symbol for higher forms of discrimination…. You'll set one elephant on either side of the door for good luck and wonderful blessings for your family. This also makes it a powerful symbol of wealth.