Keeping your cat warm and dry indoors will help encourage the natural healing process. The sound of throaty purring is one of the delightful and unique things about cats that draws us to them. I do plan on … Associated symptoms can become very severe and may even be fatal. Oxygen may be provided using tubes, a mask, or an oxygen cage. The type is determined by where the breathing disruption is, and can often be identified by the sound the cat is making while breathing. Respiratory and other bodily infections are often contributing factors in noisy breathing. Noisy breathing, especially with an indeterminate cause, that does not impact the function on the respiratory system may not require any treatment. If it mean's anything he's a black and white and we know he's half Siamese / snowshoe and think he's half domestic as well. My 6-month old cat was spayed yesterday and she's had chest congestion ever since. Any cat who has an increased respiratory rate. But lately, my cat is purring all the time while he’s awake. I noticed he breathes a bit fast (~40 breaths per minute) while sleeping/at rest and faster when he is excited (like when he is purring when we pet him or after play). Some animals will be able to lead a normal life, even if noisy breathing is never cured. The main types of purrs are as follows: Contented Purr By Teresa Traverse From purring to hissing, cats communicate with their pet owners, in part, by making many different sounds. We looked up upper respiratory infection and she doesn't have any of those symptoms really. She eats very well, stays hydrated, is very active when she is awake, and she doesn't have nasal discharge. If he sounds congested when he is not purring, then I would take him into the vets office. My cat has recently started dry coughing (sounds like a hair ball but nothing comes up) no vomiting just cough. His breathing sounds like purring constantly. I began to wonder if she has a deviated septum or something. This is called the ventricular cords. My cat recently started doing this while purring :( by: Anonymous My cat (almost 17 years old) has recently started doing this same thing when he is purring. my 5 month old cat i have had since birth sounds really congested when he purrs. I recently brought her to the vet, and the vet took ex rays and said that my cat has a large tumor growing in her chest area which may be cancerous. Several months ago my 9 year old cat began gulping or swallowing hard while purring. Stertor and Stridor in Cats Stertor is noisy breathing that occurs during inhalation. Cats purr when they’re content, but they also purr as a way to comfort themselves when they’re sick or injured. It can aid in breathing, even when allergies are not the only cause. My neighbors cat purrs all the time but my two need a lot of coxing to get them to purr. If all this purring is a new thing for your cat and also as you say he sounds a little congested it could be that he has picked up a slight bug which is making him feel a little unwell. Press J to jump to the feed. Some will purr loudly when they are cautiously investigating new environments (my own cat purrs loudest when it’s exploring the back of the wardrobe). However, there’s more to a cat’s purr than meets the eye or ear. Going to book a vet appointment Monday but just trying to get some reassurance. But if i have to put on headphones to drown out his freighter motor breathing . “Wheezing is an emergency when a cat is gasping for air and unable to breathe,” Dr. Gibbons says. Noisy breathing in cats, wheezing when sleeping or that sounds congested when breating is not common. may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. If all this purring is a new thing for your cat and also as you say he sounds a little congested it could be that he has picked up a slight bug which is making him feel a little unwell. Cats purr to signal their owners about something that they want or anything that they’re feeling. Edit: So now he's sleeping in my lap, and he occasionally is whistling through his nose. My cat is sniffling and sounds congested. He will walk off into a corner until it stops. With a greater incidence in breeds like the Siamese cat, feline asthma is another explanation for a cat wheezing sound. It is often triggered by irritants in the cat's environment as it is an allergic respiratory disease. by Justin (Massachusetts) Not all the time but every so often my cat will sound flemmy and congested in her chest after eating. She has no other symptoms. If your cat is breathing faster than that (especially at rest), do not hesitate to take her to the veterinarian. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Sorry , I've never had a pet I have been off work for a couple years now and him and I spend every day together Kathy is one of my best friends and although I'm not wealthy... i would find a way to be able to get him any care he would require. He also sneezes from time to time and had a coughing spell almost every morning. He is very intelligent, and stands up to open the door to go out on the sun porch, understands when I tell him to come, he comes when I call to him and is a little bit more like a dog than a cat. My 12 year old 16lb longhair chonk Cinder is a purrer, all day every day. Even so, he does appear to be swallowing hard when just lying down (not eating or drinking anything). I have a male orange tabby Manx cat that suddenly started making a snoring sound on inhale while awake, he also has an occasional runny nose, increased eye boogies, and sometimes he just walks around the house meowing loudly-long sorta complaining sounding meows. I can feel him vibrating when I snuggle with him. If your cat is experiencing great breathing difficulties, the veterinarian may place her in an oxygenated chamber or place an oxygen mask. Is this normal? I swithched his food from chicken to rabbit but both foods are based in potato, he is intolerant to cereals, he had breathing problems because of that but no cough, he eats well. Although noisy breathing itself is not life-threatening, the underlying condition might be. While your cat is recovering, avoid sudden dietary changes, environmental changes, and stressors. Table of Contents: 1 What Causes Gulping in Cats When Swallowing? If surgical intervention is required, your cat will likely be hospitalized to reduce the risk of complications. However, there are situations in which a cat will purr when it’s not due to pleasure. She has done it for about 3 days now. But just recently I listened closer and he is purring but its very low and sounds like he's congested. The noise can range from a lower-pitched snoring sound to a higher whistling or squeaking noise. Congestion, common in cats, is usually caused by an upper respiratory infection. If dietary changes are recommended to aid in your cat’s recovery, make changes gradually to avoid increasing stress and anxiety. What - Answered by a verified Cat Veterinarian. I took to veterinary the firts week and said it was a mild athsma, he wanted to put corticosteroids but he didn't do any other test, he also said that the cat looks well and we can wait and see. Kashi is about to turn 9, and she's always been a loud sleeper. We asked Dr. Beedle to explain. If you notice your cat behaving unusually, having difficulty eating, or gulping or gagging during meals, it should be checked over by a vet. If he is eating and drinking well and playful, you can probably keep your original time next week. Reply Hi This … Discerning this exact cat noise meaning often comes down to the context. … Tonight he was making the laboured breathing a little harder and wasn’t as cuddly. Surgery carries a moderate risk of side effects. You will need to take the cat to the veterinarian for assessment. We recently moved and had a lot of dust and trash that we went through in the moving process please help need to know if I should take her to the vet or not. For example, if a tumor is found to be the cause of the cat’s noisy breathing, surgical removal or other cancer therapies may be used. Much of the process will involve confirming or ruling out likely causes using a process of elimination. My kitten who is six months old now has a congested sound coming from him. Keep an eye on it and watch for sneezing or couching or eye/nose discharge. My cat is not purring like usual, why? Unlike dogs, it is rare for them to pant. Since your veterinarian has examined your cat, it would be best to trust their judgment on that, and ask them if you do have any questions about that treatment. Steroids carry a moderate risk of side effects and will generally not be prescribed to cats that have poor immune function. I recommend getting her seen by … My neighbors cat purrs all the time but my two need a lot of coxing to get them to purr. It's like there's a raspiness on top of the purring. Your pet’s blood oxygen level will be measured using either blood gas analysis or pulse oximetry. Most of the time congestion will go away on its own after a few days, but if you begin to notice your cat has trouble breathing contact your veterinarian immediately. 1.Whistling: A high-pitched whistle is a very common sound from cats sufferings from congestion. God, I miss her so much. One of my cats kinda does this too, when she's purring she will randomly kinda peck her head forward, but no cough or anything, but it's one of those pecks/bobs that she often does before throwing up. After many intakes of pills and steroids, she stopped eating, and soon enough. Other than the above symptoms, he appears normal and undistressed. The sound of a purring cat is one of the most comforting sounds available and can help soothe and calm you down when you're feeling stressed. His ph is off balance rn (thanks PrettyLitter) so we’re eating his favourite ‘soups’ (Basic wet cat food, PC urine health dry food, warm water) to increase his water intake. I have … Congestion in cats can be caused by an upper respiratory infection, allergies, a virus or even a tumor. 8 Cat Sounds—And What They Mean. Dr. Michele K. DVM. She is a house cat and hardly ever been outside. Different cats have different purrs and … The most common is because of age. Thank you for your question. He is an indoor/outdoor cat and weighs 15 pounds. my 5 month old cat i have had since birth sounds really congested when he purrs. Congestion and nasal discharge definitely suggest that she is sick. A scope may also be used to examine the nose, throat, and airways. He also has a sneeze. However, this sound can occur with inspiration (inhaling), expiration (exhaling) or … *Wag! Bella Morgan. Common symptoms your cat may display she is congested are coughing, sneezing, runny nose and runny eyes. I don't want him to get worst, Thanks. If you are concerned about his gum color and bloated belly, you can try to get a sooner appointment. If your cat is not drooling when she purrs, has bad breath, difficulty breathing or sounds congested, does not have any erratic behavior, it would most likely be safe to say your cat is healthy. The vets have no idea what she has. She was a stray and shes only maybe a few weeks old. Owner. The noise can range from a lower-pitched snoring sound to a higher whistling or squeaking noise.