Keep reading to find out! With all these nutritional benefits, surely dog owners will love apples as well! Still, it is a food that dogs consume in moderation only because of its sugar content. They also contain calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and pectin, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. However, other owners prefer to peel apples before giving them to their dogs for some reasons. Besides being tasty apple is a rich source of health for your dog. The low protein count is especially good for aging dogs. If you’re feeding your dog a few slices of apple, the peel shouldn’t be a problem. The first thing you should do is, get in touch with your veterinarian as he or she knows better about signs of toxicity and how to address it. Apples can be served in various forms as you know – apple pies, apple pops and apple juice are all good ideas. But the human constitution and digestive system are much different from that of canines. Don’t peel it off as it’s exactly in the skin that most nutrients and fiber are. According to some vets, feeding apples to an active young dog will avoid joint disease. They use their nose more to their tongue. So, feed them at a moderate level. However, eating them over time can cause accumulation of cyanide which is hazardous. In conclusion, can dogs eat apples? You can chop them, peel them, or core them. Also, avoid feeding them with dehydrated apples. Dogs generally love dog treats. Sugar is not good for him, which may lead to diabetes and obesity. Unsalted peanut butter is the best choice. Although, a few seeds won’t hurt your dog since he is able to detoxify his body. Learn everything you need to know about giving your dog apples, including delicious recipes they'll love! The active bacteria in yogurt help normalize the dog’s digestive system. Anything with chocolate is a strict No-No to your dog. If taken in a larger amount, look for symptoms of your dog starting to vomit or throw up. Just make sure that your dog does not eat the seeds or the stems since they may be toxic in large amounts. For my best friend, I would love to share some of the fruits which I eat, among which apple is must! The core has toxic chemical cyanide but to the tolerant threshold level. So don’t remove the skin as this can help him fight off cancer. It has specific nutritional benefits apart from being a filler food. Likewise, dehydrated apples do not contain water which helps in digestion, so avoid giving it to your dogs. you can give plain apple slices or with a brush of peanut butter on them. Apples are healthy and affordable treats for dogs. Although eating a few seeds would not have a major effect on dog’s health, however, eating a significant amount of seeds can cause a build-up of cyanide within the dog’s body. Are blueberries safe for dogs? 8. Slice fresh apples(more like thick chips), Always soak them in water to prevent the browning. So, never feed seeds to your dogs. Apple skin will not harm your dog but sometimes may cause stomach upset. Apple is a nutritious fruit with vital vitamins and antioxidants. Always remember these answers, so you can share it with other dog owners. Again cook it for 30 minutes and leave it to cool. In the case of younger and active dogs, apples are very effective in improving their gastrointestinal health and help with degenerative conditions. Mix ground apple to other healthy fruits, make a smoothie and your dog will love it. If you’re trying to come up with healthy treats for your dog as an alternative to store-bought, commercially-processed products, then one of the best foods you can give to your pet is fresh fruit, such as apples or fresh applesauce. Apples are wonderful crunchy treats for dogs. Can dogs eat apples? Red Delicious, Honeycrisp, Gala and Granny Smith—basically all varieties of apples that you’d commonly find at your neighborhood grocery store—are safe for dogs to eat. Small bit sized portion of plain bread without spices and raisins will not harm canines. Quick answer: Yes, apples are among safest and healthiest fruits you could give your canine. Check for bones before feeding them with chicken. Can Dogs Eat Walnuts? Normally if taken in a lesser amount, your dog’s metabolism can handle that without problems. Check this excellent way of feeding apples to your pooch. Required fields are marked *. Homemade apple sauce without leaves, cores, and seeds is safe for dogs. They are high in antioxidants, high in fiber and low in protein. The seeds contain Amygdalin that has cyanide. Avoid the ones with sugar or artificial sweetener. While it provides same nutrients as that of hydrated apples, but it lacks water which is critical for digestion. In this case, Apple will be the best treatment for those dogs. Some experts believe that these vitamins can help with hip dysplasia. As long as it hydrated, the core is removed as well as the stem. While it is ideal for your canine buddy to have some apples, make sure that the apple is seedless. Apple skin is safe for a dog to eat, you just need to avoid the pips found in the core of the apple. Avoid giving it just before bedtime. My Dog Ate An Apple Core. Whether they’re Granny Smith (green), McIntosh, Gala, Fuji, or red apples, all kinds are good for dogs to have. Old dogs or the ones suffering from any illnesses should limit their meaty treats and replace them with low-fat food like apples. As of me, I am always worried about my dog because he eats everything. Apple treats should also be given occasionally. Feeding more apples to your dog may cause bellyache and diarrhea. Peanut butter: Dogs can eat peanut butter.Peanut butter is packed with healthy fats, niacin, vitamins B, and Vitamin E. It is an excellent source of protein for dogs. Remember, apples still contain sugar, so regardless if apples are healthy and nutritious, it can still cause illnesses if consumed in significant quality. To prevent this from happening, feed your dog according to its age and level of activity. Like most fruits, apples are basically safe for your canine friends to munch on. What about green apples? Yes, dogs can eat apples with their skin and seeds removed. Your dog will enjoy this treat and it is even more beneficial to a dog’s health. Remember that all dogs are unique, so some may find apples satisfying and healthy, but other dogs might have a particular reaction to it. According to Dr. Kerri Marshall, Chief Veterinary Officer, dog owners should give only smaller portions of apples to their dogs and introduce it gradually. Even if they swallow it, might end up in a gastrointestinal block. The answer to this question can dogs eat apple is YES, but in moderation only. Yogurt: Dogs can have yogurt. Beware of choking problems once the dog ate it. Thanks for sharing this one out. Go ahead, but make sure not to give more. But what to do if your dog has eaten too many apples? While apples are safe, but different dogs may react differently to the fruit. Feeding a whole apple is not a good idea for this reason. Yes, dogs can eat apples. You may want to enjoy the fruit with your buddy when you eat that. Like any other human foods, serving apples to your dogs should be limited and portioned. Your email address will not be published. I have been reading the articles on your blog, it is very keen and detailed with great care for dogs. You can feed apple as a snack to your dog, feeding apples to an active young dog will avoid joint disease. Despite the numerous health benefits of apples, there are some limitations to remember. All rights reserved. Risks & Toxicity Guidelines, Best Sensitive Stomach Cat Food For A Better Digestion, Best Sensitive Stomach Dog Food – Healthy Tummy Picks, Best Cat Food For Weight Loss – Tips To Control Cat’s Weight, Best Cat Food For Weight Gain – Tips To Buy High Calorie Diet, Top 5 Most Playful And Super Fun Dog Breeds. And because apples are rich in dietary fibers, it helps improve your dog’s bowel movement. As discussed earlier, apple skins contain most of the vitamins, minerals and soluble nutrients, so it is ideal to be included in your dog’s diet. Green apples have more sour taste than usual red ones. Can dogs eat apple skin or seeds? But peeling the skin is optional. Can Dogs Eat Apples? The apples have lost their containing water which makes them more potent than fresh apples. Seeds are also hard to digest thus, it may result in stomach upset or indigestion. It is a good source of antioxidants, protein, and carbohydrates. We should be aware if your dogs can eat apples and if it’s healthy for them. Apples are a fantastic fruit treat to offer to your dog in moderation. Just because apples are healthy, doesn’t mean you can give it anytime you want. Yes. Concerned because of the core, etc. Apples are a fantastic addition to your dog’s diet; they provide vitamin A, vitamin C and dietary fibre. Yes dogs can eat apples with the skin on. Moreover, meaty food products and treats are high in saturated fat, which contributes to heart diseases. Can dogs eat apples with the skin? Most dogs can eat apples without doing any damage – in fact, they actually help keep Fido frisky! Check for unnecessary ingredients and preservatives before buying store-made bread. Remove the seeds and core and feed only in moderation though it has some good nutrition to render to. But dogs can taste the sweet, salty, sour, and bitter taste compared to the ‘taste-blind’ kittens. Apple is an affordable and healthy fruit but can be given only as a snack or treat to your dog. Be sure to slice apples and only give them bite-sized to prevent choking. Applesauce with cinnamon can also be given to dogs as cinnamon is not toxic to dogs and dogs like cinnamon smell. However, the apple seed contains traces of cyanide, a toxic substance not good for your dog. In the case of the apples, yes, they are safe to be eaten by our canine companions but with caution! Can dogs eat apples skin? Thank you for putting information online. Some dogs are prone to certain illnesses, so limit their meaty treats due to some protein restrictions and stick to low-calorie foods. It is important to remove the core and the seeds before feeding them in general. Puppies can eat apples too. Fresh apple slices are great snacks for dogs always. Chocolate is hazardous to your pooch. We love our pets and especially our canine friends but what about an apple. Remember that prevention is always better than finding a cure for your dog. A dog must ingest plenty of apple seeds before it can have a significant damage on him. The essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 help enhance the quality of your dog’s skin, keep their coat shiny and prevent skin allergies. Even the bigger and heavyweight dogs will find it difficult to swallow the core as it is firm and hard to chew. Yes, your dog can eat dried apples but only in small amounts. When it comes to apples, the question is answered quickly, but with or without the skin, and what about the apple cores? Apple seeds are toxic because of the compound called Amygdalin, which is a form of cyanide. You can cut and give as small pieces to prevent choking risks. If you are a dog owner, you will most likely to consider apple to be part of your furry friend’s diet. Your dog may get gastrointestinal problems if consumed in a larger amount. Whilst most fruits and veggies are nutritious, there are some that can impose health risks for dogs. Dog owners like you can give their dogs apples. Apple is good for dogs with the nutrients it has, but not all parts are safe for your dogs. The thing about apples is that almost everybody love apples, and we know that this is one nutritious fruit which contains a myriad of vitamins and minerals. Your email address will not be published. When it comes to dogs and apples, the core is actually poison to them. Pick out all the bones even tiny ones before feeding fish to your dog. Never overfeed your dog or he will be obese in the long run. Monitor your dog’s condition and check if there are allergic reactions or he has an upset stomach after eating too many apples or seeds. Also, apple seeds contain a chemical substance called amygdalin, a toxic component that is poisonous in nature. Bread does not offer any health benefits to dogs either. Yes. Dogs with kidney disease should also not be given apples as its high levels of omega-6 fatty acids, calcium and phosphorus can pose them some health risks. If you feed your dogs apples in excess, then your dog is expected to experience changes in his digestive process which could lead to diarrhea or vomiting. Dehydrated apples can cause digestive issues and stomach upset, so it’s best if you avoid giving your dog dehydrated apples. Apples or apple slices are low in protein and high in fiber and antioxidants. Apples also help add omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to your pet’s diet, which can help keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy. You can feed your dog apple chunks or apples cut into slices. Puppies 6 months old and below should be given puppy food according to their age and needs. However, too much is always harmful. But, not all human food is safe for dogs. Although apples for dogs are healthy, still it contains natural sugar, so better discuss this with your vet before feeding apples in a significant amount. The answer to both of these question is yes, but there is a little catch. You can peel the apple and throw the core and seeds before giving the fruit to your dog. Bread: Dogs can eat bread. In conclusion, can dogs eat apples? Did you like the articles here? Keep those apples in their meals to help sustain their growth and health. Cooked egg is an excellent source of protein and can help to settle stomach upsets in dogs. Be sure to slice apples and only give them bite-sized to prevent choking. Copyright © PeanutPaws. Thanks for your feedback. However, make sure to give cooked shrimps with shells removed. Apple pie has nutrients of apple and other fruits. Serve your dogs treat and surprise your dog. If taken in a larger amount, the dog will have diarrhea and vomiting. Yes, all dogs can eat apples, from Great Danes to Chihuahuas, Yorkies, or Pomeranians. And, if taken time and again, the poison will accumulate to be dangerous to kill him. Let’s see what good do these vitamins and minerals can do with your dog? Cooked bones may cause the risk of choking hazard. It prevents joint and bone diseases and improves their gastrointestinal system. Egg makes a nutritious treat and an excellent snack for canines. Apples are affordable, fantastic, healthy and low calorie treats for dogs but make sure that core and seeds of the apple are removed before feeding. Your dog will get nausea and vomiting until it pushes the core out. 9. It is highly recommended to consult with your vet for safely adding apples, to your dog’s daily diet. And that’s why I am always searching on Google to know, whether a particular food item is safe for my dog or not? Are Apples Good for Dogs? Make sure to keep your dog out of the kitchen, so he would not munch on too much apple pie. Eggs: Dogs can eat eggs. Only give your dog apple slices if he is old enough and able to digest it. Cow’s milk is safe for dogs but must be given in small quantities occasionally. Flip them and bake for another 30 minutes. Dogs cannot eat apple skin as this only cause some unhealthy effect to their body just like the apple seeds. And most canines love ’em, too. Make sure you core the apple before feeding you dog as the seeds contain arsenic. However, check out for chicken allergy symptoms as it has a place in the top ten dog allergies. As we all know apples are a very good source of Vitamin C and A fiber. Apples are harmless. Apples are healthy for both humans and dogs. You can incorporate it, as an apple sauce or put it on your dog’s dinner. Apple pies, apple pops, and apple juice are great ideas, but make sure you will feed him accordingly. Food preparation is as important for dogs as feeding high-quality food. In short, the answer is yes, you can feed apples to your dog. Yes, dogs can eat apple pie in moderate amounts. Yes, dogs can eat apples with their skin and seeds removed. Yes, you can give apples to your dog without peeling its skin. I am glad you found it helpful. I appreciate it. And as they’re incredibly chea… If consumed in a smaller amount, then no need to worry. Can dogs eat apples? So start giving your dog small amounts of it and monitor his reactions. Guess what – you CAN feed dogs apples, but there are specific guidelines to do so (see Do’s and Don’ts below). Since you are giving only a small amount of apple to your dog, it won’t be a problem. 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With regards to dogs’ eating apple skin, yes they absolutely can. However, it is always better to feed homemade breads than store-bought ones. The Harmful Part of the Apple. You can share and enjoy certain foods that you eat with your canine friends. So ideally, apples are really safe for dogs. It will always be good to remove the core stem also. What Should I Do? If your dog is extremely sensitive to fiber, they can still enjoy apples by cutting off the skin of the apple. Check on that. Let’s get to know more about this wonder fruit and its many benefits and some restrictions to dogs. Some dogs may experience extremely loose bowel when they’ve eaten an apple, so pay close attention to your buddy’s eating habits and bowel movement. These crunchy treats are not only refreshing but healthy and dogs love them. Younger and more active dogs can benefit from the gastrointestinal help and apples can also fight various degenerative conditions. Tagged By can dogs eat apple skin Can Dogs Eat Apples | Applesauce ?, My Garden Channel, No Comment. They can be very toxic to your dog. Aside from being a healthy food and treat, apples are also affordable compared to commercial dog treats. But, can dogs eat apples? Apple contains vitamin C and A and is also high in fiber content. Since the skin contains the highest amount of vitamins, minerals and soluble nutrients, it is essential to your dog’s diet. My dog loves apples, but not all dogs do. Apples are an excellent source of fiber as well as vitamin A and C. Make sure to take out the seeds and the core before feeding to your dog, as these can be choking hazards. Dog owners keep asking themselves which fruits and vegetables their dog can safely eat. The peanut butter will harden and make a tasty frosting. Fish: Dogs can eat fish. Chicken: Dogs can have chicken. Check the packaging and avoid any added sugars, salt, or flavors. Still, we want to be on the safe side, so better remove the core of the apples before giving them to your dog. Apples are low-protein, high antioxidant and high-fiber treat for dogs. You can feed apple as a snack to your dog as it is low protein and high antioxidant meal. is found by pet lovers for pet lovers all around the world. Apple is definitely a low calorie and healthy snack as compared to high fat store-bought ones. When serving apples, you should always keep the apple skin on. Apples themselves are an affordable, low-calorie treat for dogs. While your dog may be the “apple of your eye” at home, you may sometimes question yourself, “can dogs eat apples?” given that apple seeds have cyanide content. & Other Nuts Dogs Cannot Eat. It is useful in cleaning the dog’s teeth and also helps in freshening the breath. Apple’s core is firm and thick. Yes, but only if they consume too many apples. Are Apples Safe for the Dog? My dog loves apple! Make sure not to feed your dog with uncooked or under cooked fish. In short.. You can even freeze very small pieces of apple and feed them as summer snacks. However, raw egg whites can cause biotin deficiency.It’s always better to cook the eggs before you feed them to your pet. The dog will want to eat more of it but they contain much more sugar than normal apples. Corn: Dogs can eat corn, which is a very common ingredient in most dog foods. Never feed him fish more than two times per week.One or two shrimps occasionally are not bad for dogs. The skin is also fine for dogs and puppies so don't worry too much. Slowly incorporate apples if this is the first time you will feed your dog with apples. However, the corncob is hard for canines to digest and is dangerous.It may cause an intestinal obstruction and sometimes may end up in serious conditions.Therefore, if you want to share corn with your buddy, make sure it is off the cob. 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