However, the diet of a stingray is completely different from the diet of a discus fish. They are peaceful creatures and enjoy clean, warm water. They go around eating algae and uneaten food and debris from the aquarium. Join our friendly community of discus collectors: Copyright © 2013-2021 During the spawning process, angelfish and discus fish become very aggressive in an effort to protect their spawning site. They do a great job in helping you to keep your discus fish tank clean. African cichlids are also not preferable, as they do not like warm, acidic water, in which the discus fish live. You'll... read more, This guide is not meant to supersede, or replace any of the comprehensive textbooks written on the subject of... read more, Discus fish can be kept in aquariums with plants or without. With its large, disc-shaped body and its availability in a rainbow of colors, this species of the Cichlid family is a favorite for many fish keepers. Yeah, more discus for a 300gal., but you're going to need more than 8, or they will feel lost in that big tank, won't eat, and hide in the corner if they are youngsters. Let’s start with a few African Cichlid Tank Mates. How to fix? However, if you have a full house of messy eaters like discus, more frequent water changes may also be required. Tinfoil Barbs. v) Stingrays Other very experienced discus fish keepers keep stingrays in their discus fish aquariums. Avoid putting them with large fish as well who may become attracted to their striking, metallic color and make a meal out of them. Can Angelfish Live With Discus? With the fish that will end up becoming the discus tank mates settling in and doing well, keep checking water perimeters on a weekly basis. Discus is a schooling fish so it prefers to stay in groups of 6 species at least and it hardly stands being alone. But Start Out Doing It Right! They are usually bred in South Asia and these fishes are native to Columbia, Brazil, French, Equador and Peru. The problem with the Discus fish is that it’s incredibly shy. Whatever fish you decide to keep with your Discus, they will benefit from the extra attention. Prevention is one of... read more. However, in most cases, it is nearly impossible to distinguish between a male or a female discus until they are over four inches in size. However this does not mean that they are not a substitute for water changes. A clean tank is not only good for your fish and plants; it also helps you appreciate the beauty... read more, Discus flourish in warm water. Symphysodon aequifasciatus and Symphysodon Discus are the scientific name of the fish species Discus. Additionally, the cardinal tetras are dither fish. Some hobbyists, however, might think the loach can be a hassle to live with for the discus. My discus beat on one another all the time! Many people recommend freshwater angelfish as tank mates for discus fish. Do They Have Feelings too. Originating from New Guinea, the peacock gudgeon fish are very peaceful and very undemanding in nature. OK. This long journey causes a lot of stress to this fish which is the reason why it can easily fall ill. They don’t ruffle any feathers with anyone and are happy swimming on their own when given adequate food supply and healthy water conditions. Hardness of the water is preferred between 2 and 12 KH. You’ll learn about all the different types of African cichlids, the best tank mates, their behavior, lifespan, breeding, and how to set up the perfect tank. Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started with Discus Fish, Discus Fish Aquarium Requirements & Set Up, The Ultimate Discus Fish Guide – Types, Tank Mates, Food, Breeding. A discus is a sensitive species of fish and can become spooked from sudden noise, changes in light, and fluctuating water conditions. One of the drawbacks of keeping the peacock gudgeon is its susceptibility to different diseases which can potentially infect the complete tank. The tetras are calm and peaceful. How much water change is required for a discus aquarium? However, it is important that you feed it a variety of food along with the algae to meet its nutritional requirements. Another good companion for the discus is the Ancistrus, more commonly known as the bristlenose pleco or the bushynose pleco. But as they grow older, angelfish may bully the discus! Discus fish are slow moving schooling fish and when looking for tank mates, select the ones that are slow moving as well. They make suitable companions for the discus as they are well behaved just like the latter and usually don’t fight with their tank mates for food. In this article, we'll help you navigate your options about discus tank heaters. The glowlight tetra boasts a bright neon red strip along their body that shines when the lights of the aquarium are dimmed. Many people do not like keeping sting rays in their discus aquariums due to the fact that sting rays grow quickly and require fairly large aquariums. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. As long as neither of the fish are spawning however, they can get along pretty well in the same aquarium. Conclusion In conclusion, you should choose carefully the type of discus fish tank mates that best serves your aquarium needs without you going out of your norms in maintaining them. Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon Axelrodi) Cardinal tetras are another kind of tetras that will fit … Their water requirements are similar to that of discus and they will thrive when provided temperatures between 76 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Discus Tank Mates make up an essential part of your discus fish aquarium. Someone may be thinking, are tank mates required? The discus breeds for life and the couple might become territorial when exposed to other fish. Discus fish tanks must imitate their natural home with plants and vegetation since they are very fussy about where they are living but excess of pebbles, rocks or plants should be avoided at the same time, to give them a breathing space. They are a peaceful species and belong to the family of cichlids, just like the discus.  They are small in size but require plenty of swimming space and enjoy being in a large aquarium with lots of greenery and gravel substrate. Realistically, my discus are much more aggressive that these 2 little guys. Cardinal tetras is the best tank mate for your discus. Plants and Substrate. Similar to the discus, they also prefer warm water between 74-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Do Fish Have Brains? The discus and the German blue ram have similar water requirements. They enjoy densely planted aquariums. Remember, if you are planning to breed a discus pair, separate them from the community tank. They enjoy a combination diet of both vegetable matter and meat along with commercial-based flakes and pellets. Firstly, they are simply beautiful to look at and blend in well with the exotic colored discus fish. An aquarium without plants may be easier to... read more, When setting up their discus tank, many overlook one detail… where to put it! So, what other types of fish can you successfully keep with a discus? However, this does not mean you should keep them single and we recommend that you keep them in a group of five or six other discus for companionship and security as well. As the name suggests, the German blue rams are renowned for their distinctive blue coloring. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Their beautiful coloring blends well with other tank mates which makes them a great addition to any well-planted aquarium. This means therefore that you need to keep a close eye on plecos as they mature. If... read more, HEATER OPTIONS The beautiful silver fish with red coloring around its nose enjoys swimming back and forth in the tank without bothering anyone. Can a discus fish jump out of the tank? We pride ourselves for our superb customer service and high quality discus. Stingrays stay at the bottom of the aquarium and do not interfere with the discus fish. At 30ºC / 86ºF, this will make it impossible for many common ailments such as whit… They are easy to care for and require very less maintenance. While we have several peaceful fish that get along well with the discus, many other breeds do not. Discus Tank Mates: You can keep 6 Discus in a single aquarium but also mix up this peaceful fish with other peaceful species. Tankmates for Discus If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The Best tank mates for your Discus would be small, fast, and active fish that don’t have long fins, such a fish will surely provide your Discus a comfy environment and will enhance the beauty of your tank. Algae are the green growth that can cover the walls of your tank. Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment Common Discus ailments : (credit Nicole on the forum) Cloudy Eye: Clear white, transparent film covering one or both eyes. The difficulty when choosing tank mates for discus is that the fish is slow, it eats slow and inhabits in water with rather high for other species temperature. This easy-to-care for fish survives well with other peaceful natured fish including discus. NOTE: Ensure that your fish tank is large enough to accommodate all the fish. Dense vegetation, subdued lighting, and lots of space to swim freely are also essential for these fish. If Discus are not kept at desired temperature, then it could make your fish fall sick & could reduce their life span. They should also not be of an aggressive nature, have a habit of nipping, or compete with the discus for food. I don't like angels mixed with discus, or much of anything else. But what about its behavior with other fish species? We pride ourselves for our superb customer service and high quality discus. Other suitable tank mates for discus include: clown loaches (make sure they have a place to hide in the aquarium), German blue rams, rummy nose tetras, glowlight tetras and rosy tetras. If the fin is rounded on the corners, it is probably a female fish while male discus boasts pointed dorsal fins. Cardinal tetras are suitable with warm and acidic water like discus. Your discus will not be happy with other fish if they are super-fast and disturb the serenity of the discus. They are omnivores and enjoy a meal that includes a variety of flake foods, vegetable matter, and freeze-dried bloodworms. The size of the companion fish also matters as the large-sized fish are capable of eating smaller ones. Discus fish are naturally not meant to exist alone. What should I feed my discus fish? Another peaceful addition to your discus tank is the rummy nose tetra. Warm and cold water can’t coexist so fish that have preference for different water temperature cannot live together. One of the main reasons to keep bristlenose along with the discus is because of its ability to keep algae down. The water should be soft and you should ensure that plenty of driftwood is available to replicate their natural habitat. Keeping the tank covered at all times is the best way to prevent them from escaping. How Many Discus Fish in 3, 10,15,20,25 or 30-Gallon Tanks? How to determine the gender of your discus fish? © 2020 FluffyPlanet,, My favourite Discus tank mates ( What tropical fish should you avoid putting in with discus? They become very stressful once they sense a … The fish prefers staying in an aquarium that is well planted with plenty of rocks and driftwood. In the meantime, visit our boutique and build your dream tank today. The most common discus tank mates you see in a discus aquarium are tetras. This therefore means that you should always look for mates for your discus fish in your aquarium. You also need to keep a close eye on plecos when they grow larger as they suck up to glass and objects in the aquarium. The Cardinal tetra and Corydoras, Cory Cat are sometimes kept in tanks with them and make good tank mates. The rainbow fish are also shoalers and should be kept in a group of five or six. A lot of people that keep discus have bare bottom tanks, and do 80% to 90% water changes daily with a drip system. Nevertheless, a group of discus with the same personality is suitable as tank-mates for them and you will find them living in harmony together when adequate food supply is provided. This will depend on your preferences most of the times. They enjoy warm water between the temperature of 78–85 degrees Fahrenheit with pH level between 6 and 7. The ancistrus are peaceful fish and are usually found grazing at the bottom of the tank. Tetras happen to be slow moving schooling fish as well … ii) Cory cats Another set of common discus fish tank mates are cory cats. If there are items you are looking for but can’t find on our state-of-the-art website, please contact us and we will do our best to find what you need. A perfect tank mate for discus fish is the clown loach. They are an ideal choice for beginner aquarists for their hardy personality and adaptability to different water conditions. They swim back and forth in the aquarium without bothering their tank mates and adjust instantly in the environment provided. Generally, discus is a timid type of fish and prefers staying with their own kind. It is a master of disguise and can grow up to 5 or 6 inches. This will not only keep your Discus fish happy but will also keep you happy because that means less maintenance. Moreover, fish keepers often have a hard time deciding on the best tank mates for these fish. Below you’ll find our African cichlid tank mates along with a great cichlid care guide. These types of fish are easy to care for and thrive when provided with great quality water not exceeding 77 degrees Fahrenheit. While some species reproduce quickly and can overrun a tank in a short... read more, This article is for the Newbie to discus keeping. They are very hardy and are a great fish for beginners, besides being suitable companions for the discus. Discus—this beautifully patterned freshwater fish in a greenery-filled aquarium is an appealing sight. They are considerably small in size and tend to swim in groups. Discus is a shy fish & needs high temperature as compared to other species. How much space does a hamster needs in its cage? The same reason with Corydoras Catfish, Sterbai Ancistrus will help you in keeping the tank clean since they like to consume unnecessary algae that are automatically formed in … The smaller the tank you have the drastic the swings will be, and the more stressed out your discus will be. Tank mates are other fish species that live harmoniously with your discus. For example, we are the sole breeders of discus legend Marc Weiss’ original breeding stock in the world. There are several types of tetras which include; neon tetras, cardinal tetras, blood eye tetras, and penguin tetras. Discus fish are the type of fish that are slow moving schooling fish. Corydoras Catfish are great tank mates for discus known to be a little worker fish in that helps to keep the tank clean by swimming around the aquarium looking for particles that have not been eaten. Is the discus fish a social breed? This means that they are capable of reducing timidity and even aggression in their tank mates by promoting a sense of tranquility. Once they grow more than 4 inches in length, take a look at their dorsal fin. The next recommended type of fish that can be added as your Discus tank mates is Sterbai Ancistrus. There are several types of tetras which include; neon tetras, cardinal tetras, blood eye tetras, and penguin tetras. In fact, if you have a shy discus that is often found hiding in the corners of the aquarium, put in a school of cardinal tetras to enhance its socializing behavior. By Jim E. Quarles. They are one of the most popular aquarium fish for their vibrant coloring and low maintenance. Glow light tetras are small and leave plenty of space for their discus tank mates. Our facilities collectively house over 30,000 gallons, 25,000 discus fish, and 90+ strains at any given time. There are many different colors of cory cats to choose from, hence most people find them interesting to keep. My name is Nadine; I am a passionate writer and a pet lover. This should however be done with extreme caution. Lack of hiding areas can cause the German blue ram to stress and suffer. They get along well with their tank mates and prefer freshwater with aerated current. And just perhaps a few things can be of use... read more, Here's the base for the wet/dry filter.  It's really just an aquarium (36"x10"x18") with some glass panels siliconed inside... read more, PREVENTING ALGAE GROWTH At times they may even have the tendency to suck up to the side of your discus fish due to the shape of the discus fish body. 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