Collateral damage instead of accidental deaths 6. They really sat down and put some time into this list. Toilet is a surprisingly interesting word. Put to sleep instead of euthanize 7. A Guide to Bathroom Euphemisms Whether you're in the habit of excusing yourself to go to the "powder room", "the loo" or "the John", you're using a euphemism, a term that sugarcoats or tiptoes around the precise word for describing something considered unpleasant or impolite. […]. Neither bathroom nor restroom suggests that the room contains a place for people to complete the basic body functions of urination or defecation. Testing for Euphemisms "In selecting euphemistic words and phrases I have accepted [Henry] Fowler's definition: 'Euphemism means the use of a mild or vague or periphrastic expression as a substitute for blunt precision or disagreeable use' (Modern English Usage, 1957).A second test is that the euphemistic word or phrase once meant, or prima facie still means, something else. The toilet was a “water closet”. 1. Even lavatory (late 14th century), which predates toilet, is from the Latin lavatorium, meaning washing place. Turtle burp. It sounds so much like toilet, and if people want a posh French term, they can use eau de Cologne! Foreign words that sound better, like faux pas instead of a stupid mistake. Euphemisms for, Follow English-Language Thoughts on This is because of the fact that public toilets were introduced to London in the 19th century with locks that could be opened with a penny. Webster’s Dictionary has this definition of euphemism: “The use of a less direct word or phrase for one considered offensive.”. Does anyone really deal with death well? Now things are different and in a good way (I would hate to think ofritualized shopping as one of my major and only choices as how to spend my days,) but it is still fascinating. Reason being, I thought you were dropping millions of your potential children into the toilet … The use of "toilet" to describe a special room for grooming came much later (first attested in 1819), following the French cabinet de toilet. I mean yes, you can sit down there I suppose, but it just seems so euphemistic that it makes you aware that it’s replacing a more unpleasant concept, and makes you think about it, ruining the whole point of a euphemism. Trouser trumpet. Forming a new word from abbreviations, such as BO for body odor or WC for water closet, which is itself a euphemism for toilet. It originally meant a cover or bag for clothes, coming from the Middle French word toilette with the same meaning, itself a diminutive form of the word toile (cloth, net). This euphemism for toilet comes from the 1940s when powder room referred to a ladies’ toilet in a hotel or restaurant. Negative patient outcome instead of died 5. That makes no sense to me; wouldn’t you want it to be at the bow so it was behind you as soon as possible? Change ). One child invariably fails to go, and the children will soon be off to see Mrs. Murphy again, much to the infinite frustration of their efficiency expert father. But restroom? I do not own the content but am using this to show students euphemisms in a funny way. 2) N SING: usu the N A bathroom is a room in a house or public building that contains a toilet … English dictionary Get your Mind out of the… Restroom? It’s that time of month… which is itself another … This was the first time I have heard it called that. Turd tremors. As someone who gets quite impatient with shopping, I don’t think the ritual would usually be for me, but it would be nice to have it as an option for an occasional treat :-). Are there any euphemisms you know (in English or other languages) that I haven’t mentioned here? To tinkle or water the lawn suggests urination. Other common euphemisms include: restroom or bathroom for toilet; Even still, I’ve always considered restroom to be just a bit too much. Its origins are difficult to pin down. In British English at least, because in American English, the word toilet usually refers just to the lavatory itself, and a room containing a toilet is often referred to as a bathroom (in a house), or a restroom or a washroom in a public place. By the late 18th century, the word had become associated with dressing by the upper classes, referring specifically to the fine cloth cover that would be spread upon a dressing table, with objects laid upon it. This may have come from the term Jake‘s place, a euphemism for an outhouse (outdoor toilet), which may date to the 16th century. As is often the case, the meaning of the word shifted through association until it referred to the thing beyond the […], […] mentioned all this before of course, but I was struck again while reading the book how something so specific can last for […]. "The Jakes" was in common usage in England in the 16th century when it was regarded as vulgar. I have always loved the expression restroom. I can imagine how befuddling that must have been for him: if you’re comfortable with the word “toilet,” then “washroom” must seem so polite that it couldn’t possibly mean the same thing! If they are "vulgar" then they are not, by definition, euphemisms. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. There are of course many other euphemisms for the toilet. loo - from the French for l'eau (water) and is essentially a room with water, a euphemism. It will be noted that as regards uriniation, nearly every term applies only to men. working on her first novel. The good people over at have compiled a list of over 100 poop euphemisms which can be found here. Most people I think am robust enough to refer to it generally as the toilet, but 'Ladies' (as in Ladies' Room) or 'Gents' are perhaps more popular when excusing oneself, and cloakroom is still used sometimes too. “Euphemisms are also used frequently by governmental institutions—especially by the military—to … Many movies from the 1930’s and 40’s present this experience – I recommend The Women. Another, more informal one in American English is the john. Bald men wear toupees. ( Log Out /  I can understand the desire to refer euphemistically to the toilet/bathroom, and specifically to avoid referring to the object itself. An example of doublespeak is the use of friendly fire as a euphemism for being attacked by your own troops. It has died out now as far as I know. contributor for many years. Uncorking. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Every synonym I can find is somehow a euphemism (as is "toilet", of course). I could go on, but when you think about it, basically every possible way to refer to a toilet is basically a euphemism. ( slang ) Then there’s the house of office, which has been used since at least the 17th century, featuring in Samuel Pepys’ diary. Euphemisms for farting that begin with the letter U. Uncorked one. Jake in this case would have referred to a generic peasant, and may have changed to John’s house and then the john in the United States, with John being an equally generic male name. Today, in company, women might either “powder their noses” or visit the little girl’s room. Anyway, that’s my restroom theory! Visual Euphemisms in Everyday Life: "Romance in the Toilet Bowl Cleaner" "Society has many instances of visual euphemisms. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. These euphemisms tend to be more vulgar in nature and do not bear repetition. In the 2010 film "True Grit" Marshal Rooster Cogburn used the term, "The jakes is occupied!" As we’ve seen, the word toilet originally had nothing to do with the object, and took a few hundred years to come to its modern meaning via a very scenic route. The meaning of the word then gradually changed over time, soon coming to refer to the act of getting dressed. In other cases, children are taught to ask to use the lavatory, again suggesting one uses a bathroom for bathing. On the surface of course it just refers to the object that stands in your bathroom, but how and when people use it (the word, not the actual toilet) varies quite a bit around the world. From clothes to pee, toilets have come a really long way!!! […] is derived from the Old English gãl, which, funnily enough, originally meant obstacle or barrier. Pregnancy … Men's or lady's room is commonly used, but my favorite is "the smallest room". Love & best wishes , I’ve come to like washroom and restroom for the same reasons, they’re subtle, though restroom still makes me think of someone reclining asleep in a blanket, which feels so out of place! And the same appears to be true (with the possible exception of "shithouse") for "toilet" when used to mean "rest room". As I’ve said though, it’s quite understandable why we choose to be euphemistic about the toilet, and it’s an interesting case of how language evolves naturally and original meanings get lost, as well of how our own psychology affects the course of linguistic evolution. Shopping (for a certain level of society and always meaning women, never men) used to be a ritualized experience, going to the big store downtown, dressing nicely for the excursion, being waited on, clothes brought to you, etc. Abstractions, like before I go instead of before I die. After I wrote about eau de Cologne recently, a few of you referred to eau de toilette in the comments, and it’s clear similarity to the English word toilet (and in fact, eau de toilette could be directly translated as toilet water). Pubic hair was airbrushed out … Please check off all the euphemisms for male masturbation that you recognize. many are from different countries and even a couple from times gone by. Eau de toilette is an odd way to call cologne or perfume, don´t you think?. This was often referred to as making one’s toilet, a usage you can still find in many books from the 19th and 20th century. Another word for toilet: lavatory, bathroom, loo, bog, gents or ladies | Collins English Thesaurus “Gotta go see a man about a dog” is an old standard among ranchers in the U.S. Fig leaves hide the genitals of statues. Servants (whose masters would generally have spoken or at least have known some French) would empty chamber pots by throwing them out the window into the street below. The powder room is along the lines of restroom for me: so unrelated to the room’s function it actually makes you think of its function. The ladies’ lounge was all part of it, I think. Read on you sick animals, for the ten best euphemisms for expelling waste products from your body! Originally Answered: What is the best euphemism for excreting feces out of one's anus? Interestingly, there is a section in old houses called Fumoir (Smoking/To Smoke) which stands for a sort of place to chill out and smoke… It is not the livingroom, of course. This term derives from early American and European indoor toilets, often called water closets. I wonder if this idea comes from having a separate ladies’ tea room, say, in a hotel. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Some are a bit of a stretch, but all of them hilarious. Many euphemisms about sexual activity or bodily functions came about when it was considered extremely impolite to talk about such things. A guest has arrived: お客さんが来た. This may have come from the term Jake ‘ s place, a euphemism for an outhouse (outdoor toilet), which may date to the 16th century. PAKUTASO. Also, let me know of any that I missed (there are plenty, I'm sure). Next time you’re with a group of native speakers and need to go to the toilet, you can make your English sound more natural by … A little history first: the word toilet was first recorded in English in the early 16th century, but with quite a different meaning. These are certainly euphemistic, the reader will have to judge as to their creativity. In England the bathroom is most commonly referred to as the loo, and in Europe the expression Room 100 is used. Toilet is now the most common term for a lavatory, and is still often used to refer to a small room with a toilet and wash hand basin, with bathroom referring to a larger room with a bath and/or shower. lavatory - means wash room and is a euphemism. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The act of human defecation is possibly the most needy candidate for the euphemism in all eras. It fascinates me, since I can just remember the last bits of this era, from my child’s point of view – the whole thing was such an occasion. «. It’s certainly time consuming, but I enjoy the journey . Since implying that one might actually need to use a toilet is quite vulgar, numerous other euphemisms exist to discuss the need to go to the bathroom. As time went on, and the link between the word toilet and the idea of dressing became less obvious, toilet came to refer to a room with a lavatory, and also to the lavatory itself. To do number one or two suggests exactly what one has done in the bathroom. Under burp. Dearly departed instead of died 3. It's such a delicate - and final - state that many of us like to dance around the truth. 2. If you just can’t bring yourself to say you’re going to the bathroom, how should you refer to that charming space? Other euphemisms for bodily functions are now so common, most people can probably name five to ten of them. Doublespeak refers to euphemisms used by government, military, or corporate institutions in an attempt to confuse and conceal the truth. We can’t have farts without U. That’s right, from sailing ships, I believe, where the toilet was located at the bow, or head, of the ship. When using euphemisms, it is good to consider the culture(s) of the audience. When I was in New Zealand I asked someone if there was a washroom in the building and he replied, completely seriously, “No, but there’s a toilet just down the hall.” It took me a minute to process what he thought I was looking for! I suspect “rest” in “restroom” was a similar reference to a restful feeling afterwards. Trunk bunk. Thus toilet for bathroom was euphemistic, at first. "These euphemisms tend to be more vulgar in nature and do not bear repetition.". We’re now much less squeamish or prudish, and we're fairly relaxed about talking about sex and going to the toilet, etc. To go to the toilet is in fact a euphemism, most closely tied to the way ladies might say they need to “powder their noses.” Toilette is the entire ensemble of a ladies clothing, hair and makeup. Privy is more than likely an abbreviation of private place, which is the least you can ask for from a toilet. When I checked construction plans and specifications, a “lavatory” was specifically a sink. Some suggest it dates back to medieval times. Both Americans and Europeans might use the john, and those in the UK might use the jakes. Who goes there for a rest? But not all of them are created equal. are used to refer to male masturbation. ( Log Out /  medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion. I believe it is also referred to as the head. I’m glad to bring back some good memories! “Euphemisms are frequently used…in order to avoid troublesome terms and phrases which possibly refer to something unpleasant or embarrassing,” wrote Sebastian Taugerbeck of Germany’s Universität Siegen in a paper entitled Military Euphemisms in Media Coverage. She is especially passionate about reading and writing, although her other interests include Your post has really taken me back in time to interesting memories. Laurence is a British expat living in Indianapolis, Indiana. Seriously, please. Trouser cough. Since these rooms often also contain toilets, the meaning evolved into its current meaning, namely the polite and formal euphemism for a toilet and the room containing it. Tootsie. Hello, I live in England and I have never heard the term 'the jakes'. If you were really upper class, then you not only had a very nice dressing room, but one with its own lavatory, and such a room, where you got dressed (made your toilet), became known as a toilet. Home Blogs Podcasts Videos News shorts About Contact Home Blogs Podcasts Videos News shorts About Contact The Ten Best Toilet Euphemisms. Going to the toilet in the UK is sometimes referred to as spending a penny. ‘to relieve myself’ is also something people often say when they want to visit the loo! They’d usually shout Gardyloo!, from the French Gardez l’eau! Under thunder. Toilet tune. That explains something I saw in an old black and white film. I’ve got a turtle head poking out. Maybe it was to let people wait in comfort when it’s busy. So, there you go! Terms for the actual uses of the toilet abound. Thanks! 2. (The word ‘bathroom,’ when used to refer to the place where you use the toilet, is in itself a euphemism, implying that something far more delicate than eliminating is going on.) I like that one, as it’s polite but accurate . Filed under Humor, Humour, Random and tagged euphemisms for toilet paper, humor, humour, I am SOOOO immature, slang for toilet paper | 23 Comments Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. And things haven’t changed that much. Death is a scary concept, and as a society we’ve agreed to use polite euphemisms as substitutes for death and die. Toot your own horn. ( Log Out /  Tricia has a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and has been a frequent wiseGEEK Fart euphemisms starting with the letter V. Venting. A common early term was W.C., a polite abbreviation for water closet. One even sees reference to bowel movements now as BMs. Though now out of date, expressions like the necessarium, the necessary house, and the cloakroom were all once popular. These tend to be more on the vulgar side, since they refer to actual body functions. 3. Today, numbers of euphemisms abound for either the functions performed in the bathroom, or for simply being in a bathroom. I still don’t understand why we use eau de toilette. Polite men might excuse themselves with no reason, so they can use the bathroom, or they might suggest they are going to the restroom. Passed away instead of died 2. I had no idea about the original of this word and it’s quite interesting to see how it was actually meant to indicate a cover for expensive clothes and today is used as something completely different! Another, more informal one in American English is the john. Informally, the verbs “jerk off”, “jack off”, “beat off”, “toss off”, “wank”, etc. To make or complete one’s toilette is to finish getting dressed. Now since we call the commode a toilet, it is not often referred to as such in polite company. Jacks is still an informal euphemism for toilet in general in Ireland, also derived from Jake‘s house, presumably. Good job. Thank you. Having lived in the Netherlands for 7 years, I know that one cannot use the euphemism “bathroom” for the “toilet.” In most Dutch houses, the bathroom is where one takes a bath or shower, and there is no toilet in that room. Tushy tickler. Tracing words back to their roots in time consuming and interesting. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. . Tricia lives in Northern California and is currently Though "vulgar" is a moving target, as it changes constantly based upon current usage of the language. Instead people may ask the direction of one’s restroom, or sometimes bathroom, implying they wish to rest or bathe. Some examples of English euphemisms include “powder your nose” for go to the toilet, “negative cash flow” for broke, and “passed away” for died. 7/5/2016 1 Comment This article is a part of FoulENT's 30 Days of Stuff! That’s why ladies can mean wives of lords, and also the toilet. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. In fact, some might say we’ve gone too far the other way. This list of toilet slang represents a form of toilet humour, often as a result of attempts to replace taboo words related to certain bodily functions and parts by euphemisms and witticisms. toilet - a euphemism based on a woman's morning ritual, then applied to the room and now to both the room and the bowl. Toot. By "toilet" I'm speaking of the thing upon which someone does their "business" -- commode, throne, W.C., etc. Vent one Hope you enjoyed this list of fart euphemisms. There are a few I’ve heard and used. In fact, in many schools, children simply ask to be excused and do not refer to the bathroom in any way. And I love the collection of euphemisms you’ve put out as well! To go to the toilet is in fact a euphemism, most closely tied to the way ladies might say they need to “powder their noses.” Toilette is the entire ensemble of a ladies clothing, hair and makeup. You won’t understand much of what you read and hear if you don’t know euphemisms. Loo is probably the best known British English term for toilet. […] Of course the essential Anglophone politeness inevitably ends up making all this absurd. If you read a news story about “collateral damage” from drone strikes, you need to know that the article is about civilian deaths. Here is a list of 10 classics: 1. Toilet tune Toot Toot your own horn Tootsie Trouser cough Trouser trumpet Trunk bunk Turd tremors Turtle burp Tushy tickler Uncorked one Uncorking Under burp Under thunder Venting Vent one Wallop Whiff Whoopee Whopper Zinger. In polite company, we often use euphemisms (nice ways of saying something) when discussing sensitive subjects, such as death and sex. As well, bathroom is euphemistic since it implies bathing rather than elimination. Both sexes wear contact lenses. Here are some delicate ways to discuss death and dying. I don’t remember it, but there was a murder, a “self-service elevator”, a telephone number that started with “Michigan” and a “Ladies’ Lounge” in a record store. Similar to "powder room", "toilet" then came to be used as a euphemism for rooms dedicated to urination and defecation, particularly in the context of signs for public toilets, as on trains. For instance, toilet is an 18th-century euphemism, replacing the older euphemism house-of-office, which in turn replaced the even older euphemisms privy-house and bog-house. Washroom, fine, because you are going to wash your hands (presumably). It used to refer to a vessel for washing, such as a sink or wash basin, and so came to mean a room with washing vessels. In the 1940s novel Cheaper by the Dozen the eleven children often have to make various stops on road trips to “go visit Mrs. Murphy,” a polite euphemism for having to go the bathroom, related to early bathrooms called the murphy closet. Sinking the Bismark. bathroom — [[t]bɑ͟ːθruːm, bæ̱θ [/t]] ♦♦♦ bathrooms 1) N COUNT A bathroom is a room in a house that contains a bath or shower, a washbasin, and sometimes a toilet. ( Log Out /  I'm familiar with the use of 'john', but it wouldn't normally be used in polite company, and even 'loo' would only tend to be used among friends! Bathroom, OK, because you’ll usually find a toilet in a room with a bath. There are of course many other euphemisms for the toilet. To make or complete one’s toilette is to finish getting dressed. Just my perceptions Great post, Niall. I think “restrooms” remind me of that, just an echo, when I use the word. Think of the feeling of returning to bed afterwards and your blanket. My favorite is “a freight train’s coming”. What is a euphemism? I can tell you I remember a time, my childhood in the 1960’s, when ladies’ public bathrooms, such as in a department store, club, or nice restaurant, included a lounge or at least a sofa and chairs in a separate room from the actual facilities, I think the idea being a place to actually rest, catch your breath, so on, and I remember wondering who could get that tired shopping to need it. Lavatory and more commonly, the privy were used by members of the military. Thus toilet for bathroom was euphemistic, at first. If you're still reading and have found yourself on the floor laughing, let me know some of your favo(u)rite toilet euphemisms in the comments below. Bathroom seems a bad word for me to refer to that particular place, as It makes me think of Baths, Showers, or even Saunas. Ethnic cleansing instead of genocide 4. (Look out for the water!). I think I’d quite like something like that! So the first time I heard this, I thought that "dropping the kids off at the pool" was a euphemism for masturbating. The other way a sink de toilette is an old standard among ranchers in the bathroom and your.! Are going to the toilet, and also the toilet English or other languages ) I! Missed ( there euphemisms for toilet of course many other euphemisms for farting that begin with the U.. And final - state that many of us like to dance around the truth like the necessarium, the “jerk! Also derived from Jake ‘ s house, presumably ve put out as well, bathroom is most commonly to... 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