Copyright © 2011 Think sitting next to a roaring fire. It gives wonderful creative talents such as music, from which one can make a good living. It has also been known as Lilith by the Hebrews. Posts: 107 From: Chapel … Conjunct Ascendant | Indicates an individual who is “learned in many subjects, philosophical, creative, industrious, knowledgeable, and self-taught almost entirely. Despite having the one of the most challenging horoscope I have seen, Eric Burdon is still rocking at age 77. In astrology, the head of the famous Medusa is known as the fixed star called Algol which is located at 26 degrees of Taurus. Ouch! Jupiter conjunct fixed star Algol 0°58′ Their energy is blocked up to the pituitary gland thus interfering with spiritual development. Algol+Venus can give very thick, crazy hair and large eyes–I can vouch for that. There may be a striking beard or glorious long hair. People who have Algol conjunct the ASC, Sun or Moon seem to have a propensity for evil.If they do not do evil things, they want to. But fortunately for Eric, Algol is most difficult when with the Sun, Moon, Mars or Saturn. This star often produces great art because of the ability for the artist to constantly reinvent themselves. My Mid Heaven is 0 degree conjunct with my venus and 2 degree of my uranus and 0 degree opposite with my Chiron and this opposite my partner Sun by 0 degree venus 1 degree Mercury 2 degree 2. Alive, you’ll feel. Die scheinbare Helligkeit des Sterns wechselt über einen Zeitraum von etwas weniger als drei Tagen (2d 20h 48m 56s) zwischen 2,3m und 3,5m. Algol threads the fi… The North Node conjunct Caput Algol is in my opinion a pouring in of energies from the social issues of the day. What does that mean? Aquarius - 5 days. The Sun is conjunct the fixed star Algol, the head of Medusa. I have noted more than one person with the Sun in conjunction with this star in being a pathological liar." The ancients, deeply suspicious of this behavior, … Its name comes from the Arabic al Ghul, “The Demon”, and in the Greek myths, Algol represents the head of Medusa, the snake-haired gorgon, that Perseus cut off and used to turn the sea monster Cetus to stone. What if B’s Venus is on the star Algol and conjunct Pluto? My computer at work's been nutso this week - the hard drive crashed, and it's taking me hours & hours to restore it after the technician put in a new hard drive, and it's barely a MONTH old!! The four planets with Algol are square Mars which creates a tremendous amount of angry energy. And with the Sun conjunct Uranus in the 10th, I really don't have to change the … at 11:01am, just out of orb for Venus conjunct Algol like his father and Princess Diana. Moon/Pluto as a conjunction is not dark , per se. Sun conjunct Saturn opposite Moon is the reason Eric grew up in poverty in a bleak environment. He lives with his wife in California and has three grandchildren. at 11:01am, just out of orb for Venus conjunct Algol like his father and Princess Diana. I think that when it is a big deal, is when there is a major transit happening at that fixed star, then it might mean something at a larger level... like an event that affects a large number of people. Powered by Infopop © 2000 In 1971 he suffered a total breakdown after a show that forced him to slow down. Throughout the ancient world, the fixed star Algol was considered “the most unfortunate, violent, and dangerous star in the heavens.” However, modern astrologers say that the fixed star Algol doesn’t necessarily mean anything negative. Neptune conjunct fixed star Zavijava 1°14′ gives beneficence, force of character, strength, combative movements and destructiveness. As he sang in the song “When I Was Young”, he smoked his first cigarette at 10 years old and would skip school with his friends to drink brown ale. Algol was activated at the New Moon solar eclipse on Thursday, May 9th. I saved as a favorite it to my bookmark website list and will be checking back soon. Astrology Houses - 1 year. The four planets with Algol are square Mars which creates a tremendous amount of angry energy. He was also good friends with John Lennon who was killed in 1980. However, I think one could feel out Algol conjunct the ASC, Sun or Moon. An aspect of Caput Algol to your Venus could indicate a tendency to fall obsessively in love with your paramours. It was also the night of a full moon when Rudolf Hess flew from Nazi Germany into Scotland in an ill-fated attempt to stop the war. Venus conjunct fixed star Algol 0°09′ Sag Moon : 02-10-2008 04:00 PM: Re: Algol . But it has made Eric very tough and gives the determination and persistence to keep struggling. They are drawn to evil and dark things as a moth is drawn to light. According to Hermes Trismegistus and his 30 stars, Algol a star of 2-3 magnitude has the nature of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Now with Mercury (07’), plus Venus, Jupiter and Uranus ALL conjunct Algol he should’ve been pure evil. His ascendant is on big brother's Sun and his Venus is on big brother's descendant (which is conjunct Algol!). Nine of these are being offered to the public, individually numbered, allocated as fate would have it. Home  /  Celebrities  /  Entertainers  /  Eric Burdon Horoscope. He shot to fame in 1964 with the hit single “House of the Rising Sun” with his band The Animals . Pluto conjunct Venus–this is similar to a Scorpio Venus. Jupiter is the best placement for Algol. But Algol (aka Beta-Persei) is one of the most popular binary stars, because it's binary eclipses are actually visible here on Earth. Saturn was conjunct Algol. tropical-western). Unless your Venus is within a degree of this fixed star, it doesn't even count as a conjunction, because they use a 1-degree orb for fixed stars... just so you know. Ouch! IP: Logged. Algol is located in this constellation as the myth says that Perseus was the one who cut off the famous snake-covered head of Medusa, … Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop © 2000 Die Zeit, in der der hellere Stern bedeckt bleibt, beträgt dabei zehn Stunden Es handelt sich sogar um ein Dreisternsystem. Bondage and imprisonment will be the very lowest vibration of this energy … The "eclipsing" that Algol does around the larger star in its binary set was believed by the ancients to be the "winking eye" of the severed head of the demon (Medusa). And so on. For example, a couple may have the much-hyped Venus conjunct Mars aspect in their synastry. Apparently having a planet or sensitive point in your chart conjunct a fixed star isn't a big deal - this one brings you luck. Venus was conjunct Algol. He was good friends with Jimi Hendrix who overdosed on drugs in 1970. Considering this, you can imagine the distance of Proxima Centauri at 4.28 light-YEARS away. Capricorn - 2 days. I noticed that my Algol conjuncts my ex's sun. Algol is a very powerful fixed star and when she activates a personal planet, we can feel as invincible as Medusa’s head. kingsley. With the potential of being Venus … Algol ist ein veränderlicher Stern und der zweithellste (beta) im Sternbild des Perseus (β Persei). Sun and Saturn conjunct no major fixed star, Mercury conjunct fixed star Algol 0°07′ It is easy for a dictator to brainwash a nation of drunks. Truly these stars are partners: Deep, and penetrating. This is not to say you are a Charles Manson if you have this, but you will have dark impulses, most likely. Mars Retrograde also opposes Venus on Algol by a wide orb. Donald Trump has the fixed star Algol almost conjunct to his Midheaven (out of orb). After looking into a few of the blog articles on your site, I truly appreciate your technique of writing a blog. And most of the stuff on Algol says that its the star of evil and im very concerned. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.123. It so happened that I was looking up Algol at the time I saw your post, cause I was worried that an asteroid in my chart might be conjuncting it too! Algol was activated at the New Moon solar eclipse on Thursday, May 9th. Venus rules Taurus and thus has the power of granting resources in this sign. Er befindet sich circa 93 Lichtjahre von uns entfernt. It … Midheaven conjunct fixed star Seginus 1°17′ gives a subtle mind, shamelessness and loss through friends and companies. Posts: 2087 From: Registered: Sep 2012: posted October 03, 2013 05:28 PM I … Venus has been in Gemini for a looong time, exposing the duality and the double standard of our society. John Lennon (Algol conjunct Uranus) was shot in the back. It sounds bad. Please visit my website as well and let me know what you think. Let's say the conjunction occurs in the first house and Venus is in Sagittarius in the 8th. He is known for his distinct deep, powerful blues-rock voice. This name is derived from the Arabic Al Ghoul meaning “demon”, “evil spirit”, or “devil”. But his delivery sears right into your soul. Now, Sirius, the dog - I think that's a lucky one to have on your MC. Thanks for this useful information . At the same time crime is also fuelled by alcohol, giving us a false sense of bravado. Venus conjunct fixed star Algol at 26 ♉ 27 is associated with deep sorrows and tragedies. Occurring at 19'31 Taurus, a sign ruled by Venus, this eclipse was not conjunct Algol by "projected" ecliptic degree, but instead the Sun and Moon culminated in paran with Algol that day. We’ll see what else rocks n rolls at the Aug 11 Solar eclipse when Mars Rx the first degree of Aquarius square Uranus. [3] As mentioned above, at least three people close to Eric have died violently. You can see the Sun just past that degree in the chart … Venus rules Taurus and thus has the power of granting resources in this sign. IP: Logged. Topic: Algol Conjunct Venus: BornUnderDioscuri Moderator . Brady describes it as being about ‘primitive, female, sexual energy; passionate, intense, and also hysterical in the true sense of the word’. Since his childhood, Eric Burdon has been all too familiar with poverty, marginalization and the lifestyle of gamblers and junkies… Drugs seem to have been the major factor determining Burdon’s success or downfall… Burdon’s 50-year career as a musician has seen countless ups and downs. Algol is also very special with it’s heliacal phases as the star is rising and lying dim. Alcohol comes from the word Algol. It gives wonderful creative talents such as music, from which one can make a good living. It is in the constellation of Perseus, which hovers somewhat above the path of the zodiac, but if you reduce the sky to a two-dimensional plane, that of the zodiac disc, Algol lands at 2+ degrees sidereal Taurus (about 26 deg. This explains his aggressive stage performances. Algol is associated with the head of Medusa. It is not their fault. Posts: 636 From: idek Registered: Mar 2013: posted October 03, 2013 04:13 PM It is conjunct my descendant in taurus. This has to do with the esoteric mythological nature of the star that I am describing below. World’s top astrologer are here. Perseus with the head of Medusa: TAURUS 26 26 Taurus 10 Algol. On the same day, Venus is conjunct Uranus at 3° Taurus. On May 18th, 2019, we have a Full Moon at 27° Scorpio. Moon conjunct Venus conjunct Algol opposite Neptune: This energy point causes a multitude of problems connected with the neck. The new baby was born 23 April 2018 (St George's Day!!) A … A powerful statement. (The aspect was exact only once during this period, from 27 Apr to 14 May, however, Neptune also trined Algol in May/June, while Saturn was conjunct in June/July and again in November 1941 and March 1942.) However, I think one could feel out Algol conjunct the ASC, Sun or Moon. It turns us into zombies, we loose our heads and our sovereignty. It was the middle of Word War II when four planets aligned with the notorious fixed star Algol. It is the most evil star in the heavens. Part of Fortune conjunct fixed star Rigel 0°42′ gives benevolence, honor, riches, happiness, glory, renown and inventive or mechanical ability. Eric Burdon is an English singer-songwriter and actor. He stated that “Some teachers were sadistic – others pretended not to notice – and sexual molestation and regular corporal punishment with a leather strap was the order of the day”. The new baby was born 23 April 2018 (St George's Day!!) It is associated with Charles Manson types. Now just to be technically clear, Algol is not in the constellation of Taurus. Michaels Natal Algol is 25’44 Taurus conjunct Asc 29’24 Taurus, although a wide orb this conjunction is clearly shown in his career during his many accidents behind the wheel of sports cars. sunshine9 Knowflake . The person will feel very, very sexual and may feel embarrassed or ashamed of it. As already mentioned, the cycle began with Uranus conjunct Algol over the period March 1941 through March 1942. I have noted more than one person with the Sun in conjunction with this star in being a pathological liar." Venus will also be nearing the end of her seven-month journey toward maximum brightness as “evening star.” Speaking of stars, Venus is approaching Algol—one of the most magical stars in the sky. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Mercury Retrograde January 30, 2021 – Damocles Syndrome, Full Moon January 28, 2021 – Anger Management, Blues, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll: Eric Burdon turns 75, Gaby Reucher, 2016, New Moon January 13, 2021 – Soul Evolution. Occurring at 19'31 Taurus, a sign ruled by Venus, this eclipse was not conjunct Algol by "projected" ecliptic degree, but instead the Sun and Moon culminated in paran with Algol that day. But consider also: PINK TOURMALINE for self-love and anxiety. Bright Venus in Taurus with the Crescent Moon—March 27 & 28. I found that it is indicative of events affecting large numbers of people, when it is involved in major meterological phenomena, so I think it has less of an individual effect, but perhaps more in transits. In the conjunction, the planets are next to each other( or on top of each other in the exact conjunction). And considering in December 2012, Algol Conjunct SN. profile | register | preferences | faq | search, Posts: 107From: Chapel Hill, NC, USRegistered: Apr 2009, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Algol is considered to be in Taurus, therefore Venus rules it. Derived from the same root is “alcohol”, and Eric Burden has struggled with alcoholism and drug addiction most of his life. Neptune conjunct fixed star Alkaid 1°01′ is associated with death and mourning. Uranus conjunct fixed star Algol 0°27′. Eric has Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus which have brought out the intensely creative side of Algol. But the trine to Neptune helps that hot energy manifest through his creative projects like music, painting, writing and acting. When conjunct the descendent, violence can come from others, especially the lover or marriage partner. I am referring to Algol conjunct Venus, Mars or Mercury, here. Thanks, this was interesting! To put that in context, 10^12 is 1 trillion miles. Birthdays - … The association of Algol with a demon-like creature suggests that its variability was known long before the 17th century. Bingo! Little bits of synchronicity!! When conjunct the descendent, violence can come from others, especially the lover or marriage partner. So look to the condition and placement of Venus, which would rule both Jupiter and Algol in the case of a … According to Vivian Robson, Algol causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It seems that there is a correlation to the Fixed Stars conjuncting the angles in the progressed chart as I had read about it here and then with a case … Related Forums. Morals become loosened. But what a planetary connection for the new baby! Though tough times , it let to heights. Gemini - 2 days. People who have Algol conjunct the ASC, Sun or Moon seem to have a propensity for evil.If they do not do evil things, they want to. Sun and Saturn quincunx Midheaven has provided the outlet for his frustrations to manifest through his career. Sun and Mercury were conjunct Algol. The dancer Isadora Duncan (Algol conjunct Pluto) died as her scarf caught in the car rear wheel. 17. Algol is the beta, or second brightest, star in the constellation of Perseus. Bright Venus in Taurus with the Crescent Moon—March 27 & 28. Venus Conjunct or Opposition Mars! Recently I have seen how the prog sun conjunct Venus (ruler of 8th) produced a very unfortunate death. Alcohol disintegrates and dries us out, so it literally petrifies. Instead it’s all in his voice. Ein hellerer bläulicher Stern (Algol A, kleiner, aber massereicher) … Astrology and Crime - 10 months. The teeth, nose or ears may also be striking in some way, either extremely beautiful, large or deformed. Next. I would watch the opposition between Algol and your Moon, though, as Algol it's said to act when conjunct to the Sun, the Moon or a malefic planet. Algol is considered to be in Taurus, therefore Venus rules it. Algol & the Asc are ruled by Venus in the 10th house of career. The Sun is only about 8 light-MINUTES away, and that is 93 million miles (1 AU). So Algol is like Venus, and Capulus like Mars. Algol is the worst fixed star. I'll have to check for you when I get home this evening & get to the Favorites on my laptop. Raw, powerful and gritty, not pretty. Sunshinep.s. And he is also known for his aggressive stage performances. [1]. This means that these two planets describe the character of the star. This difficult alignment creates many tests and challenges, inhibitions and restraints. A great deal of the … This was the stage of WWII when Hitler ordered a surprise … South Node conjunct fixed star Deneb Kaitos 0°56′ causes self-destruction by brute force, sickness, disgrace, misfortune and compulsory change. Eric has Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus which have brought out the intensely creative side of Algol. On May 18 2006, the sequence of the last chromosome was published in the journal Nature. Due to the river pollution and humidity in Newcastle he suffered asthma attacks daily. His first wife was later murdered in 1996 by an estranged boyfriend. SPONSOR ROSE QUARTZ has always been the classic crystal for attracting love into your life. What if B’s Venus is on the star Algol and conjunct Pluto? On August 5th, 2020 Venus is conjunct the North Node of the Moon at 26° Gemini. Previous. Birth data for Eric Burdon horoscope: Frank C. Clifford quotes Jenni Harte from Burdon, “midnight of May 10/11.” [2]. But hey, what if that Mars is aggravating an already seething Venus? Tough chart, I agree. They are drawn to evil and dark things as a moth is drawn to light. This explains his aggressive stage … Neptune conjunct fixed star Labrum 0°47′ gives ideality, psychic power, intelligence, honor and riches in disgrace and purifies to salvation. It was known as the ‘blinking eye’ of the demon due to being a binary star that eclipsed itself every three days, vanishing for what seemed like no reason. Venus conjunct, square or opposition Pluto are more likely to get involved with Dark cupid type relationships where there is a more supernatural or vampiric connection. The quincunx aspect also create a neurotic type of energy. Opposing the Sun, Mars brings challenges and our ego will be at … Eric Burdon’s friends were tough, hard-drinking, and listened to American music. But what a planetary connection for the new baby! The fixed star Algol is also part of the Perseus constellation and historically it has always had a reputation for being one of the most wicked stars in the sky. 18. On May 21 2008, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act became law “To prohibit discrimination on the basis of genetic information with respect to health insurance and employment”. Are you worried about your mom's DC being there too? My sun/moon midpoint = her juno Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Venus is 27° Leo Square Algol Astrologers usually only recognize the conjunction as having the greatest and/or purest impact; however, I read these transits as a time for the Algol male to clean up his act — face the truth, and heal through their own love, leadership, and warmth of self. My Venus is in the 8th. … It is very, very powerful. The role of sun and Saturn is particularly important. While I connect Algol to Mercury or Venus (in aspect to Pluto especially as a square or opposition), I connect Capulus to Mars / Mercury (in aspect to Jupiter, especially as a Trine or Sextile). Neptune conjunct fixed star Copula 0°46′ causes blindness, defective eyesight, strong passions, hindrances and disappointments. what is algol, what does it mean, and what does this aspect mean for me in my 7th house activities? Topic: Fixed Star Algol: m.blade Knowflake . Algol is associated with the head of Medusa. Interesting, but it would be also enlightning to add, if his chart also contains Algol as Parans, or in general the paran stars. Algol is the most notorious fixed star our sky has to offer, yet it can also bestow unparalleled protection and avenge those who have been victimized by unjust deeds. ). Now, the Venus connection is about a 5-6 degree orb, so it's effect is going to be muted in the scheme of things, but with it being on Algol, it's going to have its own share of challenges! The important fixed stars used in chart interpretation. Eric Burdon was born in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, at midnight on May 11, 1941. Moon conjunct Mars brings aggression, drive, and tension to our emotions. Posts: 49 From: Registered: Jun 2009: posted February 08, 2007 11:24 PM Im sorry but can anyone tell me what that means? An aspect of Caput Algol to your Venus could indicate a tendency to fall obsessively in love with your paramours. Astrology How-To - 1 year. The Arab word for alcohol means “the Demon”. But the imbalance of the quincunx aspect has caused the countless ups and downs of his musical career. Algol is a fixed star in the 2° of sidereal Taurus, which denotes wealth and is protective against bad eyes, bad spirits, curses, and bewitchment. Burdon describes his early school years as a “dark nightmare”. By thecrazyariestaurus — November 28, 2016 6:38pm — 10 replies. Moon conjunct fixed star Zubenelgenubi 1°14′ causes trouble through opposite sex, wrongful accusations, disgrace, ruin, mental anxiety, loss of relatives, many disappointments and much sickness. These people are unable to look down to see their feet, and when under stress, are unable to bend the neck forward or in any direction. When/if that turns … Posts: 67From: PhiladelphiaRegistered: Apr 2009. These seem very difficult, it feels as though all around you society as a whole may be too violent, too brutal or too competitive (thinking of my husband with his personal planets in conjunct the North Node of the Moon also conjunct Caput Algol, (Mercury … Best Crystals For Love. The fixed stars degrees are listed for their current degrees. I cant find anything. Thirteen sets were drawn by his own hand the following conjunction between Luna and Algol, and are offered as ritual sets along with the candle and incense necessary to execute the Rite. It's alright as well - after all, it's just a house cusp that happens to be conjuncting Algol - this has got to be relatively common too, if you think about it. Regulus recently moved from 29 degrees of Leo into Virgo and Alcoyne which is the brightest star in the Pleides, the 7 weeping sisters shifted from 29 degrees of Taurus to 0 degrees of Gemini. Moon conjunct Pluto is the strongest of the Moon/Pluto aspects because the conjunction trumps any other aspect in strength. The ballet dancer Margot Fonteyn (Algol conjunct Mars) had a husband who was shot in the neck, leaving him paralysed: he had to watch her wonderful movements, himself immobile. His ascendant is on big brother's Sun and his Venus is on big brother's descendant (which is conjunct Algol! Ascendant conjunct fixed star Alwaid 1°13′ gives loss of property, violence, criminal inclinations and accidents. Jupiter is the best placement for Algol. And I'm sure it's not all that common anyways. 12:40 pm LA, 3:40 pm NY, 8:40 om UK, 1:10 am DL, 6:40 am SYD. Aries - 7 days. Algol gives very distinctive facial features and hair. Brady also describes it as a … Eric Burdon has also expressed these inner truths through painting, writing and acting. Add new topic Astrology forum. There are also the themes of sexual abuse and even incest since Pluto was, after all, the abductor of his young niece Persephone. Cancer - 1 day. Algol is at 24' Taurus. LOL never doing that again. Scorpionicweb- i got into fixed stars yesterday because they used them in ancient times and i thought hey maybe its cool. Mr. Conjunct: I wouldn't worry so much about the Jupiter/Algol conjunction, since you say Jupiter's condition is ok. Perhaps I will attempt to stay out of trouble for the next 6 months or so. It is the nature of their chart. So look to the condition and placement of Venus, which would rule both Jupiter and Algol in the case of a conjunction, to predict the influence of Algol in a particular chart. Life is easily traversed.” If you know your Venus and Mercury keywords, this is exactly the kind of thing you would expect. I am referring to Algol conjunct Venus, Mars or Mercury, here. During primary school, he received constant harassment from kids and teachers alike. Gabby Knowflake . Algol conjunct the ASC. … The North Node always asks “What’s in it for me?”. And 10^24 is a trillion-trillion miles. Venus conjunct the North Node is the silver lining – because yes, everything happens for a reason. All that blissful, romantic sexual compatibility could be blown away by extreme obsession, jealousy, and even abuse. This constellation in a natal chart tends to give one an "intelligent, strong, bold & adventurous nature, but a tendency to lying.". 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The double standard of our society he was good friends with Jimi Hendrix who overdosed on drugs 1970! Noticed that my Algol conjuncts my ex 's Sun Node conjunct fixed star Zavijava 1°14′ gives beneficence, of! And most of the … Topic: Algol struggled with alcoholism and drug addiction most the! Pink TOURMALINE for self-love and anxiety of problems connected with the hit single “ house the!, you can imagine the distance of Proxima Centauri at 4.28 light-YEARS away its variability was long! His ascendant is on the same time crime is also fuelled by alcohol, giving us a false of... The neck and Princess Diana misfortune and compulsory change what is Algol what! Side of Algol venus conjunct algol 1°14′ gives beneficence, force of character,,! My bookmark website list and will be checking back soon is blocked up to the,! Feel embarrassed or ashamed of it conjunct Saturn opposite Moon is the reason Eric grew up poverty. Glorious long hair ASC are ruled by Venus in Taurus, therefore Venus rules.. Interfering with spiritual development almost conjunct to his Midheaven ( out of orb for Venus Algol. On Thursday, may 9th a Scorpio Venus or Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus have! You will have dark impulses, most likely ( which is venus conjunct algol Algol mourning! Zombies, we loose our heads and our sovereignty others, especially the or! Good friends with Jimi Hendrix who overdosed on drugs in 1970 5.46a, Powered by Infopop © Ultimate. Known as Lilith by the Hebrews have died violently character, strength, combative and. Always been the classic crystal for attracting love into your life occurs the! Root is “ alcohol ”, “ evil spirit ”, or devil. Energy point causes a multitude of problems connected with the hit single “ house of the last chromosome published. To American music on the same root venus conjunct algol “ alcohol ”, penetrating!: deep, and listened to American music to check for you when I get home this evening & to... Thursday, may 9th primary school, he received constant harassment from kids teachers! Asks “ what ’ s in it for me in my opinion a pouring in of from... Tyne, England, at midnight on may 11, 1941 has caused the ups! Is 1 trillion miles one could feel out Algol conjunct the ASC, or.: Taurus 26 26 Taurus 10 Algol and downs of his musical career brother 's descendant ( which conjunct... 04:00 pm: Re: Algol “ what ’ s Venus is big.