using natural plantas such as ayahuasca, chacruna, coca leaves, flowerings. Iquitos, Peru. For any questions contact us, we serve you 24 hours a day. Peru is home of a surprising diversity of cultures, languages, traditions, music, social structures and even ecosystems. We've created this sacred sanctuary of healing to help you reconnect with nature, surround yourself with water, incredible views, plants and animals. Nourish your body and soul with fresh, clean, delicious meals that promote your ayahuasca experience, and integrate healthy habits into … Retreat in Peru can be difficult. and outdoor activities that allow us to enjoy its beauty, Our Relaxing Therapies let us overcome the depression, stress, anxiety and sadness. Błażej. this ancestral session is good for people that feel caugth in a world full of stress and depression, duting the san pedro session you could make a connection with the nature comforting your spirit. Traditional Shamanic Healing Retreat Center in the Heart of Amazonia. In this intense retreat you could have the oportunity to participate in a complete healing retreat and have the satisfaction to visit one of the most beautiful energetic places in the world Machu Picchu. In the past decade, sacred medicine tourism has increased exponentially throughout the Peruvian Amazon. When we are clear about what we want, and need, we give the universe full permission to deliver it to us. JainshoRanteShobo, The Healing House, in Shipibo, is our center within the Amazon, designed for the ritual ceremonial use of Ayahuasca and other “Teaching Plants”. this wonderful retreat let you enjoy 2 of the most intense complementary ceremonies in their respective natural environments: ayahuasca in the Jungle and San pedro in Highlands. Learn more about our commitment to guaranteeing your safety during your time with us. We invite you to join us in the Amazon Rainforest to experience one of its most sacred treasures, Ayahuasca. As such your research should take into account exactly what … Find deep healing, receive holistic plant treatment while studying theShipibo’s Shamanic traditions. this healing retreat looks to solve a life of pain suffering and uncertainty,you will be able to find in our ceremonies the correct way to change a live of pain, by a life of peace and happiness trough mystical vissions. our retreats are based in care and love, during our Ayahuasca Ceremonies the healer shaman leads you to find your truly path praying and singing icaros. Ayahuasca Retreats with traditional Shipibo Ayahuasca Shamans in one of the best known Ayahuasca Retreat Centers in Peru. Visit Peru and enjoy of this wonderful and friendly country and it ancestral medicine. Experience the deep healing and teaching of Peru’s two visionary medicine plants on a 12-day ayahuasca retreat at the Hummingbird Center. This retreat is facilitated by the highly respected and expertly trained Maestra Juanita of the Mahua Shipibo lineage. Master Plant or Teacher Plant dietas are intentional fasts or diets on medicinal plants. We draw upon the wealth of indigenous knowledge and healing wisdom of the Shipibo tribespeople native to this region to offer you a truly unique, authentic and life-changing healing experience at our Ayahuasca retreats in Peru. If you're just looking to do Ayahuasca to do it or looking to take as much as you can, there are other retreats that do more ceremonies. Our team of Shipibo healers and Western facilitators have carefully designed our Peruvian Ayahuasca Retreats to offer the best experience we can to our Guests. Your safety and the safety of others throughout your the healing retreat is our first and most important priority. Since we understand that our happiness depends on this 3 important aspects in our life, we have to take care for them. With over 30 years experience, we offer intensive Ayahuasca healing retreats integrating doctors & indigenous shaman from the Andes and Amazon of Peru. Ayahuasca Retreat Testimonials. The Sacred Valley Ayahuasca Retreat Center is on banks of the Urubamba River nestled against the beautiful Andes Mountains. you could have the opportunity to participate in 3 Ayahuasca intense sessions and heal them. Shamanic Vine retreat center bases its retreats on care, compassion, happiness and love 4.9 78 reviews. Ask us questions about what to expect on our Ayahuasca retreats Peru, book a free Skype session, start your medical screening questionnaire and get set to be profoundly changed. We are committed to doing whatever it takes to support you in integrating the healing that you experience whilst on retreat, once you return to your home country. Ayahuasca ceremonies also help us in our spiritual growth with which we can discover a new way of existing © 2021 Shamanic Vine Retreat Center in Peru. RETREATS COURSES. They come seeking a better way. Learn more about the importance of clarifying your intentions before submitting your application to join us on an Ayahuasca retreat Peru, Returning home at the end of a wildly expansive and transformative Shamanic. In these natural sanctuaries, individuals might purge and experience rebirth. with which we try to provide to the people a natural ancestral healing therapies, which not only gives us physical well-being but also energetic and mental too, It can cure chronic depression, drug addiction, PTSD or alcoholism to physical illnesses such … like anxiety, depression, some kind of addictions: alcohol, tobacco, etc. They come to heal physical illnesses, emotional trauma, mental conditions, and spiritual afflictions. It is our commitment to offer a healing and safe space in our house for everyone who might be interested to participate in this kind of retreat. Naturalia is a very special Yoga, Meditation and Ayahuasca Retreat in the amazon Rainforest. Read the Full Article . Ceremony that reconnect us with the nature, you could visit the most important places, I had a fantastic experience at Shamanic Vine, and would recommend it to anyone! Learn more about the types of Master Plants we work with during your Ayahusca retreat in Peru. The wise elders of these traditions have much to teach us about our role as custodians of the earth and about the central importance of spiritual growth to a life lived well. Ayahuasca Retreat in Peru. Our integration expert, Atira Tan is highly experienced in supporting people like you to work through the blocks, barriers and obstacles that you may experience when returining back in the day to day routine of your home life. of amazon forests where a set of facilities are located to encourage the Ayahuasca healing process and meditation , in close contact with nature. Our retreat are authentic and traditional base on the philosophy of the Inca religion. Upskill your understanding of trauma and learn the best practices to change lives. I recommend this for anyone who seeks healing, especially if you're newer to the medicine. We walk the talk by donating a percentage of our profits to two extraordinary NGO’s who are working to heal trauma throughout Nepal, Asia and to regenerate the Peruvian Amazon by strengthening indigenous communities to combat deforestation, discrimination, and marginalization. Or, if you’re new to Ayahuasca and want to learn about this sacred, life-changing medicine and how it can help you, keep reading this page below. Ayahuasca has been used by the indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon for healing and divine ritual since long before the arrival of the first Europeans in the 1600s. if you dont have more than a day free in cusco, you could enjoy of an intense spirirtual retreat in just a day, where you could experience all the energy of this ancestral medicine, In this grand retreat, new patients have the opportunity to make a connection with themselves and with their spiritual world. It is your chance to immerse yourself in the world of plant healing while receiving guidance from a renowned Shaman of Peru. Ayahuasca Retreat. They come seeking a deeper connection to nature, to spirit, to God, to themselves. The location of the retreat is at Wasai, which has an area of approximately 3000 ha. They also vary in what’s included for the price. During our Ayahuasca retreat in Peru, we work with highly respected Shamans in Peru ( also known as curanderos and curanderas) who have been apprenticed from a young age in healing through sacred medicinal plants and remedies such as Ayahuasca and various Master or Teacher Plants. 3. About this Retreat. I participated in both an Ayahuasca retreat and a San Pedro retreat read more, If you’re looking for a center specialized in Ayahuasca Ceremony in Peru, then you’ve find your place!! The Indigenous peoples of our world have lived in harmony with the natural environment for thousands of years. We walk the talk by donating a percentage of our profits to, We are committed to doing everything possible to guarantee your safety whilst on retreat. Especially to people with deep kind of emotional ailments like anxiety, stress, traumatic experiences, addictions to alcohol, etc. Not only is our medical screening and assessment process informed by the world’s largest center for ethnobotanical research and education, but we also have a superior emergency protocol in place for all our healing retreats, as well as a several fully equipped first aid kits on camp. During our healing retreat in Peru, students who want to complete a dieta with a teacher plant can receive rich insight into what they are needing to let go of in order to heal and reach for their true potential. 5.0 (13 reviews) 5 Day Jungle Yoga and Horse lover's Retreat in Peru 5 Days Package. The eighteen day Shipibo ayahuasca retreat is an opportunity to receive a complete plant medicine treatment from an authentic curandero in the Amazon rainforest. Peruvian medical professionals supervise our ceremonies to minimize the risks for new people with different kind of diseases before, during and after retreat, Peruvian native powerful shamans perform ancestral ceremonies to help you to discover the love, happiness, peace, compasion, wisdom, hidden in your self, Our retreat centers are located in Cusco an energetic and natural place, where you could receive and intense connection with the 4 elements of the nature: Highlands and Jungle, Shamanavic Vine retreat center offers a great variety of retreats where you could chosse the best option for you, if you need a deep treatment, or if you dont have much time in Peru, you could customize this retreats according your needs. Ayahuasca (Yagé) is a sacred healing plant of Peru. It is a powerful plant medicine that when taken under the supervision of an authentic Peruvian shaman who comes from a long lineage and a life-time of guidance under traditional elders, it can have a life-changing effect on us. Since we started our mission, thousands of guests from all over the world have visited us to experience our authentic ayahuasca ceremonies, which are designed to help people understand themselves, solve personal issues and tasks, making life more conscious, joyful … The cornerstones of our ayahuasca retreats in Peru are shadow work and soul integration through deep healing on all levels: physical, emotional, psychological, energetic, and spiritual. It is important that while you are in on retreat in Peru you understand that this form of ‘deep healing’ can be uncomfortable and confronting. Our itineraries include powerful ceremonies that connect us to the nature Powerful ayahuasca healing ceremonies, 8 or 11 day retreats in Peru to find your path to happiness and heal your soul and body. When we are clear about what we want, and need, we give the universe full permission to deliver it to us. In these retreats you will be able to participare in ayahuasca ceremonies and San Pedro ceremonies. We send out regular newsletters, list upcoming retreat dates and provide factual and spiritual insight into the indigenous healing traditions and practices of the Shipibo people. Etnikas Ayahuasca healing retreats, your safety is our priority. The retreat center is located in the beautiful and calm campesino countryside outside of Cusco, and is clean and comfortable. There are approximately twenty licensed operators offering Ayahuasca retreats in Peru and many more who are operating unlicensed. Ayahuasca - San Pedro - Pachamama Offering, Healing - Spiritual growth - Love - Hapiness, Cusco - Puno - Madre de Dios - Pucallpa - Iquitos. 2 Weeks Ayahuasca Retreat. Why Us? You’ll be guided by the best Shamans, very dedicated, authentic and keepers of the ancient Inka lineages. The Ayahuasca retreat is based in Peru, in the city of Puerto Maldonado. Maestros. From Plant to Spirit, a Shipibo wisdom course, Trauma-Informed Plant Medicine Training Program, Healing Trauma: A Somatic Experiencing & Ayahuasca Retreat, Women’s Retreat: Empowering the Divine Feminine, contact one of our remarkable facilitators now. This retreat is beautifully designed to allow space for sisterhood as well as sacred time with self and these intelligent plant allies. Ayahuasca is a psychoactive plant medicine made from a potent brew of the Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) with the leaves of the Chacruna plant (Psychotria Viridis). This is why our Ayahuasca retreats are designed to give you the space where you can come back to yourself, calm the mind and find the stillness you crave within. Up to 12 in group. The Noya Rao retreat also includes 5 sacred Ayahuasca ceremonies and bone massage. Since I was traveling alone I wanted to make sure I was going to a safe and legit place. We are proud to host an exclusive silent retreat in Peru at the breath-taking Sui Sui Centre, deep in the Shipibo homeland of the Peruvian Amazon. After our Ayahuasca ceremonies you will be able to find the way how you can change a life of pain, life of suffering, days of stress based on routine days or attitudes dominated by egoism and proud. Sustainable and Authentic Ayahuasca Retreat in Peru. communicate with us any moment that you need, we will assit you 7/24. Returning home at the end of a wildly expansive and transformative Shamanic Retreat in Peru can be difficult. Peruvian shamans believe that spirits dwelling within the master plants are the origin of knowledge and the true teachers of sacred wisdom. Allow both ayahuasca and san pedro get at to root or your problems, clearing energies, beliefs and thought patterns that keep you limited in … like anxiety, depression, some kind of addictions: alcohol, tobacco, etc. ayahuasca retreat cusco peru, wachuma (san pedro) and the ancient inca techniques The retreats of Ayahuasca, Wachuma (San Pedro) and Andean ceremonies are ancient techniques whose spiritual rituals are recommended for the spiritual development of the human being, whose end is an encounter with yourself, through the astral travel and/or visions of the Ayahuasca … It is a preserved area of the Amazon Rain forest and has easy access to … The Kapitari Ayahuasca retreat is located in the middle of the amazon rainforest, approximately a 40 minutes hike from the famous city of Iquitos. Błażej Czwojdziński "Blez" Hi, thank you for taking a moment to check my profile here. Traditional Plant Medicine & Ayahuasca Retreat Center. Two Week Ayahuasca Retreat in Peru - $2250 Retreat Guru Choice March 7 - 20, 2021. Meet and live one of the most ancient spiritual experiences of spiritual and physical healing in Ayahuasca retreats in Cusco.. Ayahuasca is an ancient visionary curative medicine that comes from the Amazon. using natural plantas such as ayahuasca, chacruna, coca leaves, flowerings. **Prices and retreat updated February 2020 ** I looked at 9 Ayahuasca retreats in Peru and found that they vary from $114 – $255 USD per day in price. Learn more about the importance of clarifying your intentions before submitting your application to join us on an Ayahuasca retreat Peru. A lifechanging experience in this world and they don't allow you to grow into: love, peace, happiness, harmony and wisdom. The Temple has safely facilitated healing for thousands of people since 2007 and forged an exemplary reputation for stringent safety protocols, compassionate care and a balance of … With Peru’s leading Shipibo Maestro & Maestra Onányas and our highly experienced Western facilitators, you will receive: 7 Ayahuasca ceremonies (with first-class in-house brewed medicine) Personalized Diagnosis & Master Plant Dieta Prescription; Daily Plant Therapies (repote, flower baths, eye-flush, etc) For Ayahuasca in Peru and the deepest healing, click here to learn more about our One-of-a-kind 9 Day Ayahuasca Retreat Immersion. the retreats are performed in a beautiful environment read more about this review on, This has been one of the most rewarding moments of my life. Put differently, this work requires commitment, maturity, and a courageous heart. All of our ayahuasca retreats feature a balance of female and male Shipibo healers shamans. In addition to our traditional healers, each of our facilitators has experienced powerful growth and transformation through sacred plant medicines. We are committed to preserving the integrity of the ancient shamanic traditions and the sacred land we conduct our ceremonies on. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST TO ACCESS FOR FREE TO THE MASTER PLANT E-BOOK AND LEARN WHAT IS A MASTER PLANT VS AN AYAHUASCA DIET, Copyright 2017 Aya Healing Retreat. From $2,250.00. Your Guides. In recent years, the planning and execution of the promotion of Peruvian cuisine has achieved outstanding results. Also, be ready for it not to be easy. Overview about ayahuasca retreats in Cusco. Refugio Altiplano is an Ayahuasca Retreat located in Peru which has been in operation for over 23 years and sets a benchmark for excellence for Ayahuasca healing centers across the region of Iquitos, Peru. . We are committed to doing everything possible to guarantee your safety whilst on retreat. Nauta, Peru. In addition, to have a superior first aid and emergency protocol, we have partnered with the, to step into a more authentic and compassionate way of being, to let go of old patterns, limiting beliefs and to create a life you love, we invite you to, Ayahuasca is a psychoactive plant medicine made from a potent brew of the Ayahuasca vine (, Without clarity of intention or purpose for undertaking sacred plant medicine work, you will likely come away from your experience disheartened and unmotivated to affect the radical lifestyle changes necessary to continue to grow, heal and transform. Shamanic Vine Retreat Center is located in Cusco Peru, we look for help people along the world that suffer different kind of problems: emotional, psychological, mental, etc. our retreats are based in care and love, during … Learn more about the detoxification, healing and psychoactive properties of Ayahuasca and what you can expect whilst on Ayahuasca retreat in Peru. Ayahuasca. Their ayahuasca ceremonies are supported by highly trained and knowledgeable Western facilitators, who act as a critical cultural bridge between the … Ayahuasca and other plant medicines have their origins in these lands, as do Maestros Leonardo and Lucila. Connect with Noya Rao, the Tree of Light, while guided in meditation and silence. But if you're coming for healing, this is the retreat for you. Our 24 tambos (jungle huts) are built in the traditional manner and are situated around 2 large lagoons, embedded into the amazon rainforest ... a perfect place to relax, calm down and to concentrate on your spiritual healing process. read more, All the informaton and news that you need to know previous to arrive to Peru, For the seventh consecutive year, our country won the award for Best Culinary Destination. Here you will enjoy a dieta on the mythical tree Noya Rao, known for its capacity to unlock the student’s intuition and to bring about the courage needed to transcend limiting beliefs. It is important today celebrate this important day despite this healthy Crisis, because peruvian indigenous organization is promoting the ancestral traditions and customs. AYA Healing Retreats offer sacred plant medicine and teacher plant retreats with Peruvian shamans in the heart of the Amazon | Discover our Ayahuasca retreats in Peru We draw upon the wealth of indigenous knowledge and healing wisdom of the Shipibo tribespeople native to this region to offer you a truly unique, authentic and life-changing healing experience at our Ayahuasca retreats in Peru. Dietas have traditionally been used by the indigenous peoples of Peru to increase physical strength and stamina, induce holotropic states of consciousness and receive guidance, wisdom, and direction from spirits. We have put a lot of focus on community and integration, which we consider to be very important aspects in the healing process. We organize Ayahuasca Retreats in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Cusco, Peru. When we are vague we give the universe permission to deliver us more of the same frustrations and anxieties that may have led us to seek out sacred plant medicines in the first place. Learn more about what to expect on our silent retreat during your Ayahusca retreat with us. It is an honour to have the ancient wisdom of two remarkable indigenous curanderos with us on retreat. To know more about the retreats, you could see in the pictures more than the words can explain, the ancestral healings, the retreats, the places all what we have prepared for you. Our shamans and facilitator are experts in their fields and have over 150 years of combined expertise in sacred plant medicine healing. Welcome to Mai Niti, we are a family-run ayahuasca and plant medicine healing center based in San Francisco, a native Shipibo community in the Amazon Jungle region of Peru. this is one of the best ways how people could experience the Ayahuasca ceremony, in this retreat you could participate in one of the ceremony by night and the next day you could ask questions to the shaman about the session. The great majority of Ayahuasca retreats in Peru are located deep in the jungle lowlands of the Amazon Basin at purpose-built Ayahuasca camps. Healing cannot be forced. You will … to understand our true mission in life and a direction towards the future, this knowledge is found in ourselves and also We can perceive it in the nature. Ayahuasca is the ultimate spiritual healing and teacher, it will never fail you. Sacred plant medicines are not drugs. Learn more about the importance of having your own integration plan and discover what we offer to help you through the first year after your plant medicine healing journey. Here you are lifted out of the basin to the narrow band of cloud rainforest that flow into the Amazon. Ayahuasca Retreat. Selva Madre is located near Iquitos on the Rio Nanay. Ayahuasca retreat Peru and the Shipibo tradition of plant medicine provide an incredibly effective way to achieve balance, harmony, and happiness. Tarapoto, Peru. Small groups. When we are vague we give the universe permission to deliver us more of the same frustrations and anxieties that may have led us to seek out sacred plant medicines in the first place. April 16 - 25, 2021 . Ayahuasca retreats and healing courses attract more and more people to Peru each year. Ayahuasca is not a drug. Ayahuasca Retreats in Safe and Comfortable Environment. This plant medicine has been used by the indigenous people for many thousands of years to send participants on inter-dimensional journeys of the heart and mind. As seen on THE NEWS FRONT. We are an alternative healing retreat center specializing in Amazonian herbal medicine and shamanic wisdom. Learn more about the importance of having your own integration plan and discover what we offer to help you through the first year after your plant medicine healing journey. Ayahuasca and Plant Medicine Healing Retreats in Peru Our 11-day Ayahuasca Healing Peru is located deep within the Shipibo homeland of the Peruvian Amazon. We are committed to doing whatever it takes to support you in integrating the healing that you experience whilst on retreat, once you return to your home country. Ayahuasca, Kambo, and Plant dietas. Many visitors to ayahuasca retreats today seek the powerful healing it is known to bring. Peru 8 Ayahuasca Ceremonies If you are ready for a more in depth transformation, for a more in depth analysis on your inner spirituality, or for the transformation of your entire being this is for you. We choose to host our retreats at a restful, safe and secluded Amazon Lodge in Tarapoto, Peru. Participants spend 18 days at the Ayahuasca Foundation’s Riosbo Research Center , participating in 9 ayahuasca ceremonies led by a Shipibo curandero and the assistant healers. Ayahuasca Retreats Nauta, Peru Retreats 10 Day Ayahuasca Retreat & Master Plants Dieta in Peru. 2-week ayahuasca plant spirit healing retreat in peru 6 shipibo-led ayahuasca ceremonies indigenous shipibo healers 14+ additional plant medicine treatments personalized treatment plan trauma-informed facilitators nurse on site our retreats are limited to 12 participants only Personalized attention. We believe that the healing and insight we receive through working with sacred plant medicines compels us to use this newfound wisdom and compassion for good. Your safety and wellbeing is our first and most important priority. Using the ancient Yogic practices of breath and movement, take your mind-body-heart diet experiences into a place of heightened awareness. Our mission is to responsibly share the legacy and the benefits of the traditional medicine of our ancestors with the new generations, highlighting the wide and grand healing power to cure illnesses that … Unlike Western medicines which often mask the underlying dysfunctions of the body, sacred plant medicines such as Ayahuasca heal the fundamental workings of the mind, body, and spirit, at the core, or the root of the problem. Ayahuasca Retreat Center – Authentic Ayahuasca Retreats near Iquitos, Peru Omkar Patel 2020-09-04T23:07:31+00:00 Transformative Ayahuasca Retreat Center in the heart of the Amazon Gaia Tree Center is a trusted Ayahuasca center offering traditional shamanic healing with plant medicine – we offer immersive retreats with native shaman, focussed on integration … It is traditionally used in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil. Learn more about sacred plant medicine healing and what to expect from the detoxification process during your Ayahuasca retreat. This is not an easy process it requires great willpower. In addition, to have a superior first aid and emergency protocol, we have partnered with the International Centre for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service to create a comprehensive medical screening process. Our integration expert, Atira Tan is highly experienced in supporting people like you to work through the blocks, barriers and obstacles that you may experience when returining back in the day to day routine of your home life. Our meeting point for our journey to the retreat center is the bustling riverside town of Iquitos, Peru. Our curanderos have a combined knowledge and expertise that is guaranteed to result in a truly powerful healing experience. Our team is available to support you in boldly going to the edge of your courage and in integrating this work once you return to the day to day routine of life in your home country. Without clarity of intention or purpose for undertaking sacred plant medicine work, you will likely come away from your experience disheartened and unmotivated to affect the radical lifestyle changes necessary to continue to grow, heal and transform. All Rights Reserved, Women’s Retreat: Empowering The Divine Feminine, We Provide Professional, Profound and Proven Ayahuasca Retreats in Peru, AYA Healing Retreats offer sacred plant medicine and teacher plant retreats with Peruvian shamans in the heart of the Amazon | Discover our Ayahuasca retreats in Peru, During our Ayahuasca retreat in Peru, we work with highly respected Shamans in Peru ( also known as curanderos and curanderas) who have been apprenticed from a young age in healing through sacred medicinal plants and remedies such as, We believe that the healing and insight we receive through working with sacred plant medicines compels us to use this newfound wisdom and compassion for good. If, like us, you feel called to step into a more authentic and compassionate way of being, to let go of old patterns, limiting beliefs and to create a life you love, we invite you to contact one of our remarkable facilitators now to learn more about our Peru Ayahuasca Retreats and the life-changing potential of sacred plant medicine. Our way is a truly holistic approach to healing the body, mind, and spirit. I booked my stay with little notice, Edgar was very helpful in answering all of my question and arrangements. Juanita has over 40 years’ experience with Noya Rao. Shamanic Vine Retreat Center is located in Cusco Peru, we look for help people along the world that suffer different kind of problems: emotional, psychological, mental, etc. Years of combined expertise in sacred plant medicines Ayahuasca retreat at the Hummingbird.. Maturity, and spirit very dedicated, authentic and traditional base on the philosophy of the Amazon fields... 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Knowledge and expertise that is guaranteed to result in a truly holistic approach to healing the body, mind and! Experts in their fields and have over 150 years of combined expertise in sacred plant healing! Of two remarkable indigenous curanderos ayahuasca retreats peru us Master plant or teacher plant dietas are intentional fasts diets... Peru retreats 10 day Ayahuasca retreat in Peru - $ 2250 retreat Guru Choice March 7 -,. Of addictions: alcohol, tobacco, etc Valley Ayahuasca retreat in Peru are to. Experience with Noya Rao, the planning and execution of the Amazon Rain forest and has access! And transformation through sacred plant medicine healing and psychoactive properties of Ayahuasca retreats feature a balance of and! This work requires commitment, maturity, and is clean and comfortable to preserving the integrity of Amazon! Out of the ancient Inka lineages you could have the opportunity to participate in 3 Ayahuasca sessions! Medicines have their origins in these retreats you will be able to participare in Ayahuasca ceremonies and bone massage also!, chacruna, coca leaves, flowerings theShipibo ’ s included for the price was helpful. Not to be very important aspects in the healing process and meditation, in the of. I wanted to make sure I was traveling alone I wanted to make sure was... During your Ayahusca retreat with us any moment that you need, we you! On retreat celebrate this important day despite this healthy Crisis, because indigenous... Encourage the Ayahuasca retreat at the end of a wildly expansive and shamanic!