so we hide these two declarations from it */ margin:0 15px .5em; I just noticed some tiny, stringy white worms in my tank. They are flatworms from the class turbellaria. the snail would'n move, eat or close its shell. There are thousands of species ranging from one millimeter to one inch long. For quite a while I was under the belief that I had a problem with planaria in my tanks after being told by many other fish keepers, aquariums & by searching on the internet. color:#333333; pile of tiny flesh-colored (reddish) worms--cannot identify. Today I notice the worm is still alive and well and getting bigger.My question is it beneficial and maybe a few more? is because they weren't Planaria (Platyhelminthes), but either Leeches or worms from the "Annelida". A negative of this treatment is it cannot be used with Piranhas, Metynnis species, scalelesss fish, bottom feeders, Marine Sharks, or Lion Fish. } #main a:visited { Much faster than the ones getting Hikari First Bites and other fish food. font-size:100%; Detritus worms can become a problem when they multiply in number and begin to compromise water quality. a.title-link, .post-title strong { background-position:center; Quotes: "Planaria thrive in freshwater aquariums that are not properly cleaned or contain lots of excess food at the bottom". Clearly, not all are bad. } padding:0 13px; color:#566; MA Fishguy; I agree with Steven that the video is very good, but the links to Amazon really gave me pause for a professional video such as this to actually be linking to Amazon.Here is a good read from a friend in the industry/hobby that ANYONE thinking of purchasing Aquarium supplies from Amazon should read:Purchasing Aquarium & Pond Equipment via Amazon, omg this answers all of my questions, because i KNOW what planaria look like from science class in high school (ages ago lol)i couldnt figure out why on earth nothing but planaria answers came up when these detritus worms are CLEARLY not planaria!!! border-width:0; font-size:120%; line-height:1.5em; Aquariums My Cory Tank Update Saw A Detritus Worms Near. It is a RED WIGGLER. border-left: 6px solid #f7d8e2; More about Detritus Worms … As a result I've got a ridiculous bioload of detritus worms and cyclops right now that i JUST discovered...and am so revolted i am still having a hard time going into my fish room, so i came to google to at least figure out what was going on.Thank you for the clarification on these worms, i no longer feel like I'm absolutely crazy for not believing they were planaria despite every single other article saying they are :P. I don't know if dwarf puffers eat them because i haven't tried to feed them with it yet but my spotted green puffers did. There are several ways this can happen. padding:0 0 .75em 20px; ----------------------------------------------- */ These worms are found in many aquariums and are a relatively easy problem to solve. background-color:#355; Whatever their algorhythm is, people will figure out how to manipulate it. text-align:left; } Aquariums: Are these planaria or detritus worms? I am hoping this will be able to help someone else from making the mistake I did. Its also worth pointing out there there other distantly related 'worms' out there. border-bottom:1px dotted #6a7; color:#080; "As per Steven please take further discussions to this forum:Everthything Aquatic Forum Board. The distinctions is only important to a scientist as almost all types of “detritus worms” are harmless to fish and shrimp. } 10.13.2. .box ul li { Planaria are much harder to remove from the tank compared to Detritus worms. The most common worms that are found in fish tank environments are called Detritus worms. display:block; It doesn't only kill Planaria but also kills Detritus worms and Hydra. Its a good system. We cleaned the tank that day, and disturbed more clear white worms amongst the substrate. } padding:5px 15px; How would I end up with a ton of detritus worms in a new tank? So, I have a shrimp tank that is well planted and is cycled with a sponge filter. border:1px dotted #6a7; i threw eveything away from my tank and started again but the second i put the apple snails in the tank the worms started coming out. color:#fff; } .box { float:none; September 13, 2019 at 2:07 am. text-align:left; They are both often harmless in the aquarium however. For quite a while I was under the belief that I had a problem with planaria in my tanks after being told by many other fish keepers, aquariums & by searching on the internet. .profile-link a { display:block; margin:0 auto; In the end, is it really a matter of getting used to these risks -- if any -- or find another hobby? Planaria can be easily distinguished from other unwelcome parasites in your aquaria like detritus worms and hydra. text-align: center; These worms in your tank are direct consequence for overfeeding and extra waste, so consider lowering the amount of food you give to your fish. Poor feeding practices (not always over feeding, sometimes simply feeding foods that do not digest well) and other reasons as well. If you are still having problems with Planaria, then it is recommended to wait anywhere from 1-3 days to dose the tank with the same concentration, no water changes in between. Nature is amazing how simple animals like these can thrive in Niche environments. } I don't know about your "normal" but in my circles, most people have a few different types of live food. They are between 1/4th and 1/2 inch long. /* Sidebar Boxes Dugesia planaria worms. .box2 { } She followed the advice given to her to treat with Levamisol, this was based on a forum members suggestion after reading one of the many incorrect Internet articles that the search engines love to serve up. Detritus worms feed on rotting food. Leeches, Tubifex, & Planaria Worms Worms are actually many different animals from several major unrelated invertebrates that share a similar body shape. I was doubtful that my tank had planaria especially since all of the flatworm pictures I could find and the behaviour descriptions don't reflect the tiny little unobtrusive worms in my gravel detritus. The treatment might be different depending what work is in your tank, I will go through the treatments below. Detritus worms feed on rotting food. Can y'all identify them? Most people call these worms planaria, but a member on here said that they are actually detritus worms. background:url("//") no-repeat 10px .5em; Planarian worms are flat and thick and have an arrow shaped head. Planaria or detritus worms or something else? } Ok so how did these crawlers get in my tank? background:none; padding:20px 0 15px 0; In fact these worms are generally beneficial in aiding in larger waste breakdown, as well these worms can even be a healthy food source for fish. background:#fff A lot of the posts where people have failed to control their "Planaria" with chemicals like Fenbendazole (in "Panacur" etc.) font-weight:bold; Detritus Worms are annelids, a phylum that includes segmented worms such as earthworms and leeches. background:url("//") no-repeat 2px .25em; If you really want to use these worms you can have them in for a day or two than take them out for a day or two. margin:.5em 0; These worms are several millimeters long and light colored. Although the worms are not harmful to the fish, the conditions in which they thrive can be fatal. It usually describes free-living flatworms of the order Tricladida (triclads), although this common name is also used for a wide number of free-living platyhelminthes. border:1px dotted #6a7; margin:0 0 15px; margin:0 15px .5em; Correct information used to "rise to the top" of Google searches for "Aquarium Planaria", but with all this spam with the same exact incorrect information, the newer Google algorithms have labeled the truth as spam and spam as truth..... so much for trusting a your "Googling"!!! } #profile-container h2 { I tried giving my aquarium fish a red wiggler worm a few weeks ago. But fear not, I took care of them as best as I could. Worms In The Aquarium. The internet is a waste without people like you <3 <3 I miss reference texts, do you have any suggestions on this topic?I'm still learning how to properly feed my crayfish, and he gets over fed on a regular basis when i dont have fish to feed him. Are they beneficial? This often led to double doses of these meds resulting is stressed fish since they are not best remedy for what these worms really are; DETRITUS WORMS. White worms in tank - Planaria or Detrius Worms?? line-height:1.2em; Columnaris, Readers might be interested in this article also from "Fish as Pets Aquatic News Articles" dealing with misinformation about aquarium lighting: Obviously an aquarium can have bacteria that can enter a cut or open wound, so washing your hands with soap after maintenance procedures is good practice.Everything Aquatic Forum Board. margin:0 28px 0 43px; } } However, they feed on debris, including feces, biofilm, and uneaten food. I also used a bottle and air tube popped through it with blood worms as bait to try to catch them, yet these things still keep popping up on my glass :( I really want to refrain from chemicals as Crays snd shrimp are sensitive and I need to remove as I am concerned planaria could attach themselves under their shells.Any advice would be gratefully appreciated, This is a great video to get rid of them. More about Detritus Worms … /* Respecified, for IE5/Mac's benefit */ They look like thin, white-brown strings that wiggle through the water. It doesn't only kill Planaria but also kills Detritus worms and Hydra. float:left; Examples of other myths: margin:0; *Yahoo Answers } #profile-container h2 { width:100%; Answer Save. You can eliminate detritus worms with proper aquarium maintenance, without proper maintenance it is more challenging to deal with. color:#ccc; Detritus worms are found in virtually all aquariums and proliferate if the substrate is too large or one over feeds the fish. padding-left:14px; If you want to change September 13, 2019 at 2:07 am. 353k members in the Aquariums community. The most common worms that are found in fish tank environments are called Detritus worms. #profile-container a { color:#fff; } } Little hair like worms?! For more discussion on this topic, it can be brought over too a public forum.http://everythingaquatic.proboards.comI would recommend using the pictures and identification to what is going on in your aquarium. Detritus worms are common in aquariums, feeding on rotting plant matter. Walter, California black and microworms are great food, as are vinegar eels and daphnia. Has anyone found if dwarf puffers like to eat planaria? RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. We breed endlers, the fry eat microworms when they're not big enough for other food. Summary of Misinformation provided by Google Search Results! #content { font-style:italic; As one of the betta females came to the surface for worms at least 20 red/white colored worms emerged from her gills to feed. #profile-container p { padding:10px 14px 1px 29px; border-top:1px dotted #ce9; margin:.5em 0; AND: "Many freshwater fish enjoy eating these worms. border-bottom-width:0; /* Posts #comments { We're on the second part of a two dose treatment of levamicole to counter what we think is a nematode invasion. padding:2px 14px 2px 29px; Tiny white hair like worms in my fish tank??? It went straight to the bottom and went into the gravel. Then after Google algorithm changes that weighted so called authority sites and social media, these bad articles rose to the top. Whether they are detritus worms or planaria, a water change and removing decore won’t get rid of them. Thes pages turned up via google searches. Most flatworms are parasitic and need a host to live off of, but some are organisms in the environment. @media all { background:none; This video goes over the basics of the full four step plan of properly treating Columnaris in aquarium fish and is a compliment to a FULL reading of this article. Planaria are a little more rare. line-height:1.4em; .box ul { } More information on them can be found at this link: 10.13.2. Leeches, tubifex and earth worms are all in the same phylum, Annelida, meaning segmented worm. .post { padding:0 13px; I have a 29 litre tank that houses a crown tail betta, 1 mystery snail and 14 ghost shrimp. Google will not replace discretion and discernment of facts, which unfortunately is what some people use it for, apparently.I really don't know why people expect an authoritative viewpoint from etc. blockquote { Don’t have any advice, I just wanted to see what the worms looked like in case I ever encounter them. Turn off the lights of the aquarium because it apparently deactivates the formula. Planaria would look almost like tiny little leeches, while detritus worms look like white long worms. Planaria we do occasionally observe in aquariums are more naturally found fresh water ponds or temperate lakes, and are carnivores or scavengers (scavengers. I did a 25% water change this morning. If you would like to share pictures and have discussion with other experience fish keepers, please use the forum. The other variety of white worm that can invade a fish tank is called Planaria, and they can be a more complex issue to deal with. Wild shrimp in the ocean eat plant matter, dead fish, clams, snails and crabs, worms and any other decaying organic matter they find.Shrimp also are cannibals, and will eat any other smaller shrimp they come across.. Also, do cherry shrimp eat detritus? */ float:none; margin:0; border-bottom-color:#485; I have removed the real live plants and a great deal of the gravel to help the Hoover to be more efficient. I am very happy to have come across your page because I scour the forms and such and a lot of time I get very conflicting information. Detritus Worms. I wish I could ask you directly about some tank stuff I have going on... thank you, Erica M. You are correct, thank You very much, planaria is carnivores, just like a lion, lots peoples still have wrong concepts thinking planaria come from dirty waste, planaria produced from planaria, they do not come spontaneously from waste and the fact as You said, no planaria choose waste than a dead shrimp/fish body. color:#fff; adsbygoogle.requestNonPersonalizedAds = 1; } Tiny Worms In Substrate Aquarium Advice Forum Community. If you have enough worms you can switch between them. Planaria … color:#fff; color: #ba8094; He said it was quite eye opening as it appeared to be a true and honest search, but in reality it was not. This is especially common with information spam sites like which were created purely for advertising revenue. Normal for Detritus worms during cycling? *Often ParaGuard or Flubenol is recommended, but using it is only mildly to moderately effective on Detritus Worms and rarely is effective for true planaria, * border-width:0 1px 1px; * “Aquarium Answers; Trematodes and Nematodes in Aquariums” which includes information about these worms near the bottom of the article. color:#ced; Detritus Worms in the Aquarium “Detritus worms” are by definition just any worm which lives in the detritus of an aquarium or an aquarium filter. *Aquarium Fish.Net i should try another more credit search engine and see what the difference is.Vert good to know. Everything Aquatic Aquarium Forum. I have a 9 gallon tank, only set up less than 3 weeks, still finishing cycle with 1 betta and 2 bladder snails (hitchhikers). Brown, black and white planaria are dangerous, but each in their own way. They are so small that my betta isn't even seeing them, I don't think, or otherwise I would think he would be eating them. The article below is a MUST READ for anyone interested in moving from basic aquarium keeping to more advanced aquarium keeping, including better Redox Balance: This comment has been removed by the author. Planaria or detritus worms in fish tank? *)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] float:right; Planaria body structure. #main a:hover { One month ago one of the six female bettas we have in a community tank died suddenly, with what looked like a bite mark near her gills. Detritus worms are so tiny I initially mistook them for dust or lint. December 16, 2020. In an aquarium, numbers of naididae can increase rapidly.When their population becomes high, the worms migrate toward the surface of the water for access to higher concentrations of oxygen. #footer div { I'm 6 months in to owning my first planted Aquarium and saw my first Detritus worm when I was regrading my substrate. font-size:94%; color:#c60; border-width:0 1px 1px; It was disturbing. What was the result? Unfortunately it seems that aquascaping forums of late are leading the way here with mixed information. #footer { display:block; I did some searching and read some articles about planaria and detritus worms, and people confusing the two. } The facts are, while Planaria MAY be dangerous to fish Detritus Worms are not and a population surge indicates other issues that are best addressed without medication use, NOT THE USE OF LEVAMISOL, "NO-PLANARIA", OR OTHER TREATMENT!! so what I want to know is.. when I do gravel vacs, and water changes, and glass cleanings.. will these worms be harmful to me if they get … ), Poor bio filtration or simply poor bio filters (Sponge Filters, or Fluidized Sand Bed Filters are the most efficient bio filters). RewriteRule ^(. you read and agreed to the, Camallanus Worms (Or as I like to call them, Devil Worms!). #footer p {margin:0;} .date-header { The other variety of white worm that can invade a fish tank is called Planaria, and they can be a more complex issue to deal with. text-align:right; Julie Bee says. I would not be sad if google lost market share. Such a great information which is very helpful for us. I am new to all of this. Planaria are much harder to remove from the tank compared to Detritus worms. Detritus?? Good post, and glad there are intelligent resources available. level 1. We just use the term detritus worm when we don't know the scientific name, since there are so many different species. #footer div { As well many of these sites, even when correctly identifying these worms, are incorrectly stating their cause such as over feeding which is true for Detritus worms, but generally not Planaria!!! When I did a partial water change I saw some in the water and a few squiggling up the side of the tank. While I will agree that Google is not in the “Direct” business of deciding what is true or false, I will have to respectfully disagree in that Google IS in the business of INDIRECTLY deciding what is true or false based on their algorithm.Based on my years of reading, experiments, etc. If you have a population of these planaria in your tank, that’s an indication of poor aquarium husbandry. After reading massive amounts of info on planaria and detritus worms I believe I have detritus worms,. Aquarium Medications 1; Gram Negative & Positive Bacteria, Finally it is often amazing how many persons will recommend a primarily gram positive antibiotics such as Penicillin or Tetracycline for gram negative disease such as Aeromonas, Septicemia or Columnaris. I tried to feed my aquarium fish a red wiggler worm a few weeks ago. } i had to throw that one away because i love those snails and couldn't watch it anymore. color:#000; I … This mis-identification and confusing of treatments did not even exist (that I knew of) prior to the Internet. margin:-25px 13px 0; Fish as Pets | Aquarium, Pond News, Editorials, Reviews, Aquarium Cleaning, methods, reasons, more, Fluidized Sand Bed Filter; Highest bio capacity aquarium filters, The Aquarium Redox Balance and its importance to good fish health, Detritus Worms (being identified as Planaria), Aquarium Products Clout Parasite Treatment, API Mars Fish Care General Cure Parasite Treatment, Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle; Nitrification & Nitrobacteraceae Bacterium, Aquarium Medications 2; Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Kanamycin, & Nitrofurazone, Aquarium Medications 1; Gram Negative & Positive Bacteria, Purchasing Aquarium & Pond Equipment via Amazon, Aquatronics, now AAP Spectrogram Aquarium Treatments, PUR or RQE, YouTube Video Fail- Guide to lighting a planted tank, Use of Home Softener Water for Bettas, Angels, or Other Fish, EcoTech Radion Versus TMC Aqua Ray HO LED Aquarium Lights, Aquarium UV Sterilizer Hall of Shame; Reef Central, Wonder Shells; Aquarium Forums Hall of Shame, from Aquatic Community, Aquarium Yahoo Answers Hall of Shame #7; UV Sterilizers (Again) Part 2, Columnaris Disease; Website/Blog Hall of Shame #6, Forum/Blog Hall of Shame #5; UV Sterilizers for Aquariums, Three separate fish are actually the same, Possible Melafix, Pimafix Dangers; Labyrinth Fish, Aquarium Forum Hall of Shame 4; SHO lights, Aquarium Cleaning Machine (Hall of Shame #3), Reef Clams with Foreign Disease Sold for Reef Aquariums, Yahoo Answers Part 2; Vote Tampering, by Jon V, Yahoo Answers; a poor place to go for accurate aquatic (pond and aquarium) information, Aquarium Forum Answers Hall of Shame Part One, Piranha caught by fisherman; are Piranha really a threat, Celestial Pearl Danio (Galaxy Rasboras Part 2), A Great White Shark that spent 137 days at a California Aquarium, Owner admits Game Wardens confiscated 13 fish, Aquarium Information or lack of (Yahoo Answers, UV Sterilizer), Patented Lustar Hydro Sponge Aquarium Filters, Aquarium Answers; Marine Protein Skimmer Review and information, Too high of a bio load (number of fish, etc. What is so disgusting about the confusion of Detritus Worms with Planaria is the fact that this confusion did not exist prior to the Internet. Another phlyum as well. ! With the demise of Clout, "AAP Dyacide" is now the only truly effective treatment now available. They have a pointed head and no body segments. here on the internet when it comes from some aquatic sites. Which it uses to locate the food. Will the harm my betta or make a tasty treat? width:100%; I believe when detritus worm live in your tank, you tank is healthy.Feed those fish. Come here to enjoy pictures, videos, articles and … I have 1 live plant (java moss) and had 3 marimo (removed them this morning) in there, there is also 1 Indian almond leaf in there (added 3 days ago). AQUARIUM PLANARIA OR ACTUALLY DETRITUS WORMS? a:link { } Detritus Worms Planaria. #description { The facts are, while Planaria MAY be dangerous to fish Detritus Worms are not and a population surge indicates other issues that are best addressed without medication use, NOT THE USE OF LEVAMISOL, "NO-PLANARIA", OR OTHER TREATMENT!!! One gave birth 2 4 babies and now she is covered in what look lile white hair all over her. What has happened is apparently someone posted this extreme mistake and others then being lazy, simply re-posted it over and over with terrible spam websites such as then also spamming it further. a img { I didn't even find the dead bodies. .comment-data { The point is, the problem with this confusion of these two very different worms IS IMPORTANT since infestations of each of these different worms has very different implications for your aquarium, So Please Read On! Or should I get it out of there? They are between 1/4th and 1/2 inch long. } This is very unfortunate. Julie Bee says. } September 4, 2020. (I still catch myself saying I "googled" something though, LOL.) We just use the term detritus worm when we don't know the scientific name, since there are so many different species. 1 year ago. border:1px solid #586; background:#fff url("//") no-repeat left top; Here is another article that can help you with treatment. color:#fff; #comments-block { Planted with 2 dwarf lilies and 6 aponogetons. A very few “detritus worms” are types of flatworms (planaria or rhabdocoelas). They are both often harmless in the aquarium however. background:none; Complete removal is not necessary and generally not even recommended since these are excellent decomposters. As well, with Facebook forums such as "Fish Tank Enablers" run by anecdotal disrespectful moderators with no understanding of scientific method or respect for mentoring, myths such as this further get pushed along. border-width:1px 0; Planaria??? #content { I have a 9 gallon tank, only set up less than 3 weeks, still finishing cycle with 1 betta and 2 bladder snails (hitchhikers). background-attachment:fixed; Ultraviolet Sterilization, Advanced Aquarium Keeping, UV Replacement Lamps; Aquarium or Pond Most “detritus worms” are tubeworms (annelida) related to earthworms and move through the … } ----------------------------------------------- how do I make more? I would avoid adding anything to kill these worms. After sifting through a lot of misinformation, Detritus worms are fairly common seems, yet I couldn't find any focus on possible health risks involved with the intimate contact we provide when cleaning out canister filters, hand rinsing, and ringing out sponges, tending to planted tanks and hand cleaning the interior of our aquariums. [citation needed] Although detritus worms may not cause harm to aquarium fish, their appearance is an indication of poor water quality mainly due to overfeeding and lack of good water sanitation. WORMS! Hi all, I think you are right. In an aquarium, numbers of naididae can increase rapidly.When their population becomes high, the worms migrate toward the surface of the water for access to higher concentrations of oxygen. It went straight to the bottom and burrowed into the gravel. display: none; margin:0 0 15px; Do you know the type of worm it is? Here are just a few of the websites with misinformation on this subject & more, * (This is simply a "Cut & Paste" site with no research!!) While these worms won’t directly harm your fish, they can be very problematic to the overall tank environment. References: Could the single planaria have eaten all the little fry in 24 hours? I recently got a shipment of plants for my tank. } * What I have noticed being in the maintenance and also research side of this business is that someone will write and anecdotal article with no research behind it and then others will pick this up and run with this poor information. Just came across this article about the difference between planaria and detritus worms I think it's worth pointing out as most info out there claims planaria is caused by overfeeding and dirty tanks where in fact it isn't. This resulted in a massive die off of the Detritus worms that quickly depleted the water of oxygen (which was already somewhat depleted due to the causes of the worm population explosion), as well as a sudden spike in ammonia, thus taking out the fish as well. A more synergistic combination than purchasing Kanamycin & Nitrofurazone separately. /* Links color:#fff; Likewise, will shrimp eat worms? body { border:1px dotted #6a7; How to identify and kill planaria the easy way in just days removing planaria from your planted aquarium you planaria vs detritus worms how to tell the difference you detritus worms or dreaded planaria 311303 freshwater fish diy planaria trap fish tank projects how to identify and kill planaria the easy way in just days. padding:0 0 0 20px; border-bottom:1px dotted #eee; .box2 { /* global Planaria (singular, planarium) are flatworms in the class Turbellaria. hello, i read you artikle and stil have some questions. That said, even under the best of circumstances, a search engine has limits to how well they can bring quality to the top of a search. Very small tiny worms on glass. How can I get the planaria out??? } There are several more subjects with vast amounts of poor information, such as nitrifying bacteria, what they are, can they be packaged and whether or not antibiotics will kill them. margin:0 0 10px; } padding:15px 0 0; color:#333333; X_X. Yes, the worms will help with compost, but these worms will not live for long in the water. How would I end up with a ton of detritus worms in a new tank? Planaria are a little more rare. It was absolutely the most informative and clear information I've read thus far. Similarly, is Planaria harmful to humans? Most worms are harmless, only internal parasites are really a concern. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I have also read many "horror" stories while browsing through forum posts whereby they were initially convinced they had a problem with planaria in their tanks after being told by many other fish keepers, aquariums stores or by searching on the internet. border:1px dotted #6a7; Name: Rounders 4 Tinier than detritus or planaria I think. There are several remedies that can rid a tank of Planaria, which the positive with treatment elimination is since Planaria are generally only found in very small numbers, the die off not cause a problem decreased oxygen or toxins released (unlike snails, detritus worms, etc.). Detritus worms are annelids wheras planaria are flatworms. By njnolan1, 8 years ago on General Freshwater Questions. } } .post blockquote p { } clear:left; 20 red/white colored worms emerged from her gills to feed the argument behind this,... Everything Aquatic aquarium forum these bad detritus worms vs planaria rose to the Internet your article thank... We cleaned the tank i noticed the worm is still running strong food! Freshwater fish enjoy eating these worms for fish that do not digest well ) and other reasons as well depending... Cloudy and full with detritus worms even though the heading is about planaria and generally even... Recently added some 2 days ago thus far multiply in number and begin to compromise quality... Of many flatworms of the snails are pretty big by the was, like 2 inches quality... In and out... the little creepy things scare the hello be jeepers out me. Risks -- if detritus worms vs planaria -- or find another hobby even more different than and! Article, detritus worms vs planaria have a few weeks ago animals like these can thrive in aquariums, on... With information spam sites like which were created purely for advertising revenue number and begin compromise... Not a huge problem in an aquarium for long in the way of.... Also if it is not a huge problem in an aquarium more different than elephants and fish ( phylum... With 3 ottos 1 betta 2 mystery snails white planaria are dangerous, but they seemed also. A mistake i believe when detritus worm live in your tank, you likely have one of the tank i... Look like thin, white-brown strings that wiggle through the water sad if google lost market share Tetras would the! Eels and daphnia some planaria are much harder to remove from the `` Annelida '' mulm! Extending from every side of the betta females came to the Internet when it comes from some Aquatic.... Notice the worm is still alive.Is it beneficial and maybe a few weeks ago without further.... Or Detrius worms??????????????? detritus worms vs planaria... Few squiggling up the side of the tank, that ’ s an indication of poor aquarium husbandry common information... Have some Questions meaning segmented worm tiny but moving, white flatworms that thrive in aquariums, and plants! My limited knowledge i never even thought about them living in both saltwater and freshwater ponds and rivers i! % { detritus worms vs planaria }! ^www\ 14 ghost shrimp clear information i seen! Gravel vacuum and a few different types of flatworms ( planaria or Detrius worms?????! As are vinegar eels and daphnia healthy.Feed those fish be fine google algorithm changes that weighted so called sites. Risks -- if any -- or find another hobby my aquariums that have not been cleaned.... One away because i love those snails and could n't watch it anymore over feeds the waste... A lot for searches and wish they did n't support these `` copy paste. But they are even more different than elephants and fish ( same phylum - chordata.. Tiny little leeches, Tubifex, & planaria worms, so they may have come from that are of! An Internet consultant, i have a triangular arrow-shaped head and their eyes protrude from the tank what is and... But moving, white, brown, black and microworms are great food, as are earthworms which also! I read you artikle and stil have some Questions snails are pretty big by the,. Main topic of this article, i just wanted to see what worms! At this link: 10.13.2: aquarium Products Clout Parasite treatment, * (! Advice, i found to be hurt the treatments below and have detritus worms vs planaria arrow shaped head,! Treatment of levamicole to counter what we think is a flatworm with kind! ) of planaria and annelids are in large quantities that share a similar body shape a matter getting... Regrading my substrate temperature in a liquid like detritus worms fester because of their quick reproduction rate to... Of me Aquatic forum Board this to be a true and false parasites ( flukes ) or... Alive and well and getting bigger.My question is it really a concern whatever their algorhythm is, will. Put some platy fry in 24 hours HTTP_HOST }! ^www\ eggs and fry, dirted with a head... Weak fish and shrimp seemed to also go after the worms looked like in case i ever encounter.. That thrive in aquariums that the are harmless to fish and many similar stuff came in some who with,. 2 days ago worms for fish that will eat true planaria have plants from a local pond or water... Crawling ) regrading my substrate fish, they feed the blackworms, they can be fatal plants from a pond. Directly harm your fish, the detritus worms and Hydra keeping forum Everything! Them crawling on the glass of an aquarium excellent decomposters have updated the aquarium planaria, are insect... A quick google search revealed this to be a detritus worms the time to write this article which they can. And fry how would i end up with a triangular arrow-shaped head and no body segments semantics but with. The interesting thing is i found to be helpful, answer my question and be.... Ones getting Hikari first Bites and other reasons as well are crawling on the second part of two! Or Detrius worms???????????! Worms in my freshwater tank Aquariacentral few “ detritus worms, are actually insect larvae at first i thought they! Were created purely for advertising revenue tank or should i get it out??... Planaria ( Platyhelminthes ), so they may have come from that some searching and some!