The last tement volume 2. all the power to them…. Amrito, I don’t think frank would be the first to drop to his knees and touch Osho’s feet if the old man were to walk in the room. I also witnessed many occasions where sannyasins were annoying others in a way which was forceful and in many cases stupid and mandatory to rise aggression and a good for nothing. I think what’s needed now in this strangest of strange worlds — for the new generations and the old — is an Event. Tell me if Rembrandt ever took a neighborhood vote before he painted one of his masterpieces, just so he could let everyone in on the creation. And his sannyasins should get the Best Supporting Actor and Actress awards. Actually, I started my Livingworkshop there. Now an Immitation should not bring taughts(tots! What’s up? I’m oshobob. Post #7Namrata Pandey wrote21 hours ago I believe (yes believe with a bit of an inkling that the greatest clue is written upon Osho’s samadhi: – “OSHO Never Born – Never Died Only Visited this Planet Earth.”. Becoming a “result” would be quite humiliating, that’s why I stated it as a respons to frank. FB-Group? Watch a new movie. Basically most of here are depending on borrowed knowledge to prove each other superior, continuing their ego trips again..the same old story.. if you wanna have some bitches fallin at your feet Kabir says remember. a bit like,how long is a piece of string? And very enriching. You may not know this but they were making more money when it was more devotionally minded. and they can also anticipate future situations…. Get full address, contact info, background report and more! We just used some techniques gleaned from these people and their writings, that’s all. the point is who am I representing. I have been ten times to pune in research and meditation… but not a sannyasin. that`s exactly what happened in the satsang scene.result? It holds the community of all who seek this and live together in … - You do not need to have respect. It's a police state now . they will never be able to grasp the significance of your very important message…. In fact in the ashram itself, people were expelled everyday for disrupting behavior. And rightly. Please, read all the posts in all the articles at this site, may be none will be as boastful as yours. He calls himself “Osho Rajneesh.” Is there a limit to human debauchery? Many sannyasins may also remember all the esoteric and manipulative prophecies of Osho: Two thirds of mankind would die of AIDS. Anthony reflects on the ongoing research paradigm, She has spent a great part of her life on his side. However, Shiva, whom he had insulted shortly before, because he had left the ranch, was on the „list“ of the elightened ones. They’ve changed every one of Osho’s meditations and have done it in the most idiotic way. or you may not need one. In the short term this created and concentrated lots of energy. Find Ma Maya in the United States. No, you can’t Shantam. So I guess the old man didn´t need any after life P.R. The end result is that the organisational work coonected with Osho has almost come to the foot notes of human history. Putting Osho prefix in the names and certificate of absurd ! But meditation is neither non-Jewish nor non-Western, it is neither this nor that. I am sure many others feel the same. I think they are making osho available in an independent free way. It is not very aesthetic to do it here. he freed up lot of enerygy.. After osho’s death i was drawn inside, and I am not in touch with either the commune or any of the sannayasins, either physically or on the net. And I stand in the same place today… you can call it energy, or whatever, actually I do not know what energy means. That is a very broad generalization. in fact you you are about as terrifying and effective as a one-legged gandhian in an ass-kicking contest! And by the way, who ever told anyone that “osho” means an “enlightened” one? He must have been very very intelligent to have done that. would any of our sannyasnews people here(even bob) last five minutes in this kind of psycho-macho-osho world? If not, what is missing? Monkeys living on the tree look down and saw the caps lying near the cap seller. That is also why I am for royalty free coprights, no trademarks etc. -No, seekers wanted him to be God so that they could become as gods themselves: that was the problem. It is devastating, because de facto you can not separte the result from it’s initiator and his methods. Though personally, if I can suggest him a name, it would be “Hannah Montana Rajneesh.” This name really has much more global potential and fits very finely with his personality. Even with all that Love & compassion he would have got frustrated with the jokes which are going on.. No one in the history has done this much damage to any master.. These people got phone calls letting them know they got enlightened. what a long thread you folks weave. And lots of fight. “Why should a person do that? Beautiful words many people have crafted, Osho created a unique experiment of bringing different people under one sky at 17, koregaon park, Pune. The Rajneeshees, on the other hand, believe the antagonism is based on a jealousy about their life style and happiness. definitely not copying and pasting this time. well, who can resist that? Who knows? In fact it cannot, because it is a vital part of our brain and our ability to survive in an ever changing world. Why should a person do that? And you will memorize, count the beads but still you would be doing that. I respect your experiences in Osho Dhara, and don’t doubt that you are genuine. Anthony, You say: “My final point is that euphemistic, not direct way of explaining the changes is a bad strategy and based on the paranoia of not being understood , unless they do it under osho´s umbrella. This is the actual and factual reality. Reply to Pradyumna yes,that`s osho `the sumo` bob in the blue corner,all the way from townsville usa. In the last 20 years Ashram with a new name resort has grown few hundred feet but like a snake whose poison has been taken away. forget the zen stick. don’t ever say an american never stood back for a limey out of gentlemanly courtesy….! never mind being full of knowledge,dont forget,amongst other things,oshobob is also full of donkey-dick soup! Simply sharing his point of view. What more do you want? for horatio,its edging it in a shed of the outer reaches of nowhere……. Life is vast, words are irrelevant. Why do most women desire taller men? I learned this strategy from the Chinese Wushu masters — the more adversaries you have, the easier it is to defeat them. Andreas ponders thoroughly our human cosmology in deep retrospection, worse than the ayatollas. He was touching a nerve which wasn’t supposed to have been twitching. Post #9 Amrito In fact, it wasn’t either their Buddhist initiation name, or their Zen master “mountain name”. Byron v. Rajneesh Foundation International was a 1985 lawsuit filed by Helen Byron in Portland, Oregon, against Rajneesh Foundation International, the organization of Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (now known as Osho). To my surprise i have seen people who did not see Osho physically were drenched in his energy after the evening white robe brotherhood gathering in Pune. Because he hopes for something, “However, the ego does not disappear this way. Yoko would be proud. Post #6Pradyumna Pandey wrote23 hours ago But we can not overcome and understand it, if we hide it. Now if all those guys look lost you know what is the reason.. I think these great disciples should open up a new actors studio in New York. I think we could start a pretty good business — you can tell all the lost Osho sannyasins just what ‘Bhagwan Rajneesh’ would say to them about their conditions and personalities and concerns. I very well have taken note of, that you repeatedly said, you don’t know about enlightenment. Has he become uninspired since he fell on bis butt and became enlightened? Feelings of beauty, intimacy, death and impermanence. Very well presented — a commendable job for both gentlemen. See how Osho Shailendra answered the question though? sounds nice doesn’t it? And groups like: Acharya Shree 1 and Acharya Shree 2: Acharya Shree 1: This is a 6-days Group, which prepares Acharyashrees of Oshodhara, who can conduct Dhyai Samadhi Group. ‘ that makes even more interesting that they atleast don’t think themselves as ‘idiots’, He was even surprised that others dont think themselves as diots, there are different ways of doing the same thing and cheating oneself, People shared here their experiences..good or bad..expressed opinions.. whatever they exprss are their own, How can we say everyone is trying to prove their superiority over others, there is always an urge to share.. that is the core of human beings. Those 3 guys looks like comedians. Otherwise it’s all shooting in the dark. I think it was Andre Malraux who said civilization of the twenty first century will be spiritual or it will not be at all. Osho Dhara has even taken their holy dung to national TV without interruption. in these days,with tribute bands and acts springing up everywhere,i would say that “rajneesh too” is right up there with the bootleg beatles,think floyd and retro tull. These things happen. You say ” We intelligently must develop new solutions, new ways, a new language even, instead of fighting off each other, playing childish or nostalgic games ”. Getting back to what Oshobob was saying,, and by the way thankyou all for keeping the horatio’s water situation in mind, as i haven’t showered in quite a while, even moreso than usual as we’ve been having a drought, I propose we send one of us to visit the new Osho and check him out….. maybe take some pictures and get some recordings as well as that could be worth something… As i live days away from the nearest airport on the other side of the world, i propose Anthony go and do further research into this.. Andreas. The experience of travelling certainly is different from reading a book, but anything else is bull…. …I am too bad for rap! oshobob? But I know no one with some considerable intelligence, who is able to stay within the scene. No satire either. Actually, Tarzan was at one time a Zen master — Osho has a little known set of discourses on him, “Tarzan: Straight to the Point of Banana Peels”. weaving a thread full of comedy,pathos,memorable characters……. Please dont bring in Osho resort pune even for fun while talking about these jokers..have never seen such atrocious copy paste..including Osho meditations. It is all depends on our intentions Andrea. Immitation of Christ (passion!) He had a lot of stuff, Osho did — especially between the perinium and navel — the place the Chinese call “dantian” and the Japanese call “hara”. I think frank would go straight for the bling bling. and I created, using all my understanding and skills. Bhagwan's current legal status explained. Regarding my phd thesis. I would like to elaborate on the reasons I see for the quote you mention Andreas. That to me is too big a responsibility and we just cant login into a forum to just to comment and log out and go for a smoke. uh oh… The point of discussion in this very thread was the prefix, “Osho” with the names. As you seem to love Osho discourses, as I do, visit my website if you have a chance, it’s loaded with Osho’s stuff… In a better world, everyone will be able to take off their costumes, and just be natural. Lot of things will never make sense for people if they look back now and try to make sense out of it, Even Buddha contradicted himself about the existence of GOD to communicate something to the person in context. Neither is the way to me. there’s glow here there everywhere…… whether its raining or dry humor….. if you want out of the pit pay heed to the self-righteousness within ….. then you will truly fing the glow ….. Maybe it was because he is starting to capitalise his surname Thompson now, like you do for Roth. Intelligently develop methods and language to reach out..and to help. thankyou oshobob for your response. And I have been inspired by the collective spirit here, that reminds me a lot of having dinner at “Mariam canteen” in the old Comumune international, or the updated version “zorba the Buddha” in the meditation resort. But the appearance is misleading. But someday you may wake up in the morning and find that the pile of rubbish in the kichen even has grown, while you were thinking Osho did the clean up…, Tracing back way to the topic, I like to quote Anthony saying: “I know some of the people there (in Pune) and they look intelligent and honest, although i think they still have the old habit of using euphemisms and osho quotes to put forward what they are doing. I used to kick myself in the earlier years that i am not like others in going behind success.. Later it dawned on me that i am what i am .. i am interested in getting answers to deeper questions of Life and thats what is going to fulfill me.. Altough a house like yours will not do any harm in my spiritual growth.. Anthony wrote:”…we do not directly insult each other… we argue!”. I think people in Pune are doing a fantastic work of keeping the essense of Osho’s teaching alive while at the same time ensuring that no junk is collected around his vision. Oshodhara is a living University for all spiritual seeker, where we can found ultimate joy “Ananad” in our life with the help of living master. In general , It depends on whether one is interested in only a good material life or he is interested in addressing deeper questions about life, One day i took a small boat to an Island near Singapore and sat on a rock watching the sea.. In a nice chat with Andrew Cohen look alike. Not a bad book, as books about sannyas go, though misses a lot too. Real freedom is a hard master. They’ve been exposed directly many times for their ongoing idiotic mis-representations. There is a VAST difference between all the Oshows and the real Osho, the “Great One”, the main man. oshobob is much “More beautiful” as Kranti would say: Funny, this “Shantam” seems to be in a time warp of some kind, can’t even get it up to capitalise the “C” in his ‘commune’. In the old days of Greek theater, when the actors held up their “personas” — masks with holes in them — in front of their faces, to play their roles in the drama at hand, when the drama was over, they just very simply put down the persona masks, and that was it. His stage shows were absolutely phenomenal–like being handcuffed by Scotland Yard cops, put upside down in a glass closet of water, with ropes tied all over him, and then getting out of the whole jam, to the stunned applause of the shocked audience. but would ver-y be more accurate? I have enjoyed the postings of Andreas Roth and have just seen his utterly tasteful website and the inner and outer life he has created after Rajneeshpuram. Teertha was Paul lowe, certainly British, not Jewish Somendra´s father was jewish, and as it comes from the mother… he was not Jewish technically. Partly completely ignorant, partly because they were druged, partly because they felt like the choosen ones, partly because they were criminals, all kinds of deals going on, partly because they had weird fun, strange ideas, political strategies, partly because of intercultural problems, sex stories certainly, not paying bills etc, etc… it is a very long list, too long for now. Jokes are very fragile things, always VERY much connected to the nuances of language. He would have even used them to awaken someone.. everyone`s signing off now,so i will end with a haiku by that least well-known of all zen masters john cooper clarke: to con-vey one`s mood He creates such a deep longing in you, such pain in the heart! Here’s the new look of my website homepage, with a photo of Osho reading a book with a chess set in the background. Basically, Pari’s view was that Osho was deliberately creating a circus atmosphere — the new colorful clothes, the Rolls Royces, the battles with the locals in Antelope, the ‘Us v. Them’ incidents with the US government, the media involvement, the Sheela saga. Time, the guitar will never be the same illusion, he doesn t! Agree “ question is not very aesthetic to see for yourself on this wand your. Being authored by anyone in the end of the trickster world we live in ‘Osho’, i go the. Is enlightened be represented, Reich was one of us, we will see the light… approved.... 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